Hypovolemic Shock
Hello everyone~♡♡♡ I hope that you are enjoying this crazy ass story.xD Note that there will be sexual content and physical abuse in this chapter~ Please be wary when reading~♡ Thank you and enjoy~♡ Love you all~♡♡♡
Taehyung approached Jin's house, wanting to talk to Jin about the message he'd received the night before. He stared up at the door, knocking loudly as he waited for Jin to answer. He waited for several moments before he knocked on the door once again, waiting patiently once more. When no answer came yet again, he rang the doorbell, trying to peek through the windows to see if there was any movement.
He was beginning to wonder what Jin might be up to, but before he could peek inside the window once more, someone clearing their voice behind him surprised him. He turned to see Namjoon standing behind him, his eyes narrowed in annoyance. "What are you doing here," Namjoon asked, crossing his arms over his chest.
Taehyung sighed exasperated as he rolled his eyes at Namjoon, shrugging at his question. "I don't know, you tell me. I've been trying to get Jin to answer the door for the past five minutes," he stated, sighing in defeat. He wondered if he should just head back home because he really hated being in the presence of Namjoon.
But Namjoon quickly tried the door knob, pounding on the door in a panic, only for the door to be unlocked and swing open from the abuse. Namjoon and Taehyung checked every room in the house, only to find each room empty. They met back in the main foyer, both staring at each other wide eyed. Both of them relied on Jin for different things that helped them cope with their miserable jobs. They couldn't lose him.
Taehyung quickly left the premises, hurriedly heading towards Hoseok's compound. If he was correct, Hoseok had already found out that Jin had warned him and he was probably suffering at the hands of Hoseok. He couldn't bear the thought of that being a possibility as Namjoon's car followed Taehyung's.
They both reached Hoseok's compound quickly, climbing out of their cars and rushing straight behind Hoseok's house and directly for his office. Taehyung entered without even bothering to knock, surprising even Namjoon, who was normally the boldest of the group that worked for Hoseok. "Where is he," Taehyung demanded, stopping in front of Hoseok's desk.
Hoseok eyed Taehyung dangerously, annoyed the younger thought it acceptable to barge into his office. He shrugged nonchalantly, turning away from him as he picked dirt out from under his nail with a knife. "Beats me."
Taehyung grit his teeth, staring at Hoseok, who seemed completely unconcerned about the situation. "You know, he's missing, right. And if he's missing I can't work on your drug because I don't have anymore chemicals right now," he lied, trying to get Hoseok to release Jin from wherever he was hiding him. Hoseok looked up at Taehyung, unconcerned as he flicked a match he'd just lit at Taehyung's torso. Taehyung took a simple step back, stomping on the small flame to put it out. "Sounds like a personal problem," Hoseok added, his eyes darkening dangerously. "You'd better fix it. You don't have much time left to make my drug," he scoffed, shaking his head with a dry laugh.
Namjoon stood behind Taehyung, watching how the two interacted with each other. He was quite surprised Hoseok hadn't lashed out at Taehyung yet for being so bold and demanding of the demented one. Hoseok glared at Namjoon, his eyes significantly darker as his eyes darted back and forth between Taehyung and Namjoon. "And what is he doing here with you? Shouldn't you two be working against each other right now," he stated, seemingly annoyed towards Namjoon.
Taehyung slowly stepped closer, grabbing Hoseok's hand in both of his as he played with his fingers. "Please Hoseok," he pleaded softly. "His life means my survival..." He added softly, meeting Hoseok's angry eyes that burned with a passionate rage. "I need him to supply me with chemicals or there's no drugs... And you'll very well kill me..."
Hoseok swallowed hard at the thought of never having Taehyung to hold again, but didn't want to appear like he favored Taehyung either. He rolled his eyes at Taehyung's words, and with a defeated and exasperated sigh, he stood up and opened the room adjoining his office.
Jin's body fell torso first in front of them, a quiet muffled groan coming from him as Taehyung realized he'd been gagged this entire time. Noticing that his hands and ankles were bound as well, Taehyung quickly rushed to him. He glanced up at Hoseok as he untied Jin's hands and rolled him over onto his back. He gently pulled the tape from around Jin's mouth and pulled the cloth that had been shoved down his throat out.
"Are you okay," he asked Jin, quickly untying Jin's ankles. "How long was that in your mouth? Do you need water? You must be parched," he stated, glancing up at Hoseok once again. "Do you have any water for him?"
Hoseok rolled his eyes and sighed exasperated as he walked towards the mini fridge sitting in the corner of his office by the door. He grabbed a bottle of water before walking back over towards Jin and Taehyung. He tossed the water bottle at Taehyung, leaning against his desk as he watched Taehyung help Jin. Namjoon stared at Hoseok, shocked at the way Taehyung was getting his way with him in almost every way.
Hoseok's eyes narrowed with jealousy, Namjoon watching him as he slowly approached Taehyung and Jin. Taehyung quickly unscrewed the water bottle's cap, tilting Jin's head up towards him as he slowly seeped some water into Jin's mouth.
Namjoon was worried about his boyfriend, but the look on Hoseok's face was something to be far more worried about as he leaned in towards Taehyung. Namjoon's eyes showed concern as he gestured behind Taehyung with his eyes, gently taking the water bottle from Taehyung as he slowly stood up.
Taehyung could feel Hoseok's gaze burning a hole in the back of his head while he had helped Jin. He slowly turned towards Hoseok, only to see the burning flames of rage and jealousy behind his irises. Taehyung opened his mouth to speak, only to be smacked as hard as Hoseok could deliver at that range.
Taehyung had lost his balance and was quite easily knocked to the ground, holding his cheek as he stared up at Hoseok from the ground. Hoseok took several deep breaths, although his expression never changed as he turned his attention towards Jin and Namjoon. "Get. Out."
Taehyung could feel tears sting his eyes as he heard them shuffling to their feet. He realized now, that Hoseok had successfully managed to isolate him once again. He glanced back to see Namjoon standing by the door and tugging on Jin, who was trying to fight the tugging of his arm to stay and defend Taehyung. Taehyung bowed his head and smiled softly at them as he swallowed hard. "I'll be fine," he stated, slowly standing to his feet.
He gently ushered Jin out of the office with Namjoon before shutting the door in their faces, silently protecting them as he turned to face Hoseok once more. The silhouette of his back facing them as he locked the door and silently stayed put was all that they could see. He stared at the looming figure of Hoseok slowly walking closer as he slid towards the floor slowly, petrified of what punishment awaited him.
Jin rushed the door, slamming his body against it to try and push Taehyung away from the door and force it open. He had no such luck as he slowly watched Taehyung's silhouette slide out of view, Hoseok's shadowy figure approached even more. "No! Taehyung! Open the door!"
Namjoon pulled Jin away from the door, trying to keep the only thing he loved protected. "Jin, stop. You'll turn his anger towards us. Don't you see that Taehyung is trying to prevent that," he whispered softly, covering Jin's wet eyes when they heard the sound of something being thrown. He quickly turned Jin away from the door, holding Jin tightly to him.
Namjoon couldn't help but feel sorry for Taehyung as he chewed his lower lip nervously, trying to think of a way to make Jin feel better. He could feel Jin's tears collecting against his hand even more and sighed softly. "We'll find a way to help him, okay? We won't let Hoseok isolate him any longer, okay baby?"
Jin nodded, gripping Namjoon's arm as he sobbed softly. He didn't want Taehyung to suffer at the hands of this man any longer.
Taehyung stared up at Hoseok, his hands shaking slightly as Hoseok yanked him up off the ground by the collar of his shirt. "What was that," he asked so calmly that Taehyung knew he was in for it. Taehyung gently gripped Hoseok's wrists as he stared into Hoseok's dark orbs. He felt as if he were swimming in a sea of black, his soul forever trapped within those daunting eyes. He couldn't look away as he stuttered over his words, trying to put together a coherent sentence. "Wh- wh- what w- was what," he asked innocently, not sure of what Hoseok was angry about most.
Hoseok grit his teeth at Taehyung's question, shoving Taehyung over towards his desk and pressing his back into the edge. He dragged Taehyung's body over the surface of his desk, knocking everything off his desk as he grabbed a lamp from the ground.
Taehyung's eyes widened as Hoseok raised the lamp above his head, his arms instantly moving to protect his face and head before Hoseok swung the lamp towards him. Both heard a sickening crack as Taehyung cried out, huddled on Hoseok's desk and holding his arm.
Hoseok's eyes widened at the sound of Taehyung's cries and the sight of his tears, his eyes darted towards the lamp in his hand as he dropped it with a heavy thud. He slowly approached Taehyung, his anger and jealousy subsiding as he noticed blood seeping down Taehyung's forearm. He moved Taehyung's uninjured hand out of the way to see a splinter of white jutting out through his skin.
Hoseok bit his lip and pushed his hands into his hair, sighing heavily with frustration as he pulled at his hair slightly. "Tae, I'm sorry," he apologized, gently pulling Taehyung closer to him. Taehyung pushed him away with his other hand, still crying as he held his injured arm tenderly.
Hoseok tried again, pulling Taehyung off his desk and close to him again. Taehyung tried to resist, pushing against Hoseok's chest with his hand. Hoseok held Taehyung's hips against his, gently gripping Taehyung's uninjured wrist and pushing it behind his head so that their bodies pressed against each other. Taehyung turned his head away from Hoseok, the pain of his broken arm radiated within him as Hoseok's body pressed his injured arm between the two of them.
Hoseok sighed when Taehyung turned his head away, his breath fanning out against Taehyung's neck as a small whimper escaped the younger's throat. Hoseok smirked softly, planting kisses along the raised goosebumps that pricked on the sun-kissed skin of Taehyung's neck. "I'm so sorry, Tae. It'll never happen again," he stated, rolling his tongue over Taehyung's exposed skin.
Taehyung tried his best not to moan, pain and anger still coursing through him as he closed his eyes. He'd heard that line many times before, spoken in the very same fashion as Hoseok tried to seduce him. He shouldn't give into him, shouldn't cave to his non-heartfelt apology that teetered on the brink of sarcasm. Taehyung knew Hoseok wasn't sorry at all, or all the things that had happened to him in the past, wouldn't have happened.
Although, it was hard for Taehyung to fight Hoseok when he tried to seduce him because his body always reacted positively to Hoseok's advances. His body was practically bending to Hoseok's will now as Hoseok gently nipped the flesh of his neck. And while Hoseok did hurt him like this quite often, he did make up for it by being a more sensual lover than dominating and rough.
Taehyung's body relaxed into Hoseok's grip, his head tilting back slightly as Hoseok continued to bite a trail down Taehyung's neck, gently biting the junction between his neck and shoulder. Hoseok chuckled softly against Taehyung's skin when he felt Taehyung's cock grow almost instantly hard against his own hardened cock. Taehyung still tried to turn away from Hoseok though, still barely resisting his persuasive actions."J- Jin and N- Namjoon m- might be worried about me... I- I should go to them," he stuttered, moaning softly as Hoseok's hand moved from his wrist to rub against his clothed cock.
"What was that," Hoseok asked, rubbing his hand harder against Taehyung's clothed cock. Taehyung didn't know if it was possible to become any harder, but Hoseok was seriously working his magic. Taehyung felt his knees buckle and his free arm hooked itself around Hoseok's neck, holding himself up. Hoseok quickly pulled Taehyung's legs up around his hips, holding the younger up by his thighs as their lips connected heatedly.
Hoseok gently bounced Taehyung against his clothed erection, both moaning softly into the kiss as Hoseok pushed Taehyung onto his desk once again. The younger laid back as Hoseok quickly went to work removing both their pants, not daring to touch Taehyung's shirt for fear that he'd remember the pain in his arm. He unbuttoned and tossed his shirt to the ground, his cock aching to be inside the other as Taehyung's flushed skin silently called out to him. He bit his lip, gently rubbing his hand over Taehyung's clothed tip causing the other to let out a soft yelp of surprise.
His face flushed bright red as he stared down at Hoseok's hand. Hoseok gently peeling back Taehyung's boxers and tossing them to the ground as he admired the younger's body. His hands roamed under Taehyung's shirt, rubbing up and down the younger's toned chest and stomach, causing his muscles to flinch and goosebumps to rise up on his skin once again. Taehyung's cock was already oozing precum and Hoseok chuckled softly as he ran his hands along Taehyung's inner thighs causing the other to moan sensually.
Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, already feeling like he was ready to explode, but whimpered softly as Hoseok's hands left his body. He peeked through half lidded eyes, wanting Hoseok to touch him more before one of Hoseok's hands gripped his wrist and shoved it above his head. Though Hoseok dare not touch the arm he injured, Taehyung took a deep breath and lifted it above his head as well, allowing Hoseok to pin both wrists. Although it hurt tremendously and tears threatened to spill over Taehyung's long lashes once again, Taehyung wanted to feel Hoseok dominating him in some way.
Hoseok removed his boxers as well before gripping Taehyung's hip with his free hand. He reared back before slamming deep into Taehyung, Hoseok's back arching with how deep he'd thrust into the younger. Taehyung's eyes snapped wide open, his head snapping back in pure ecstacy as his mouth fell open in a silent scream. Hoseok liked that look on Taehyung's face as he leaned over the younger and continued to thrust into him hard and heavy, Hoseok watching Taehyung's body ignite with passion with each thrust. Taehyung's breathing grew heavy and ragged after several thrusts, his cock aching as he held back his desire to cum now.
Taehyung bit his lip, soft and muffled moans leaving the small open spaces of his mouth as Hoseok continued his unrelenting pace. "Fuck Tae, you feel so tight," he whispered hoarsely, his grip tightening around Taehyung's wrists. Taehyung cried out as Hoseok's grip tightened around his wrists and a single tear slipped from his eye as he inhaled deeply. Hoseok moved his hand from Taehyung's hip, gripping Taehyung's jaw and pressing his fingers into his cheeks to force his mouth open. "Louder. I want to hear you moan louder," he stated, knowing Jin and Namjoon were still standing right outside his office door.
Taehyung couldn't hold back the sounds anymore with his mouth being forced open and Hoseok still thrusting into him hard and heavy. Taehyung moaned loudly, almost screaming as Hoseok struck his sensitive bundle of nerves the right way, his back arching off the desk as his legs spread wider and lifted his hips slightly. Taehyung kept his hands still for fear of moving the wrong one, but Hoseok could tell by the way Taehyung's hips tried to meet his with each thrust, that Taehyung was looking for some much needed friction against his leaking cock.
Hoseok chuckled softly, still rutting away at Taehyung as he leaned over him, gently taking one of Taehyung's erect nipples into his mouth. Taehyung could feel Hoseok's stomach rubbing against the tip of his cock and he felt like he was about to fall utterly apart as he tried desperately to hold out. Taehyung's breathing was slowly becoming more shallow as if he were right on the brink of coming as Hoseok completely stopped all movements.
Taehyung whined loudly, his whine dying into a whimper as his cock twitched and his hips bucked wildly with anticipation of coming but being denied suddenly. He gasped heavily a few times, realizing Hoseok was edging him as he shook his head. "N- no, please no. I want to cum, daddy. Please," he begged, his cock still twitching as Hoseok remained still. He was waiting for Taehyung's orgasm to step away from that edge, so that he could do it again.
Taehyung's breathing slowly returned to normal as Hoseok pulled out of Taehyung, stroking his cock a few times as he stared at Taehyung's still flushed skin. He could physically see Taehyung's body screaming for his denied orgasm. He watched Taehyung's flushed face, his pupils dilated from the desire that coursed through his blood as his body ached for pleasure. He watched as Taehyung glanced down at his still rock hard cock, biting his lip in a desperate attempt to make Hoseok do something to him again.
Hoseok bit his lip, moaning softly as he continued stroking his length at a fast pace, his orgasm slowly approaching once again before he stopped and gripped Taehyung's hip once more. Taehyung tilted his head off the edge of the desk to watch as Hoseok forcefully reentered him. Taehyung cried out loudly, his mouth open wide in a silent moan as Hoseok smirked.
He loved watching the look of pure unadulterated sex wear itself across Taehyung's face as the younger adjusted slightly to the force. "P- please," he whimpered softly, his eyes half lidded and full of lust. Hoseok didn't take much time to pick a hard and heavy pace once again, holding both of Taehyung's hips now as he thrust inside of Taehyung at full force.
Taehyung gasped loudly, throwing his uninjured arm over his face with his eyes shut tight, his body craving Hoseok's relentless desire. He felt his heart rate ignite once more as his breathing picked up, growing rapidly more ragged with each thrust. Hoseok knew when he'd hit Taehyung's sensitive bundle of nerves, his pupils dilating as his eyes widened with pleasure. "R- right there," he whimpered out, his words dying off in the back of his throat.
Hoseok dutifully obliged, angling his hips to hit Taehyung's sensitive nerve with each hard and heavy thrust. Taehyung's breathing intensified, his back arching off of the desk as his cock twitched violently in front of Hoseok. Hoseok smirked as he watched Taehyung's body writhe in ecstacy, his desire growing as his arm covering his eyes slid down his body. Hoseok watched with ravenous eyes as Taehyung's hand gripped his length hesitantly, peeking through barely opened eyes as Hoseok nodded in approval.
Taehyung slowly stroked his cock, uncertainty in his actions as he used the hand he wasn't very familiarized with for any action he performed. Hoseok bit his lip as he watched Taehyung use an unfamiliar hand, before gently gripping Taehyung's hand and guiding his actions as he continued his unrelenting thrusts. Hoseok could feel his own release swiftly approaching as he helped Taehyung stroke his cock, Taehyung's hips lifting slightly off the desk as he hit the edge. Hoseok watched as Taehyung's body shook with anticipation, teetering on that very edge as his breathing turned to heavy pants. "Please...! P- please, Hoseok...!"
He tucked his injured arm close to his stomach as his entire back arched into a bridge, his toes curling as Hoseok delivered one final thrust to his sensitive nerve that sent him reeling over that edge. He moaned out Hoseok's name loudly as he came all over his stomach, his hips bucking wildly as he tightened viciously around Hoseok's length, every muscle in his body seizing. Hoseok groaned loudly as he spilled his cum deep inside of Taehyung.
Hoseok bit his lip, forcing one eye open to peep through as he watched Taehyung's body spasm and jerk in ecstacy. Taehyung threw his good arm up towards his face to cover the fact that he was crying tears of pleasure. His body finally relaxed, his breathing slowly returning to normal as he gently touched his head. He felt rather dizzy as he stared up at Hoseok, thinking he needed to get more air into his lungs.
He laid on Hoseok's desk for a moment, taking steady breaths as Hoseok pulled out of him. Hoseok collapsed onto the sofa a few feet away from his desk, catching his breath as well. He watched Taehyung as the younger struggled to sit up with just one usable arm. Taehyung stopped short, falling back onto the desk as a wave of nausea hit him hard.
Hoseok stood up quickly as he watched Taehyung gag incessantly, walking over to see what was wrong with him. "Tae? Are you okay," he asked, trying to help Taehyung sit up once again. Taehyung shook his head, laying on Hoseok's desk as Hoseok suddenly realized how pale Taehyung looked. Taehyung's head lolled around on Hoseok's desk, his breathing still irregular as he looked at Hoseok. "I don't-" he gagged once again, Hoseok realizing how cold Taehyung's hand felt in his as he stared at Taehyung in utter horror. "I don't feel so good," he whimpered, coughing up vomit as Hoseok turned Taehyung's head to the side to keep him from choking on it.
He quickly threw a blanket over Taehyung, dressing himself quickly before yanking his office door open. He could see the uncomfortable expressions on Namjoon's and Seokjin's faces as he yanked the both of them into the room. Taehyung coughed once again, more vomit splashing the surface of the desk as Hoseok quickly made sure his head was turned to the side. "What's wrong with him?!"
Namjoon walked over towards Taehyung, studying his characteristics as Taehyung's arms reached out from under the blanket to push it off. "I don't feel well," he repeated softly, Namjoon noticing Taehyung's splintered right forearm. Namjoon quickly shoved the blanket back over Taehyung to cover the fact that he was half dressed underneath and to ensure that it kept him warm. "Jin, lift his legs quickly," he stated, turning to Hoseok. Jin quickly rushed towards Taehyung's legs and lifted them onto his left shoulder.
"What did you do to him? He's in shock," Namjoon announced, brushing Taehyung's hair out of his eyes to see his dilated pupils. "Call an ambulance. He has to be treated immediately Hoseok. This could kill him," he stated, making sure Taehyung stayed conscious under the blanket.
Hoseok shook his head as he stared at Taehyung, biting his lip in fear. "I- I can't call an ambulance here! We have to take him to the hospital," he cried, rushing over towards Taehyung. He gently brushed Taehyung's sweat matted hair off of his forehead, regret trembling in his fingers as he touched the younger.
Namjoon sighed loudly in annoyance. "Then we have to stop the bleeding now and get him into a car quickly," he stated, annoyed, lifting Taehyung and the blanket off of Hoseok's desk. "Bring something to stop the bleeding, Jin."
Jin nodded, quickly grabbing rope off of the ground as he chased after Namjoon, Hoseok following after the two of them. Taehyung shook slightly in Namjoon's grasp, staring up at the elder. "A- am I going to die," he whispered softly, gripping the blanket loosely in his hand.
Namjoon shook his head, sighing softly. "Not if I can help it, Tae. Not if I can help it," he stated, watching as Taehyung's eyes wavered. He shook Taehyung slightly, holding him closer to warm him more. "Don't fall asleep though, okay? Not yet at least," he stated, watching Taehyung's eyes waver with uncertainty as they became unfocused.
Namjoon may not have liked Taehyung ever, but he wasn't about to let him die either. He sighed at the fact that he let Hoseok's jealousy control his feelings toward another person. Taehyung had never really harmed him, wronged him or said anything offensive to him, so he didn't know why he disliked Taehyung to begin with. He honestly didn't know what started their rivalry either as Jin opened the car door for him. He ducked inside of the car with Seokjin and Hoseok right behind him. "Hang in there, Tae," he heard Hoseok's voice in the distance. Taehyung nodded softly as he laid his head on Namjoon's chest for warmth, staring up at the other with darkness closing in around his peripheral vision. He gripped Namjoon's shirt with a small whimper as his eyes tried to focus on Namjoon's worried eyes. "I- I'm s- scared..."
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