15) Love?
"Love?" Harry asked as he looked up at Draco confused with his dark blush on full display.
Draco blushed too, not as darkly as Harry but his cheeks dusted pink, "It's just a friendly pet name, I didn't mean anything serious by it." He said quickly as he looked away from Harry.
In reality, the name had slipped out. It is a name of endearment, appreciation, and affection and it fits Harry so well in his eyes.
"Alright well if you get to call me Love then I get to call you," He paused for a moment, trying to think of a word that fits Draco well, "I get to call you Darling." He settled on with a small nod making Draco raise an eyebrow at him.
"Why Darling out of everything?" He asked as he moved to lean against the headboard of the bed.
Harry moved to sit in front of him so he could look him in the eyes before answering, "I think Darling suits you very well. It's elegant and charming and overall pretty just like you."
Draco smiled at his answer as his light blush appeared once again. "You think I'm elegant, charming, and pretty? That's high praise you know?" He asked as he looked into Harry's eyes.
"Of course I do and it's not high praise, it's simply the truth. I'm not praising you by simply stating facts. I could praise you if that's what you want. So you can see the difference between the two of course." Harry said, stating the last sentence quickly. He had gotten lost in Draco's cloudy gray eyes and had let his mouth ramble out whatever it wanted to so he had to try and save himself when he realized what he had been saying.
Draco gave him an amused smile, "You want to praise me?" He asked making Harry blush again but he didn't look away, he was still to enthralled in his eyes to look away.
"I didn't say that, I said that I could if you wanted me to so you can see the difference between praising and the truth," Harry answered as his blush darkened ever so slightly.
"Hmm, can I give this a ring check? Save it for later when I'd want praise more than now?" Draco asked after thinking for a moment.
"If that's what you want then yes, you can take a ring check," Harry said with a nod, silently happy that Draco didn't want him to praise him now. He knew he would be too flustered to say anything he really meant.
Either that or he would be so flustered that he would go on a long-winded tangent about how utterly amazing and gorgeous he is and how much he admires and loves him. That wouldn't go over well either.
"If that's what I want? That's the third time you've told me that you would do something for me if it's what I want in the past ten minutes. So tell me, are you just so kind that you want me to feel comfortable by calling the shots or do you just really enjoy following my orders?" Draco asked as his eyes flickered from Harry's eye to his lips, and then to his other eye making Harry's blush darken yet again.
"You want the honest answer?" Harry asked somewhat nervously.
"I would like you to be honest, yes, but if you don't want to tell me then you don't have to," Draco said softly, not wanting to pressure Harry into answering anything he doesn't want to answer.
"No, it's okay. The answer is both if I'm being honest with you. I find comfort in following orders in a way. I've been told what to do my entire life and now that I've done my intended thing and everyone had their happy ending, I've been left without someone to tell me what to do. Normally that would be a good thing but I've become so accustomed to doing what someone says that it's weird having so much freedom. I prefer having some structure that the orders gave me if that makes any sense." Harry rambled as he finally broke eye contact with Draco and instead looked down at the pillows on the bed.
"That makes perfect sense and works out quite well for us in a way. I was given orders a ton as a child as well, as you know, and I hated them all with a burning passion. I hate being given orders, I much prefer being the one to give orders so if you'd like, I can give you some simple orders every now and then to give you some structure as you said." Draco suggested as he watched Harry look at the pillows as if they were the most interesting thing in the room before his head snapped back to look at Draco.
"Really?" He asked with a hopeful tone, quickly getting embarrassed at himself for that reaction but not dwelling on it now that it's already happened.
"Yes really, I'll give you simple instructions to help you take care of yourself and a few instructions just for fun but we should have a word you can say when you don't want to do that thing. What word do you want?" Draco said in a gentle tone, figuring this was a somewhat sensitive topic for Harry.
"I'm not sure, what word do you suggest?" Harry asked, not knowing what word he would say to mean he didn't want to do something.
"Alright, well we don't need a word then I suppose. You can just tell me you really don't want to do it. I'll ask if you truly don't want to do it or if you're just being lazy depending on the thing and then you can answer from there." Draco said with a small nod.
"Okay, sounds good. Thank you, Darling," Harry said with a smile before he let himself fall forward into a hug with the Blonde boy.
Draco smiled at the name as his arms wrapped around Harry instinctively. "You're welcome Love," He replied making Harry blush and smile at the name as he cuddled closer to him.
After a few minutes Harry still hadn't moved out of the hug so Draco moved them so they were lying down and properly cuddling with Harry resting on his chest, their arms wrapped around each other, and their legs tangled together.
"You're a great pillow," Harry mumbled breaking the sleepy silence.
"Well you're a great blanket," Draco said back making Harry smile against his chest.
"Good to know," He said before yawning and nuzzling his head into the crook of Draco's neck.
"Tired?" Draco asked as his hand moved to gently run through Harry's hair.
"Mhm," Harry hummed as he leaned into Draco's hand, finding the gentle feeling extremely comforting.
"Go to sleep then, I'll wake you for dinner." He said softly, getting a simple nod back from Harry before his eyes closed and his body went limp against him.
Draco stayed awake and watched Harry sleep peacefully, finding him extremely adorable at the moment.
However, his internal peace didn't last long when his mind began to swirl with questions.
Since when did he and Harry get so comfortable around each other physically?
Why did they become such close friends in such a short time?
Why does Harry trust him as much as he does?
Why is he openly flirting with Harry by calling him "Love" and why does Harry seem to enjoy it?
What is happening?
1,225 Words!
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