5) Nightmares and Attempted Comfort
⚠Cussing, crying (for a short time)⚠
When Draco walked into his new room he saw Harry putting his now empty trunk under the bed he had claimed to be his own.
"Done packing already now are you Potter?" Draco asked as he walked over to his trunk to unpack it.
"Yeah I am, do you need any help with yours or are you good on your own?" Harry asked politely making Draco look at him, his face showing his confusion for a second before quickly changing into a glare.
"I can unpack my own luggage Potter, I'm not useless." Draco snapped as he rolled his eyes making Harry put his hands up in mock surrender.
"I didn't mean to imply that I think you're useless, I don't think that in the slightest. I was just trying to be helpful." Harry said with a light smile before picking up a pair of clothes that had been resting on his bed.
"Well because you don't need any help I'm going to take a shower, just yell if you need anything," Harry stated before walking past Draco and into the bathroom that was connected to their room.
Draco stood there stunned for a moment before he heard the water of the shower running, snapping him out of his shocked state.
He shook his head before unpacking his luggage, leaving a pair of pajamas out for himself like Harry had done so he could take a shower after Harry was done.
Once he was done unpacking everything he sat down on his bed and stared at the wall as he allowed his thoughts to run wild.
"I wonder why he's being nice to me? Or why any of them are being nice to us for that matter."
"What can he get from me? What do I have that he doesn't? What do any of us have that they don't?"
"They have to be after something if there being nice to us. There's no way they're being nice just to be nice after everything that happened last year."
Draco's thoughts swirled around him as his eyes unfocused, blurring everything he saw before blocking it out completely. His mind was fully consumed by his thoughts, so much so that he didn't realize that Harry had finished his shower and was back in the room.
Harry put his dirty robes in his clothes bin before walking over to Draco.
"Hey Malfoy, are you okay?" He asked, not getting any sort of response.
"Hellooo?" Harry asked again as he got closer to the blond, waving his hand in front of his face.
Draco still didn't move, his eyes never focused and he had no reaction at all. He looked like he had been petrified.
Flashbacks from second year flashed across Harry's eyes at the thought making him panic slightly.
"Draco, what's wrong?" Harry asked as he gently shook Draco's shoulder, quickly pulling him out of his thoughts.
Draco flinched back from him making Harry pull his hand back.
"What?" Draco snapped, not having heard what Harry said before.
"What's wrong? You were staring at that wall like it kicked your owl without blinking for three minutes straight!" Harry asked before stating, confusing Draco.
"Nothing is wrong, now move. I need to take a shower." Draco said before shoving Harry out of his way and walking to the bathroom with his pajamas after.
Harry sighed defeated, he knew there was no way that Draco would tell him what was wrong after everything that they went through in previous years. Even still, he wanted to try and help him as much as possible.
He sat down on his bed before getting under the covers and taking off his glasses, he knew that nothing would change that quickly so instead he decided to go to sleep and try to help more in the morning.
Once Draco was out of the shower, he walked back into the bedroom and put his clothes into his own bin before sitting down on his bed.
He looked over to see what Harry was doing and saw that he was sound asleep.
"I wish I could fall asleep that quickly," Draco muttered quietly under his breath.
Harry moved some before whimpering out a quiet "No..." as his face screwed up in pain, a single tear falling from his eye.
"Fuck, what am I supposed to do?" Draco thought aloud as he panicked. Harry has been kind to him so far so he didn't want him to suffer but at the same time, he has no clue on how to help someone in this type of situation.
Normally whenever he has nightmares he just cries quietly into his pillow when he wakes up until he cries himself to sleep again.
"Bollocks, okay, um bloody Hell." Draco cursed as he heard Harry whimper again.
He hesitantly moved over to Harry's bed and shook his shoulders, trying his best to wake him up as quickly as possible.
Harry jolted up with a choked gasp making Draco move back some, thinking he was going to hit him on accident.
"Calm down Potter, it's just me," Draco said as Harry looked around the room frantically.
Harry's eyes landed on Draco after he said that making him let out a large sigh of relief.
"I'm sorry for waking you, I meant to warn you that I have night terrors sometimes. Sorry." Harry apologized quickly as Draco sat back down near him.
"I wasn't asleep so stop apologizing, we all went through some fucked up shit in the past; it's only expected for you to have them. I don't mind, I have them too so I don't mind." Draco said as he awkwardly patted Harry's shoulder.
Harry looked down at his hand before looking at him with a small smile.
"Alright well is there... anything you need or?" Draco trailed off as he put his hand back on his lap, an embarrassed blush came across his face, though it was dark enough in the room that Harry couldn't see it.
"Oh, no I'll be okay, thank you though," Harry said with a gentle smile making Draco's blush darkened.
"Okay, I'm going to go to sleep then," Draco said before getting up and walking back over to his bed.
"Goodnight Potter," Draco said as he climbed back into his own bed.
"Goodnight Malfoy," Harry replied, Draco could hear the smile in his tone.
So Draco soon fell asleep, weary of whether he should or not for Harry's sake but in the end, his tiredness won and he succumbed to sleep.
Harry on the other hand stayed awake for a while, thinking about his nightmare but also about how Draco reacted to his nightmare.
He could have easily ignored him or woken him to shut him up but instead, he tried to comfort him and help him.
"That's sweet of him." Was Harry's last thought before falling asleep once again.
1,117 Words!
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