Stolen Innocence
Hello all~♡ Just a friendly reminder, this chapter is being trigger warned. It involves the act of forcing sex on someone, so if that bothers you, then please do not continue.
Hoseok laughed darkly, not even the least bit panicked that he might have killed Taehyung. "Funny. Now quit playing games," he stated, grinding against Taehyung causing some of his fluids to leak from Taehyung. Yet, the younger still did respond, his body stayed limply between Hoseok's arms.
Hoseok, becoming slightly panicked now, not wanting to have killed the most precious thing to him in this life, bit his lip. "Taehyung," he stated sternly, shaking him. His eyes looked so dull to Hoseok as he quickly pulled out of him and laid him on the ground. "Tae, please, this isn't funny anymore," he stated, leaning closer to see if Taehyung was breathing.
Hoseok sat back quickly, realizing he wasn't breathing and shook his head. No time to be distracted, he thought, quickly starting chest compressions. He gently pinched the bridge of his nose, breathing 4 puffs of air into his mouth, hoping he'd be able to wake up.
After a few moments, Taehyung whimpered softly, Hoseok rolling him onto his side as he coughed and hacked, gasping heavily to fill his deprived lungs with much needed oxygen. Taehyung turned to glare at Hoseok after he'd calmed down, still coughing slightly. "You almost fucking killed me," he hoarsely croaked out, slowly sitting up.
His head still reeled from lack of oxygen as Hoseok stared at him. Bright purplish red marks forming around his neck. "Didn't you see me reach for the belt? It wasn't fun anymore. I was suffocating," he added, gently rubbing his neck as he stared back at Hoseok. He was quite shocked that Hoseok hadn't said anything at all yet, especially since Taehyung was technically bitching at him.
Hoseok sighed softly with relief, biting his lip as he shook his head. "You'll be fine. You're not dead now are you," he asked, patting Taehyung's cheek hard. Taehyung smacked his hand away, still angry as Hoseok roughly grabbed his chin. Taehyung bit back the remark he wanted to say about the way Hoseok treated him, but decided that for everyone's safety, it'd be best to change it as he glared into Hoseok's eyes. "I want a safe word."
Hoseok laughed darkly, leaning forword to kiss Taehyung hard, a small trickle of blood seeping out between both their mouths. Hoseok pulled away, Taehyung's lip bleeding from how hard Hoseok had bitten him. "No." He uttered only one word as Taehyung's eyes widened in shock. "B- but you almost killed me! How am I supposed to get you to stop the next time that happens," he asked, horrified. He was only fifteen, going on sixteen in December, he didn't want to die just yet. He had his whole life ahead of him.
Hoseok let out a soft moan, biting his lip as he stared at Taehyung. "You're already thinking ahead to next time," he asked, Taehyung finally catching what he said. Hoseok chuckled as he leaned forward and kissed Taehyung hard once again. He barely pulled back as he stared into Taehyung's once again bright eyes that were full of life. "You know I love you," he stated softly.
"I love you too," Taehyung whispered without hesitation, his cheeks flushed as Hoseok leaned back. Shock was inevitably written all over Hoseok's face as he tackled Taehyung to the ground, kissing him harder yet again. "I knew you did. You just have a hard time admitting it," he stated, roughly pinning Taehyung's shoulders to the ground.
Taehyung turned his head away in embarrassment, his cheeks still flushed as he mumbled under his breath. After hearing those words, Hoseok could have fucked Taehyung until he couldn't walk anymore, but Hoseok also wanted Taehyung to meet his deadline. He stood up slowly, helping Taehyung to his feet. "Remember, you only have three days left. It better be two months worth of supply too," he stated, picking his pants and boxers up and slowly getting dressed. "For as young as you are, you're the only one skilled enough to make that much at once. Namjoon can't even do his fucking job the way he's supposed to. I only keep him around to keep Jin happy, because if the supplier of our chemicals gets pissed and suddenly decides we shouldn't be allowed these chemicals... Our business is fucked," he stated, fixing his belt on his waist.
Taehyung stared at Hoseok, grabbing his arm as he readjusted himself inside his tight pants, the gesture catching him off guard. Taehyung stared at him forlornly, his question on the very edge of his tongue, waiting to tumble out into the open and surprise Hoseok. "Can I help you," Hoseok asked, staring at Taehyung's hand as Hoseok took his hand out of his own pants.
Taehyung's lip quivered slightly, his words dying on the tip of his tongue as he gently pressed his lips to Hoseok's soft lips. Hoseok's eyes grew wide as he stared at Taehyung, who'd just retracted from Hoseok's proximity. "You tease," Hoseok stated, smacking Taehyung roughly across the face. "Next time," Hoseok started, pointing a finger in Taehyung's face. "Don't start shit you can't handle right away," Hoseok added, Taehyung noticing a soft pink touching his cheeks.
It was the first time Taehyung had ever seen Hoseok even remotely flustered, and it'd probably also be the last time he ever saw that. He engraved Hoseok's face at that very moment into his memory, his heart fluttering at the very image.
Hoseok stared at Taehyung, the other seemingly lost in a day dream as Hoseok snapped his fingers in front of his face. "Hello, yes, thank you," he stated, grabbing Taehyung's attention again. "Are you going to get dressed and walk me to the door as you always do?"
Taehyung nodded softly, completely lost for words after experiencing such a moment with Hoseok. His brain couldn't comprehend what had just happened as he collected his boxers and pants, pulling them both back on as well. He pulled the cock ring off, hissing at the feeling as he realized he was still painfully rock hard. Taehyung left the button and zipper of his pants completely undone as he followed after Hoseok towards the door.
Hoseok pointed towards Taehyung's office, staring at him hard. "Three days. Or I kill your little friend I picked up the other day."
Taehyung stopped at those words, a look of confusion splayed across his face. "Wait? What friend," he asked, utterly confused by Hoseok's words. He didn't have very many friends because of this man, so who could he have been talking about?
Hoseok laughed darkly, patting Taehyung's cheek roughly. "Don't play dumb with me, Taehyung," he stated, staring into Taehyung's eyes. "Your little friend with the soft brown hair and constantly scared, big fucking eyes. He always looks like he's been triggered by some tramautic event," he stated, glancing at Taehyung.
Realization hit Taehyung like a freight train, his eyes wide as he glanced back at Hoseok in horror. Hoseok smiled at the look on his face as he patted his cheek roughly once again. "There it is. Yeah, he dies if my drugs aren't done in three days. Remember that," he stated, shoving Taehyung's face roughly to the side before walking away.
Taehyung numbly shut the door, pressing his back against it and sliding down towards the ground. He realized that his boyfriend's brother was in grave danger at this very moment and he was far from being finished with the drug. He knew that he couldn't very well just let Hoseok kill Yoongi's younger brother. He had his whole life ahead of him as well.
He pushed himself up from off the floor and away from the door. He was going to take care of himself after Hoseok left, seeing as how he never got to finish, but that was going to have to wait as he headed for his office. He shut and locked himself in his office, going straight to work for Yoongi's family's sake. He'd rather be in pain for a while than see the one he loves heart broken at the loss of a brother. He bit his lip, working diligently as he always did.
Yoongi sat in his room until he was called to make dinner for everyone. He didn't mind making the dinner because at least then he could be certain that it wasn't poisoned. Although he trusted Taehyung, he certainly didn't trust any of his other men and Taehyung was always too busy to cook.
He quietly made everyone a delectable chicken Alfredo, making a plate for Taehyung as well. He silently ate with everyone, noticing Taehyung had not once left his office for anything. Not even while he was cooking dinner did Taehyung leave. He glanced at Jimin, who was just finishing up his plate of food. "Why isn't Taetae coming out to eat," he asked Jimin, glancing at the door.
Jimin glanced at the door as well, his eyes wandering back over to the plate of food Yoongi had made for him. He stood up, placing his plate in the sink and walking over to the office door. He knocked on it loudly, calling through the door. "Taehyung! Dinner is ready!" But no response came through the door, indicating Taehyung had heard them. He tested the door handle, realizing it was locked and knocked once again. "Taehyung?"
He finally got an answer as Taehyung unlocked and opened his office door. "I'll eat later," he stated softly, shutting the door once again and locking it. Jimin sighed softly as he walked over towards the plate that had been made for Taehyung, wrapping it neatly in foil. He placed the plate inside the fridge, and sighed softly. "Hopefully, he'll come out later and actually eat," he stated, walking towards his room.
Yoongi watched him go, staring back at the office door as everyone else began to file out of the kitchen. He slowly stood up, taking the food from the fridge and knocking on the door once more. He figured Taehyung would surely let him into his office since they were dating. He'd been in there earlier and Taehyung didn't have a problem with it.
He heard a loud sigh, not something he was used to hearing when it came to Taehyung dealing with him. He knew he shouldn't get upset about it though, he knew Taehyung was a busy man and under a lot of stress most days. He smiled happily when Taehyung opened the door once again, holding up the plate of chicken Alfredo proudly. "Taetae, you should really eat," he stated, beaming up at him. Taehyung smiled at Yoongi softly, taking the plate into his hands as he nodded "I'll eat soon, Yoongi. I promise," he stated, kissing the smaller male before shutting the door and locking it once more.
Hoseok smiled darkly at Jungkook's tired and beaten body, completely stripped of any clothing he might have had. Jungkook tried to cover himself with a small shred of what was left of his clothing, staring shamefully at the ground. "Did anyone actually penetrate him," he asked, noticing the look of guilt and shame on his round face.
"No one penetrated him, sir. Just used a small metal rod to sodomize him," one man explained to Hoseok. Hoseok smiled darkly, the blood on the ground around Jungkook's ass antagonizing him. "Good," he stated, grabbing Jungkook by his hair, yanking him off the ground and into his office.
Jungkook screamed in pain and fear as he kicked his feet out, trying to keep from being locked in this room with this dangerous man. He cowered on the ground once Hoseok had him shut inside the office, locking the door with a sinful smile. "You may yet see the light of day again, but not before I completely wreck your will to live," he stated, yanking Jungkook off the ground by his hair once again.
Jungkook cried out in pain as he was shoved against Hoseok's desk, his face hitting the flat surface as he tried to move away from it quickly. Hoseok stood behind Jungkook, staring down at him with dark eyes as he pressed him against the desk harder, his hands on either side of Jungkook's head. Jungkook quivered in fear, Hoseok's fingers prodding Jungkook's entrance. The younger winced noticeably, blood coating Hoseok's fingers as he pulled them away from Jungkook. Hoseok stared at his fingers, licking the blood from one of them as he moaned softly. Jungkook whimpered softly when he felt the latter growing hard against his ass, Hoseok holding Jungkook's hands behind his back now.
"P- please d- don't," Jungkook whimpered, knowing what Hoseok was going to do next when he heard the sound of a belt buckle being unlatched. "I- it already stings a- and hurts," he whined softly, tears rolling out of his eyes. He shook underneath Hoseok as Hoseok leaned over him with a dangerous smirk, wrapping his belt around Jungkook's arms to restrain him. "I never once stopped for Taehyung," he admitted, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants. "What makes you think you're any more special," he added, Jungkook's eyes widening in fear.
Jungkook bit into his lower lip as Hoseok entered him roughly, a small cry leaving his lips at the pain that ensued. His face sliding roughly against the desk as Hoseok fucked him roughly. He stared straight ahead, his eyes focused on one of the pictures on the wall of Hoseok's office. It was a picture of a small baby Taehyung smiling up at a camera, without a care in the world. He seemed so innocent in the picture, his tiny hands reaching out for the person behind the camera.
Jungkook focused on the picture, drowning out the groans and sounds Hoseok made as he continued to hurt him. Hoseok was right when he said he'd wreck Jungkook's will to live. He already wanted to die as he was pressed harder against the desk, Hoseok lifting his hips a bit as he thrust into him harder.
Small whimpers left Jungkook's lips as he closed his eyes, wondering how Taehyung could ever let this man touch him like that. "H- Hoseok... p- please stop," he asked, more tears sliding down his face and onto Hoseok's desk. Hoseok roughly grabbed Jungkook's hair, tugging harshly as Jungkook's back arched, heavy pants coming from Jungkook. "What was that," Hoseok asked, thrusting roughly into Jungkook's bundle of sensitive nerves. Jungkook cried out softly, growing harder and harder from his roughness.
Jungkook would have very much liked to get off, but not with this man. He'd rather be denied his release and left to suffer with a hard on. He didn't care, but he also knew he'd probably never get another release for a while as Hoseok continued to hit that sensitive bundle of nerves. Jungkook moaned softly, his face pressed hard against the desk, hurting the eye that was blacked by one of Hoseok's men. "P- please d- don't stop," he stammered, staring at the picture of baby Taehyung once more.
He closed his eyes, feeling his release nearing closer and closer as Hoseok continued to hit that sensitive bundle of nerves over and over again. He didn't know if Hoseok just knew where his prostate was located or if Hoseok just fucked that many people, but he couldn't keep himself from feeling absolutely aroused. Jungkook bit his lip, Hoseok recognizing that look as he harshly squeezed Jungkook's cock.
Jungkook's eyes snapped open, a loud whine of disapproval leaving his lips as he suddenly realized he'd continuously be denied his release no matter what. He closed his eyes once again, tears slowly falling from them once again as he laid perfectly still. Hoseok chuckled at the sound Jungkook made, shaking his head as he continued to plow Jungkook. "You'll get there soon enough," he stated, hoping he'd get a release as well.
He didn't see that as very likely though, groaning as he continued his rough thrusts into Jungkook. His lovers always got off, while he hardly ever achieved an orgasm. Taehyung seemed to be the only person he'd ever achieved a complete orgasm with, and even with him that was still fewer than he would have liked.
Jungkook whimpered softly at Hoseok's words, wishing he could have cum already. He was so close to achieving his own orgasm to be cut off like that. He didn't appreciate that, but saying anything about it was never a good idea.
Hoseok continued to thrust into Jungkook roughly, Jungkook's legs feeling weak from being bent over the desk while being fucked senseless. Hoseok bit his lip hard, leaning over Jungkook as his hands crawled up his back, hooking his shoulders. He dug his nails into the skin of Jungkook's shoulders harshly as his thrust hit Jungkook deeper and harder.
Jungkook cried out as his sensitive bundle of nerves was drilled even harder, his shoulders stinging at the nails digging into his skin. Although, that wasn't near as bad as Hoseok leaning forward and biting into his shoulder and drawing blood. Hoseok licked the blood from Jungkook's shoulder, more tears falling from his eyes as he prayed this would soon be over.
Hoseok, realizing he wouldn't be able to cum any time soon, grit his teeth as he continued to drill into Jungkook's prostate. Jungkook couldn't help himself as he came all over the side of Hoseok's desk, Hoseok's eyes widening in a murderous rage. He roughly pulled out of Jungkook causing the other to cry out in pain as he was shoved roughly to the ground.
Hoseok bent down to inspect the spot on his desk, glaring at Jungkook's limp body as he curled into a ball in defense. "You couldn't fucking wait," he screamed, kicking Jungkook. Jungkook was unable to defend himself with his arms, his legs and head taking the brunt force of Hoseok's kick. Jungkook cried out as he wiggled his arms behind his back, trying to get them free as Hoseok continued to kick and stomp him.
He quickly pulled his pants up and grabbed Jungkook harshly, yanking him off the ground and tossed his naked ass into another room. Frustration only angered him more as he grabbed a tazer with a dark and sinful smile.
He walked into the room he'd thrown Jungkook, bending down over him menacingly. "You will learn to hold off when it comes to things with me," he stated, referring to his training Taehyung to wait when it came to his climax. He zapped Jungkook once, the other twitching violently in an attempt to get away from Hoseok.
Hoseok grabbed Jungkook by his hair once again and threw him out of his office, staring hard at his men, handing one of them a tazer. "Take care of this little fucker. I have to clean up the fucking mess that this little shit made," he stated, slamming his office door again. They all looked at each other before turning their attention back towards Jungkook with dark eyes.
They cut the belt from Jungkook's arms, taking thick chains and wrapping them around Jungkook's wrists as they bungeed them around a thick metal support beam. They hung Jungkook's limp body from the ceiling, circling around him like starving sharks with all sorts of different devices of torture.
Taehyung continued to work diligently, his stomach growling loudly at the fact that he never once bothered to stop and eat yet. He didn't stop to sleep, nor did he bother to stop and get him anything to drink or use the bathroom. He had so much more to finish that he had no time for anything else if he was going to save Yoongi's baby brother. He sighed softly, wiping his forehead with his forearm, not even realizing what time it was or how long he'd been working.
Both Yoongi and Jimin had knocked on his office door to let him know breakfast was ready, Yoongi handing him another plate of food that wasn't going to be touched. They both had knocked on his door once again to tell him Jimin was taking Yoongi to school, but neither one got an answer on that as well.
Taehyung was shocked when Jimin entered his locked office, forgetting that Jimin knew there was a spare key at the top of the door frame. Jimin took one look around Taehyung's office and sighed heavily, noticing his plates of food stacked on a cabinet in the corner. "You know Yoongi made those meals with you in mind, right? And you're just going to let them go to waste," he stated, immediately pushing Taehyung's buttons.
"Look, I have a deadline to meet," he stated, whipping around to stare hard at Jimin. Taehyung noticed Jimin's eyes looking down on him and frowned. "What?"
Jimin gently touched the reddish purple ligature marks wrapped around Taehyung's neck. "What the fuck did Hoseok do to you," he asked, bending down to get a better look. The bright marks stood out from his sun kissed skin, Jimin inspecting them. "Do they hurt?"
Taehyung shook his head, staring at Jimin as Jimin stared at his neck. "He wrapped his belt around my neck to choke me this time. Damn near killed me too," he stated, turning back towards his work. Jimin stood up, glancing over Taehyung's shoulder at how much he'd made already. "I took Yoongi to school. Why not take a break and catch a quick nap," he suggested, tapping Taehyung's shoulder.
Taehyung stared up at Jimin, shaking his head as he continued to chop the tiny crystals into powder. "I can't take a break, Jimin. I- I have to meet this deadline," he insisted, continuing to ignore Jimin's suggestions. Jimin wheeled Taehyung around in his chair, slamming his hands down on either side of Taehyung's chair, staring at him hard. "I've never seen you this persistent in finishing a deadline on time. What the fuck is going on?"
Taehyung bit his lip, staring up at Jimin as he finally sighed and hung his head. "Look, you can't tell Yoongi, but Hoseok's got his younger brother. He's threatening to kill him if I don't make this deadline," he stated softly, watching Jimin's reaction.
"That son of a bitch. He knows you have too big a heart to just let him die like that," Jimin ranted, his eyes narrowing in frustration. Hoseok always seemed to push his buttons easily when it came to Taehyung. That was the only person he could consider family, after all. "How dare he fucking do this to you," Jimin continued before Taehyung stopped him by turning away to keep working.
Jimin sighed softly, watching his younger brother slave away for a cruel and crazy man just to help the person he loved. "How much do you have left before you're finished," he asked, staring at the powdered substance that Taehyung scraped into small individual plastic bags.
"Why do you need individual bags?" Taehyung whipped around towards Jimin, his eyes narrowed as he placed his index finger to his lips. "We don't know who tells Hoseok what," he whispered, placing one of the bags off to the side. He kicked his office door shut with his foot, still staring at Jimin as he stood up. He walked over towards a cabinet and pushed it open, thousands of individual bags falling out of it. "I make a little extra behind Hoseok's back to sell without his knowledge," he explained, stuffing them back into the cabinet. "If Hoseok ever found out about this..." he trailed off, not wanting to finish that statement.
Jimin knew what Taehyung was saying without actually saying it out loud. He knew Hoseok just as much as Taehyung did and if Taehyung was caught, anyone could easily guess what would happen next. Jimin helped Taehyung shove the rest of the bags into the cabinet, staring at him as if he'd lost his mind. "Why? Why did you decide to go out of your way to find another thing that could trigger Hoseok? Are you trying to get yourself killed?"
Taehyung chuckled, knowing Jimin only cared about his safety. "I just thought I'd defy Hoseok a little. What's life without a little danger," he asked Jimin, sitting back in his chair. Jimin shook his head and laughed. "Yeah, but you sure are cutting it dangerously close," he stated, walking back towards the office door.
"Just let me know if you need any help, okay," he added, opening the door and leaving. He shut the door behind him, pressing up against the door as he sighed. He prayed that Hoseok never found out about what Taehyung was doing or his wrath would be the death of them all.
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