Chapter 11
(drama wama boutta comma)
The sun shines through the curtains but you don't want to get up. Forget school, the bed is too comfy.
After a while your mom walks into your room. "Y/n, you are supposed to be awake for school." "I don't want to go today" you mumble digging yourself farther into the bed. "Is there a reason you don't want to go?" "I just don't want to go." "Young lady! you have to- actually you don't have to go, enjoy your sleep" she walks out of the room and closes the door. What in the world just happened??? You look around but everything looks normal. Maybe she changed her mind which doesn't happen. Or maybe someone else changed her mind. You look at shadow, he has his back to you. Of course it was him, no one acts like that. Whatever, you go back to sleep.
This time you look around and see open land. It's a park, one that you recognize. Your mom and dad would always bring you here when you were little and you would stay here the whole night. This park is a good place. You walk around and see the dirt trail that leads to the playground. You follow that trail. It leads to the playground that you love. But this version is older, it has been about 8 years since you have been here but that's not long enough for it to start falling apart. Maybe no one else comes here. You walk to the slide and lightly trace the edges of it with your fingers. The slide is a tad bit cold but not too much. The wind slowly picks up and the swings slowly move back and forth making a creak. You walk to the swings remembering when you would get pushed high into the air, to where your little feet couldn't touch the ground and that feeling that you might fall off. That was a nice feeling, the excitement from looking so high in the air to falling back down and going back up to see the swing set in front of you. All the times you would lay your stomach on the swing seat and spin as much as you can to unspin. (Don't mind me reminiscing to write this lol)
You turn around and see the open land where you would run around with the other kids that would visit the park. This one memory pops up, you would play with these two kids. They came every day your parents brought you. They were siblings. One had brown hair and brown eyes, the other had black hair with reddish brown eyes. You don't remember their names or what they really look like but they were fun. Always playing tag and hide n seek late into the night. You were good at it, always hiding in the dark while wearing dark clothes. A tear comes out of your eye as you remember it all. This park is great, the memories are comforting. You keep walking around, not knowing what to do in this dream, maybe something will happen.
After walking around for what felt like forever, you end up back to the path but you don't know which way is which so you follow the right thinking it goes back to the playground. Luckily for you it does and your back at it. You stand there for a while. You haven't figured out how to make your dreams do things yet so you just wait. The wind plays with your hair and your clothes, dareing to push your clothes up. "Go away" you say to the wind and it goes back to normal. The wind is a mischievous little thing.
It's so tranquil here but then someone appears. You look at it and it's Azvameth. He stares at you like usual but this time you can move. You aren't frozen. Something is telling you to walk over to him but the grass holding your feet tells you not to, so you just stay there. He is about 30 ft (9.144 meters) in front of you. He slowly walks to you, not in a creepy way, just a few steps. You want to find out why he is here and how he is in your dream again but it feels like you can't open your mouth. It's just silence, not awkward, not normal or comfortable but the kind that builds up a lot of suspense or tension. He just stares you down, he might have a staring problem. The more you look at him the more you notice how he looks. He wears the same outfit as before and has the same double scythe, he doesn't look as much threatening. And if your eyes aren't messing with you, he looks like someone you've seen before.
He finally walks closer but still not too close, he makes no noise. This silence is annoying, there is no noise, not even the wind that was messing with you a few minutes ago or the grass that keeps moving to keep your feet still. It's dead silent. You debate if you should say something or not, staying like this wouldn't do anything but what if you get an answer you don't want to hear. Maybe taking the risk wouldn't be that bad, not much can happen in a dream, especially one that you can partially control. Gathering your thoughts together you ask, "what do you want with me?" Silence. "Not much" he says, man of many words. "Then why do you seem so obsessed with me?" He looks like he's thinking the answer over. "Because I am." Well this is weird, you don't know if you should be flattered or terrified, your instincts say terrified but all those fantasy romance books you read say flattered. What to ask? After a while of thinking you ask, "why me?" "Well because you can see me." Oh yea you forgot that part. You want to ask more but you don't know what else to ask. (More like idk what to write lol) You feel something and look down to the grass in tangling your feet. Why is the grass moving? And did the wind just stop? You look at the grass some more but it looks normal like nothing happened. You look back up and see him 2 feet in front of you. Is there any way to get rid of him? Is he actually bad? Is this all an over reaction? Maybe too much judgement, he hasn't actually done anything yet. So you look back up to him knowing what to ask now. "What are your intentions? Are you bad?" You look at him and for a second he looks like the question hurt him but that quickly went away. "I'm not bad, I just want you." Now you think. You can't say the wrong thing or you can die, he says he's not bad but you don't know the truth behind that. "What do you plan on doing with me? If you can somehow enter my dreams and find my house, I'm sure you can do other things" you look up at him. He seems loss in thought. "I don't know." Well that's better than something bad, all you know is that you want to get out of this right now. After thinking for a minute you know what to do. "What if you think about it and I think about it and we meet some other time." "Alright." Well that was easy, you don't know what's going to happen next but at least you will be alone for a while, but how long?
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