Chapter 12
You find yourself waking up. It's been a while, maybe 2 or 3 days? You still don't know what to do. This is annoying.
You sit up in bed and look around your room. It looks the same as normal, well of course it would, it is normal. Today is Friday. You reluctantly get out of bed and get ready for school.
In language class the teacher is talking about verbs in the language and the chart is annoying. It keeps saying one thing but the sentences keep saying another thing and you don't understand the language. The teacher tells the class to start sharing answers but you haven't finished yet so you write down the answers that the classmates say. It's now your turn and the teacher says, "y/n, you do the last two." You looked at her confused because everyone only had to do one. "Why the last two?" "Because I saw you copying the answers and not doing the work." What the hell? How else are the answers gonna get on the unfinished lines?? You sit there not wanting to cry because you don't know what the answers are and it makes no damn sense. "What is the verb for number 9?" You look at the chart and the sentence but it doesn't line up. "I don't know" you say because you can't even understand what the sentence says. "Don't tell me you don't know when the answer is right in front of you." You start panicking and just start saying random words. "No, that's not the answer" she says and goes into great details of this and that but it still doesn't help. You keep guessing until you get it right. "See y/n, it's not that hard" the teacher says and goes on to the next assignment. Of course it's not hard for her because she knows the language and has been talking it for years unlike you who doesn't know it and everything be written in it and you have to talk in it or you will fail.
(This happened to me last Wednesday, I kept chanting how I hate Spanish and I wanted to cry so bad and I'm in front of the class. Like I'm trying lady but I barely passed last year 😭 I had my Spanish speaking friend do the work for me. I literally can't get pass the basics before hating it, I was literally crying lol)
The teacher keeps talking but you ignore her out of spite and think of the dream. What are you going to do? This was so confusing. He doesn't seem bad but it's so random for some random person to appear out of no where. You just think it over and over till the bell rings for classes to switch. You get up and walk across the hall to your next class. This class is more chill, the teacher plays music in the background and he talks to everyone. Maybe this school isn't as bad as you thought weeks ago. The teacher tells the class about an assignment and everyone has to do it with someone at the table. You look across to this girl named Gissell. You awkwardly look at her and she awkwardly looks back at you. You don't know if you should talk first or wait for her to talk first. After the teacher telling the class to work together multiple times and 5 minutes she talks first. You and her finish the assignment as soon as the teacher starts talking about the next one. It's to fill out a map by using the textbook and you can work alone or in a group. You look at Gissell and quitely ask if she wants to work together and she says yes. You just look at her not knowing what to do and she ignores you for 3 minutes. The teacher comes over and ask if anyone needs anything and she ask, "do we have to work with someone?" "No, you don't have to work with someone" he says and walks away. She turns to do her work and completely ignores you and does work while talking to her friend that's next to her. Well that's rude. Why would she say yes if she doesn't want to work with you..? You look down at the map and decide to get a book to fill out the map, there's nothing better to do since no one wants to do anything with you. Well at least Morana is in the next class.
*Time skip*
You get home and walk to your room. "Well how was your day?" Shadow ask as he appears in front of you from nowhere. "Meh" is all you say as you flop on to your bed backwards. He walks over, "what happened?" "The (preferred language) teacher got mad at me for writing the answers and this girl that sits across from me said she would work with me but asked the teacher if she had to work with someone and then ignored me." "Well that sucks." "Yea" you say as you look up at the ceiling.
You feel the bed move as shadow gets onto it and lay next to you. He gently drags you closer to him and wraps his arms around you. He covers himself with your hair as much as he can. He is a very affectionate being but that's ok.
(Short-ish chapter. And I had no plan for this story but I wanted it to be very dramatic. Well the dramatic part might not happen and my plans for the story might not happen but I did set it up to lead me what to write. So it's just gonna take me wherever it does and I'm thinking of ending the story soon but idk cuz my ideas for the plot changes after each chapter lmao)
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