I'm so sorry that this took so long, everyone.xD I was a little busy with life and sadly had writers block. But I hope everyone can enjoy this chapter as well~♡
Taehyung quietly stepped out of the car, Jimin following after him as the two approached a house that was unfamiliar to Yoongi. The car door was left open and Yoongi wondered if Jungkook and himself were supposed to follow after them. He quietly climbed out of the car with Jungkook following, noticing the door to the house was opening now.
Yoongi approached more to see a woman, standing in the doorway. He walked up, grabbing Taehyung's hand as Taehyung took a deep breath and uttered four small words. "I'm so sorry, Michele," he whispered, the woman's face distorting with anguish.
"No. No, this can't be that kind of visit," she cried, glancing behind her to see her two young children staring at them. "He had a family," she cried, covering her eyes as tears streamed down her face. She screamed and cried inconsolably, falling into Taehyung's arms as he kept her upright.
Yoongi didn't know what was going on as Taehyung kneeled down with this woman, trying his best to get her to calm down. It didn't seem to be working as Jimin and Jungkook hung their heads at her crying. The severity of the situation finally sinking in as Yoongi hung his head as well. He never realized how easily one could lose their life working in this profession, especially under Taehyung's watch.
He feared for Taehyung's well being in this line of work as he grabbed Jungkook's hand, burying his face in Jungkook's shoulder. He suddenly found himself wanting to ask Taehyung to quit this dangerous job. He didn't want his fate to be the same as this woman's husband.
Hoseok sat in his office with the door locked, his mind wandering over the events that had taken place earlier that day. He was still rather irritated by the picture of Taehyung kissing that blond as he stared at the paper work he needed to fill out. He reclined back into his chair, twirling his gun around his index finger. Whether that picture was fake or not, he recognized the boy in the picture as the help in Taehyung's home.
He placed his gun down on his desk, placing both his elbows on either arm of his chair as he tapped his index fingers together. Several thoughts raced through his mind at once, Taehyung's affection always at the forefront of his mind. How was he going to fix this situation without losing Taehyung's affection?
He laughed out loud, maniacally almost bitter in a way. No one could ever take Taehyung from him, so he didn't know what he was worried about as he reached for his phone. He texted Taehyung, informing him that he only had three days left to finish the drugs he was working on for him.
He wouldn't have time for anything else if he was busy trying to keep himself out of trouble. He leaned back in his seat, distracted with ways to get the blond boy out of his way again. If Taehyung had no distractions like that boy, Hoseok could completely control Taehyung's life again.
Taehyung sat in his office, staring at the message he'd just received from Hoseok, gritting his teeth. He knew he was nowhere near close to being finished and his deadline was almost up. He couldn't risk another visit from Hoseok as he set his phone down, quickly getting back to work.
Yoongi and Jungkook sat in the room that was originally Yoongi's cell, the room's décore catching Jungkook's attention. It no longer seemed as though this room was for a captive as he glanced at all the creative decorations and posters that Yoongi had on the walls. "T- this is different from the room I had been shoved into," Jungkook noted, glancing around.
Yoongi smiled proudly, grabbing onto Jungkook's hand excitedly. "Do you like it? Taetae let me decorate it myself! I was going to paint the walls a nice light blue shade, but I haven't been able to pick up any paint yet... Taetae has been a little busy recently and I don't want to bother him with it..."
Jungkook was quite amazed at how well Yoongi was being treated here for being a captive. Although Jungkook wasn't very clear on the extent of Yoongi's relationship with Taehyung, he was just glad to see his brother happy and safe. This was actually the happiest he'd ever seen Yoongi, which came as quite a shock to him. Namjoon had always told him that Taehyung was this dreadful man that would kill him and his brother on sight. When they'd first been captured, he swore he was dead then. That was, until he was let go in Yoongi's place. He'd been so worried about Yoongi's safety for so long, that he wasn't even sure his brother was alive anymore. Here they stood, in the center of this nicely decorated room with no one to bother them. "Yoongi...?"
Yoongi turned his attention towards Jungkook, smiling happily. "What's up?" Jungkook nervously bit his lip, still wary of Taehyung's intentions with Yoongi. "H- haven't you ever thought of leaving this place? Like...haven't you tried to escape at all?"
Yoongi tilted his head confused, staring at Jungkook as if the younger were joking with him. He could now tell that Jungkook was not. "Wh- why would I want to leave? T- Taetae takes great care of me... He cares for me... A lot more than mom and dad ever did," he stated softly, his eyes watering at the thought of never seeing Taehyung again. "I'm sure that if I ever returned home, I'd never be allowed out of mom and dad's sight again," he added, his voice trembling with the threat of tears.
Jungkook quickly shook his head, waving his hands back and forth, furiously. "N- no! Don't cry! I- it was just a question..." He hadn't realized how deeply his older brother felt about Taehyung. A man who didn't seem so bad now, but Jungkook was sure that he was only after one thing from Yoongi. That made him feel disgusted by Taehyung, although he'd not yet made any advances toward Yoongi that he'd noticed.
Jungkook thought that Yoongi was the one adoring Taehyung, noticing that earlier their rendezvous seemed very one sided. He didn't want Yoongi getting his heart broken by this man. This man that Jungkook still couldn't bring himself to trust.
Jimin stood in Yoongi's doorway, watching Jungkook stand in the center of the room and stare at Yoongi. He'd heard the conversation. He knew Yoongi loved Taehyung more than he wanted to admit, but what could he do? Taehyung always seemed to have the things he really wanted in life. Although, he could care less about being the leader of their mafia. He hated dealing with Hoseok, and Taehyung saw that mad man a lot being the leader.
Jimin crossed his arms over his chest, noticing how the two brothers seemed at odds with each other as if they didn't know what to do right now. He chuckled, leaning against the door frame and casting his eyes over the two of them. "I have a PlayStation 4 in my room, if you guys want to play. I can bring it in here and hook it up, if you'd like," he stated, noticing Yoongi's eyes on him now.
That made him feel better as he beamed with pride, casting his eyes over Jungkook now. The younger shuttered violently, realizing he was being undressed by the other male's eyes. He quickly and nervously left the room, running straight into Taehyung.
He looked up at the other male, fear striking his heart at the look he received until Taehyung's expression relaxed. "Are you okay," he asked, holding Jungkook's shoulders to keep him steady and keep him from falling.
Yoongi walked out of the room, dumbfounded as Jungkook scanned the room terrified of everyone there. He was in an unfamiliar place and everyone here was his enemy. It seemed even his own brother was turned against him by Taehyung. He cast his eyes up at the man holding onto him one last time, his eyes wide with fear.
Yoongi could tell Jungkook was becoming more and more afraid and agitated. The more people that showed up, the more Jungkook grew skittish. "Kookie. Please, don't go just yet," Yoongi pleaded, having missed his baby brother. Jungkook glanced back with big tears in his eyes before quickly dashing out of the house, not looking back once.
Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi watched him leave, Yoongi sighing heavily in defeat. "I- I'm sorry," Taehyung apologized. "Did I scare him off? I- I was just coming to see how you two were doing... I didn't think he'd run like that," he apologized softly, looking down at Yoongi. Yoongi walked closer to Taehyung hugging him tightly and burying his face in his chest. "It's okay, Taetae. It wasn't your fault... I'll see him again at school," he stated, walking back into his room and quietly shutting his door.
Taehyung sighed softly, glancing at Jimin who only shrugged at him. "I wonder what was wrong," Jimin asked, staring towards the door Jungkook had just left through. Taehyung shook his head, confused. "Beats me. I just hope he's okay. He looked absolutely terrified and as if he was about to cry," he stated, turning on his heel to return to his work. He didn't have much more time to spare with his deadline coming up.
Hoseok grit his teeth at the fleeting figure leaving Taehyung's complex. Who that was, Hoseok wasn't sure at the moment, but he'd certainly find out. He tapped his driver, silently issuing the order to follow the fleeting figure. If that was the help Taehyung had hired, Hoseok was definitely going to kill him. He didn't like that blond being around Taehyung at all.
Hoseok could tell as they drew closer and closer to the figure, that he indeed was not the help. Hoseok could feel pain course through his jaw as he locked his teeth into place, glaring at this person. He turned his head to either side of him, looking at his two body guard. "Take him."
That was the only order verbally issued as the car came to a hault and the two men snatched the boy off the street, making sure to cover his mouth so no one would hear him scream.
Hoseok stared at the boy as his men quickly and fiercely bound Jungkook's hands and feet. Jungkook spit in Hoseok's face, terrified and trying to get out of this car. He'd never met this man before, but he'd seen Namjoon around with him a time or two. He'd never interacted with this man and knew not what he was in for as Hoseok back handed him across the face as hard as he could. "Spit on me like that one more time and I'll rip your fucking tongue out, we clear," he asked, shoving his handkerchief into Jungkook's mouth before one of the men slapped heavy duty duct tape over his mouth.
Jungkook whimpered quietly behind the cloth, his mouth instantly feeling dry now as Hoseok glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. "I don't know what you were doing at Taehyung's compound... I will find out what's going on in there," he stated, determined as they headed back towards his place.
Upon arrival, his driver opened the door for him as he stepped out, watching as his men easily carried Jungkook's bound body into his office. He walked in after them as they tossed Jungkook's body on one of the chairs, untaping his feet. One grabbed a coil of rope from Hoseok's cabinet, where they then tied his legs to the front feet of the chair. Jungkook could do nothing but watch in horror as he found himself trapped by this man.
When they unbound his hands, Jungkook took that as an opportunity to try and fight them off. His attempt failed and earned him a punch straight to his face by one of the big and burly men, almost knocking him unconscious. He could see stars, the ringing in his ear painfully deafening as they tied his hands behind his back. They made sure that the rope was nice and tight, circling Jungkook's body several times with it to ensure there was no chance of him escaping.
Hoseok smiled pleasantly yet darkly down at the defenseless man, getting right in his face. "My, my, my. What a handsome young boy we have here," he chuckled sinfully, grabbing Jungkook roughly by his jaw. Jungkook winced in pain from the punch he'd just received, this man being extremely brutal about causing him even more pain. He yanked Jungkook's head from side to side, staring daggers into the younger eyes.
He knew Jungkook couldn't speak now, but they were in a place where nobody would hear him if he allowed him to talk or scream. He thought for a moment before yanking the tape harshly from his mouth, causing the other to scream into the handkerchief that was still stuffed inside his mouth. Hoseok laughed pleasantly, pleased by Jungkook's pain as his pants grew tighter.
He liked causing other's pain a little too much and when they were helpless against him, it only excited him even more. He could see the tears in Jungkook's eyes as he pulled the handkerchief from his mouth, biting his lip. He needed Taehyung here. His desire to fuck had grown yet again and Hoseok was craving the younger's flesh.
Jungkook stared at him, not saying a word as his jaw still hurt immemsely from the punch and Hoseok aggravating the bruise their fists left behind. He could see that this man was enjoying causing him pain by the bulge in his tight pants. His eyes trailing back up to the dark and wicked expression on his face. Hoseok laughed maniacally, the sound echoing throughout the room as it bounced off the sound proof walls.
Hoseok leaned closer to Jungkook, their faces a mere inch apart. "Now, why were you in Taehyung's complex," he asked, his eyes darkening even more. He seemed a lot less playful now as Jungkook stared at him, realizing the pain he'd cause him now would be a lot more serious. He opened his mouth, but no sound came out, fear or the fact that his mouth was dry was probably the source of the problem. He stared at Hoseok as the other smack him hard. "Answer the fucking question! I'm not playing around now."
Jungkook felt a tear slip from his eye as he croaked out an answer. "Visiting." Hoseok's eyes narrowed as he placed his hand on the back of the chair, tilting the chair to where Jungkook had to stare into his soulless and black eyes. "Who were you visiting?"
Jungkook swallowed hard and croaked out another answer. "N- no one in particular." He didn't want to tell this crazy man that he had a brother. Taehyung already used that against him, this man could very well do the same.
Jungkook was just grateful to see Hoseok look up, his attention on something else now. "What the fuck do you want? Can't you see I'm busy," he stated, the sound of someone's shoes echoed heavily throughout the room. Jungkook could see Namjoon standing beside him as he gave him a pleading look. He could see Jin not too far behind him, Jin staring directly at him. He could see a blackish purple bruise around both their faces, Jin giving him a worried look. "I- is that really necessary, Hoseok," he stammered out, trying to help Jungkook.
Namjoon looked directly at Jungkook, but said nothing as he handed over the drugs he'd made. Hoseok chuckled darkly as he stared at Namjoon, but addressed Jin's question. "Is that really any of your fucking business? You remember the last time you interfered with my affairs, correct? Or do I need to remind you?"
Jin quickly shook his head, the evidence prominent on his face of what happened last time. "Sorry I asked," he turned his head away, trying not to catch Jungkook's pleading and terrified eyes. Namjoon gave Jungkook one last glance before they both turned their backs on him, both too afraid of what would happen if they interfered again.
Hoseok went straight to his desk, using a card from his wallet to chop the powdery substance up more. Jungkook watched as he snorted one of the lines, his pupils significantly wider as he leaned back in his chair. He pulled at his nose a bit trying to settle the tingling in his nostril as he stood up once more, hastily making his way towards Jungkook.
Jungkook watched as Hoseok reared his hand back, anticipating what came next as pain coursed throughout his face, his head reeling. Hoseok stared at Jungkook darkly, his cock even harder as he pulled a switchblade from his pocket. He flicked it open, laughing darkly as he waved it in front of Jungkook's face. He smiled as he plunged it into Jungkook's thigh, the younger screaming out in pain as Hoseok yanked it right back out.
Hoseok moaned softly at the pleasant scream from Jungkook's lips, biting his lip as he made several cuts all over Jungkook's body. "Now who were you visiting, pretty boy? It better not have been my Tae," he stated, slashing Jungkook's cheek with the knife. Hoseok licked the blade, watching as blood trickled from the cut on Jungkook's cheek. Another low groan escaped his lips as he thought of Taehyung and what he'd be doing at this very moment.
He needed Taehyung at this very moment, but he didn't know if he should meet him or have Taehyung come to him. He bit his lip harshly, throwing on his coat as he quickly left the office. "Do with him what you like, I'll be gone for a while," he told his men, climbing into his personal car and leaving quickly.
Taehyung sat in his office, working diligently when a soft knock at his door caught his attention. "Come in," he stated without turning to see who it was entering. He felt hesitation from behind him as he turned to see Yoongi standing behind his chair. "What? What's wrong, Yoongi," he asked, still working hard.
Yoongi walked closer, glancing at the open space between Taehyung and his desk before calmly sitting down in Taehyung's lap. Taehyung glanced at Yoongi, chuckling softly as he pulled the smaller male closer to him, still working diligently on Hoseok's drug. "What brings you here today," he asked as Yoongi grinded against him.
He groaned, trying to concentrate on his task at hand as he glanced at Yoongi. "Are you trying to start something to get me out of my office," he asked, setting one of the crystals down. Yoongi glanced over his shoulder at Taehyung seductively, bouncing on his lap a little bit.
"Maybe I am," he stated, blushing as he bit his lip. Taehyung raised an eyebrow at Yoongi's words, leaning back in his chair as he turned Yoongi to face him. Yoongi straddled Taehyung's waist, leaning down to kiss Taehyung sensually as he continued to grind against Taehyung. He could feel the younger growing harder under him, Taehyung's hand coming up to cup Yoongi's cheek as he leaned Yoongi's back against his desk.
Just as things were getting heated, both Yoongi and Taehyung jumped at the sound of a door being slammed open. Hoseok's voice ringing out loud and clear in the hallway. "Where is he?"
Yoongi glanced at Taehyung as Taehyung glanced at Yoongi. He didn't know where Yoongi was going to go, but he certainly didn't want him to be caught by Hoseok while Taehyung was hard. That would certainly be a disaster for the both of them. He could hear Hoseok's foot steps approaching his office as he stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him.
He glanced up, feigning surprise as he came face to face with Hoseok. Hoseok didn't hesitate for an explanation or anything as he pressed his lips fiercely against Taehyung's lips, cupping his face and causing both of them to fall against the door. Taehyung was just glad that he shut the door in time for Hoseok not to see Yoongi.
Hoseok grabbed Taehyung's arms harshly, shoving them down at his sides as he grinded against him, realizing the younger was already hard. He pulled away from the kiss, slightly surprised as he glanced down at the younger's clothed cock.
"Why are you hard," Hoseok asked, roughly grabbing Taehyung's clothed cock. Taehyung winced, a small moan leaving his lips as he stared into Hoseok's dark and dilated eyes. He knew Hoseok would be more violent than usual now, the drugs always causing him to react more violently. "I- I was touching myself rather than working on your drug," he lied, biting his lip. He thought the answer would piss Hoseok off, knowing the other demanded this drug by a certain day.
Hoseok bit his lip at Taehyung's words, turning the handle of Taehyung's office door. Taehyung stopped him, gently grabbing Hoseok's hand. "I- I want to take this to the bedroom... Wh- where there are toys we can use too," he admitted, Hoseok's eyebrow raising in interest.
He yanked Taehyung down the hall, Jimin watching as Yoongi slowly emerged from Taehyung's office. "Wh- why does he always have to run off at that psychopaths beck and call?"
Jimin knew that feeling as he walked closer to Yoongi. He gave him a gentle pat on his back before looking down. "Because that psychopath literally owns his ass. If he doesn't answer his beck and call, everybody pays the price. I- I don't know why he has a thing for Taehyung... But I can guarantee you that it isn't because Taehyung wants Hoseok. He just cares too much about other people," he stated softly, recalling the events from earlier.
"Like this afternoon, when we visited that woman's house... He nurtured her broken heart because her husband was killed on our watch. H- Hoseok's found out about you two, but Taehyung lied to him. He told him that the informant must have photoshopped it and Hoseok killed the man in cold blood. Didn't hesitate. Didn't bother asking questions. Just killed him."
Yoongi stared at Jimin, wiping his eyes when he remembered the woman from this afternoon and how Taehyung cradled her. "H- he really is a caring person..."
Jimin nodded in agreeance, rubbing Yoongi's back gently. "He is, and he's trying to spare you, me, and everyone else here from Hoseok's wrath." Yoongi nodded softly, walking back towards his room, hoping he wouldn't hear anything.
Hoseok slammed Taehyung against his wall, kissing him heatedly while he shoved his other hand down Taehyung's pants. Playing with Taehyung roughly and shoving a cock ring down Taehyung's length as his kisses trailed from his lips down his neck. Hoseok bit Taehyung's neck hard, drawing blood as he lapped it up. A loud moan ripping from Taehyung's throat from the pain that engulfed his neck as he gripped Hoseok's shirt tightly.
Hoseok groaned into Taehyung's skin, shoving the other even harder against the wall as he took his belt off. He removed his hand from Taehyung's pants and wrapped his belt around Taehyung's throat, pulling the end through the loop.
He slowly and teasingly removed Taehyung's pants from his hips while letting the belt hang off to the side. Taehyung dare not touch it or move it as his cock ached to be touched once again. Hoseok quickly removed his own pants, wasting no time burying himself in Taehyung's tight entrance.
Taehyung winced at the fact that there was no lubricant or preparation, just Hoseok's raw cock fucking him against his own wall. He wrapped his arms around Hoseok's neck, bouncing on Hoseok's cock as he kissed him deeply.
Taehyung's mind slowly faded to a blank slate as Hoseok continued to bounce him on his cock, Taehyung moaning loudly into their heated kiss. Hoseok fucked him harder at an even pace to keep himself from releasing too soon as he yanked harshly on the belt, choking the shit out of Taehyung. Taehyung moaned even louder, trying to let Hoseok hear his voice, even though it was difficult with that belt around his throat. It drove Hoseok to please Taehyung even more, and Taehyung wanted to be pleased.
Hoseok moaned softly into Taehyung's shoulder this time, biting hard once again and licking even more of his blood. Taehyung writhed in Hoseok's arms, tossing his head back against the wall and arching his back. He felt that familiar knot building inside his stomach, but with that cock ring on, he knew he'd have a hard time ejaculating, if he even ejaculated at all.
Hoseok had teased him with cock rings many times before. It was hard to reach a climax or even get close to a climax with a cock ring on. Reaching his climax with this thing on was pure torture, and Taehyung had experienced both before. Neither one was pleasant and both were torturous.
He breathed heavily, his chest heaving against Hoseok as Hoseok continued to slam into him without remorse. Taehyung's nails dug into Hoseok's shoulders, his back arching off the wall as sounds of skin slapping together echoed throughout the empty room. "F- fuck, Hoseok! R- right th- there," he cried out, feeling waves upon waves of pleasure washing over him.
Hoseok pulled the belt tighter, biting into Taehyung's shoulder once again. He knew he was hitting Taehyung's sensitive bundle of nerves each time by the expression the younger would make. He would furrow his eyebrows, his mouth dropping open in a silent moan as he'd close his eyes tight.
Hoseok loved the expression Taehyung was making as he continued to bounce Taehyung roughly on his cock. He could feel that familiar knot forming and he could tell Taehyung was already ready to burst as his cock throbbed against his stomach, turning a bright shade of unhealthy red.
Hoseok loved the sounds of their skin slapping against each other, the echo of it only exciting him more as he yanked the belt hard once again. Taehyung saw stars, his vision fading in and out as he gripped at the belt. He was trying not to black out on Hoseok, who was ruthlessly fucking into him now as he yanked even harder on the belt.
Hoseok thrust harder into Taehyung, watching the life fade from his eyes as he continued to yank on the belt. He came hard inside of Taehyung, the light slowly fading in Taehyung's eyes as Hoseok rode out his orgasm. After taking a moment to catch his breath and calm down, he quickly removed the belt from Taehyung's throat, kissing him deeply. Taehyung was completely unresponsive to Hoseok's kisses or anything he was doing to him now.
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