Hello everyone~♡ I hope you enjoy this chapter~♡ It has some moments of violence, please just be wary my lovely readers~♡
Jungkook stared at the ground, barely conscious and his head reeling from lack of sleep and round the clock torture. He'd been fucked by so many different people at this point that he just felt numb. His arms didn't bother him as much anymore as they used to, his eyes hooded with temptation to fall asleep. He knew that if he closed his eyes, he'd probably slip away with his regard for life severely damaged at the moment.
He didn't know how long he'd been here or how many more times he was going to lose another part of him to another different man. Hoseok had already taken his turn with him several of those times and his body was just worn and tired. He stared at Hoseok, his mouth dry and his lips chapped from lack of hydration. "P- please kill me," he hoarsely whimpered out. Hoseok's laugh echoed throughout the compound as he smiled up at the slowly dying young boy. "Today's the day you die. Whether it be in front of your brother or not, depends on Taehyung. He's always fashionably late when giving me what I want," he stated, turning on his heel.
He took a couple steps out of the compound and aimed his gun at Jungkook's worn body, making sure he'd have his shot for when Taehyung arrived. He checked his watch, impatiently with the third day slowly ticking away second by second. He couldn't have been more impatient with Jungkook's defenseless and naked body hanging in front of him. Small and thin trails of blood covered his skin, from wounds and cuts all over his fragile body. Hoseok really liked the sight of it as he bit his lip, gently shaking his head. At this moment in time, he needed to focus and nothing more as Taehyung's last fifteen minutes slowly ticked away.
Hoseok slowly grew more impatient, his finger itching to pull the trigger as he kept the gun aimed in the center of Jungkook's chest. "Please..." Jungkook pleaded, wanting to live if it meant his brother had to watch him die. "Don't kill me," he whispered, frightened of what was to happen next. Hoseok looked at his watch yet again, only five minutes passing since the last time he checked. He was growing more and more frustrated as he glanced to either side of him, searching for any sign of Taehyung's car.
He had less than ten minutes left to the end of his deadline, and Hoseok was growing even more impatient with the younger. Taehyung was going to have hell to pay when he finally met Hoseok, the elder letting his arm rest as he let his arm fall to the side of his body. He sighed heavily, glancing at his watch, another minute ticked away as he huffed angrily. "Damn, how long does it fucking take him with someone else's life on the line," he asked, looking at Jungkook as if he were asking him.
Jungkook hung limply in front of Hoseok, unsure if he should even open his mouth. "Look who decided to show up," he finally stated, pointing the gun at Jungkook yet again. Hoseok stared at Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi, wondering why the help would need to be involved in this. Hoseok stared at Taehyung as he squeezed the trigger even tighter, a dark smile on his face asTaehyung wrestled the gun up towards the ceiling. The gun firing off and the bullet ricocheting off into the distance as they stared at each other.
Hoseok was so close toTaehyung's face as Taehyung yanked the gun from Hoseok's hand. "May we have a word alone," he asked, glancing over to see Jungkook's body. "I'd like to talk to you about letting him go," he stated, Hoseok leading the way to his office.
The minute the door was shut, Hoseok smacked Taehyung as hard as he could across the face, sending the other reeling and almost knocking him off his feet. "You ever yank my fucking gun from my hand again, you'll be on the receiving end of that bullet. Are we clear," he asked, whipping around to walk towards his desk. He sat on top of his desk, crossing his legs as he grabbed his knee and stared at Taehyung. "Okay. You want his freedom. What are you willing to offer me," he stated, watching as the other rubbed his sore cheek.
Taehyung rubbed his cheek once more, looking up at Hoseok. "You could have just told me. You didn't need to slap me like that," he stated, holding back tears as he straightened up. He knew he could offer one thing Hoseok would never pass on, no matter what they were negotiating. "Whatever you want, just please let Jungkook go," he stated, wondering how Yoongi was taking the sight.
The only reason Taehyung even brought Yoongi to this was so that Jungkook would actually feel safe leaving with them. He didn't think they'd arrive to a sight like that. He walked closer to Hoseok, spreading the elder's legs apart as he stood between them. He pressed his lips to Hoseok's, gently cupping his face before pulling back and staring at his lips. "Name it."
Hoseok bit his lip as he stared back into Taehyung's down cast eyes, finding the other far more attractive than normal. "Three months without pay," he stated, his features hardening once again. Taehyung bit his lip at the demand, his hands dropping to Hoseok's thighs, hoping he could get him to ease up on the severity of his punishment. Taehyung began massaging gentle circles on Hoseok's upper thighs, the elder raising an eyebrow in curiosity. "Three months without pay," he repeated, unwilling to negotiate that term any further.
Taehyung sighed heavily as he met Hoseok's gaze, his eyebrows knit in frustration. "Really? H- how am I supposed to be able to afford the chemicals to make your drugs," he stated, his eyes wide with frustration. Hoseok crossed his legs yet again, crossing his arms over his chest. "Not my problem, you figure it out. Also, I want the blond gone. I don't want him around you and I certainly don't like him living with you. Next, I have something that's mandatory of my attendance. You're coming whether you want to or not. No one else. No body guards, no weapons, just you and I for a whole day with whatever I want to do with you."
Yoongi ran up to Jungkook's limp and beaten body, both Jimin and Yoongi trying to hold his body up and figure out a way to get him out of this predicament. Yoongi could see the chains wrapped around Jungkook's wrists and tapped Jimin before pointing up at them. "There! Shouldn't that get him down," he asked, almost crying. His baby brother looked so tired and very bruised as he hugged Jungkook's waist. "Don't worry, Jungkook. I'm going to figure out a way to get you down from here," he whispered, his voice trembling violently.
Jimin could see the tears in Yoongi's eyes and gripped Jungkook's waist gently, pushing him up higher than Yoongi could lift him. Yoongi nodded his thanks, knowing Jimin's arms were far stronger than his own. He was grateful to have Jimin helping him, but he really wished he knew what Taehyung was up to at the moment.
Taehyung inhaled deeply at the demands Hoseok laid before him, his thoughts racing. "I can do the three months no pay and spending a whole day with you, but I can't lose Yoongi," he stated, Hoseok's eyes darkening as he watched Taehyung. "Why not," he asked, his entire demeanor shifting as he hopped off his desk. "Is there a hidden meaning behind your relationship with him?"
Taehyung froze physically but didn't hesitate in answering Hoseok, knowing what would have come next if he did. "No. He's just the only person who keeps my house clean, the way I want it, mind you, while I'm too busy to clean. He preens my garden and helps me take care of it when I'm too busy working and he cooks for my men. I can't afford to lose him," he stated, hoping his lie would work. He'd never lied to Hoseok so much before, fear gripping him at the very thought as he stood there, but he also couldn't afford to have Hoseok know the full extent of his relationship to Yoongi.
"What about the boy out there? What's his relationship to you," he questioned, staring at Taehyung hard. "He's of no importance to me," he answered honestly this time. "But... I can't just let him die either..."
Hoseok sighed loudly at his answer and shook his head, pursing his lips. He knew Taehyung better than the other thought, realizing one of them was a flat out lie. The boy didn't even realize his own body language when he was being truthful and when he was lying. He wanted to call the younger out on it and beat him until he knew better, but he smiled as he leaned up against his desk. He crossed his arms and crossed his legs out in front of him. "Fine. He can stay... for now then," he stated, wanting to catch Taehyung in the act of his lie. He pointed to the spot in front of his feet and watched Taehyung. "Now, come here."
Taehyung lowered himself to his knees and crawled closer to Hoseok, moving to unbuckle his belt. Hoseok surprisingly stopped his hands as he smirked. "While the offer is nice, that's not what I want at the moment," he stated, staring down at Taehyung. He gripped the younger's chin roughly in his hand, holding his face tightly as he made Taehyung stare up into his cold and soulless eyes. He roughly ran his hand through Taehyung's hair before gripping a handful at the back of his head and yanking his head farther back. "I have another stipulation then, since one is being completely over ruled," he stated, smirking sinfully.
"My mandatory attendance isn't for another four days. I will give you a break from making my drugs during this one day. I will give you four weeks and three extra days to work on my drugs, but here's why," he stated, holding up a small ring. Instantly, Taehyung knew what kind of ring it was as he slowly stood up from his knees. "You will wear it until the day I pick you up. You will get no relief from anyone. Should your erection be gone before the day I pick you up, someone in your compound will die, are we clear?"
Taehyung stared at Hoseok in utter horror, his cock still in a lot of pain from when he couldn't get off with Hoseok the last time. "I- You expect me to maintain an erection for four days?! I blue balled the last time we were together! It still hurts," he admitted as Hoseok shrugged. "Again, not my problem. You'll figure it out," he stated, staring at Taehyung.
"Either we have a deal or we don't. It's either this or the blond goes. Make your choice and quickly, I'm a very busy man and I haven't got all day." Taehyung bit his lip and hung his head as he unbuckled his belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants as Hoseok chuckled. "Good boy," he cooed, slipping it onto Taehyung's cock as he roughly pushed his back against his desk. "Now to give you the erection that you're going to keep," he stated, leaning against Taehyung's body.
He pressed against him hard, biting Taehyung's neck gently and sucking harshly to leave a claiming mark. He always left claiming marks on the younger's skin, but he had purpose behind this one because he knew Taehyung was lying about something. He also knew that Taehyung's neck and ears were very sensitive and if you really wanted to turn him on quickly, those were the place to start.
He kissed a path to Taehyung's collarbone, the younger moaning softly at Hoseok's teasing and groaning in pain as he grew harder and harder underneath him. Hoseok bit Taehyung's collarbone harshly, the younger crying out as Hoseok glanced down to see him fully erect. "That didn't take long, now did it?"
Taehyung felt nothing but pain in his balls as he nodded, pulling his pants back up onto his hips. "Th- that's because you targeted the most sensitive parts of my body," he stated, working to tuck his erection into his waistband. Hoseok turned towards Taehyung, gripping his balls harshly through his pants as the younger doubled over in pain. "Don't try to even think about hiding it. I want them out there to know you get hard for me."
Taehyung silently nodded. He was in too much pain to utter a single syllable, let alone answer him verbally. Hoseok let go of Taehyung, the younger letting out the breath he didn't even know he was holding. "Th- that wasn't necessary," he cried softly, feeling nothing in his lower region but pain now.
He quickly straightened himself up, sighing at the noticeable bulge in his suit pants as he carefully zipped his pants back up. He glanced over at Hoseok, who smiled pleasingly up at Taehyung from his desk. He stood up straight once more, gently and teasingly rubbing his fingers against Taehyung's crotch as they walked out of his office. "Okay, let him down," he demanded of his men, watching as Yoongi and Jimin had struggled to let him free on their own.
Hoseok's men helped Jimin and Yoongi get Jungkook free, Jimin holding onto his limp body as Yoongi fret over his brother. Jimin picked Jungkook's feet up off the ground, understanding the other was probably far too weak to walk on his own. Jungkook lazily laid his head on Jimin's shoulder, far too tired and beaten to care that this strange man was holding him while naked.
Taehyung handed the drug he'd worked so hard on off to Hoseok, nodding before walking back towards his car with Yoongi, and Jimin in tow. He opened the back door for Jimin to place Jungkook into the backseat as Yoongi slid in next to his brother, still fretting over his safety. "Is he going to be okay, Taetae," he asked frantically, tears in his eyes as he gently touched his brother's swollen and bruised face. Jimin slid into the driver's seat, backing up and quickly driving off as Taehyung fidgeted uncomfortably. "We'll do everything that we can to help save him, okay Yoongi. We're not just going to let him die."
Taehyung watched as Yoongi pulled Jungkook's head onto his shoulder, caressing his brother's face as he coddled him and cried. "It's going to be okay, Jungkook. We've got you now. Please stay with me... I can't do this without you," he whispered softly, catching Taehyung's attention. He understood that was Yoongi's brother, but it still aggravated him to no end hearing that Yoongi couldn't do something without Jungkook. Yoongi had him. He'd bend over backwards just to keep Yoongi happy.
He bit his lip and turned his attention to the passing scenery, too annoyed to say anything when Yoongi stared at him questioningly. He completely ignored the elder male, resting his chin in his hand as he shifted uncomfortably once again. This was going to be a very hard and very painful next four days for him.
Jimin glanced back in the rearview mirror, noticing Taehyung shifting quite a bit and wondered how Yoongi hadn't noticed it. He knew Yoongi cared for his brother greatly, but how could he miss the fact that Taehyung was right in front of him with a complete hard on. He'd tried not to say anything to him, but it was hard not to notice it.
He didn't take long to get them home, quickly carrying Jungkook into the house. Taehyung slowly stepped out of the car, waiting on Yoongi before he shut the door. Yoongi, without stopping to ask why Taehyung was moving so slowly, ran into the house after Jimin and Jungkook. Taehyung sighing heavily and made his way back into the house, walking straight to his room.
Jimin quickly sponged Jungkook's body with soap and water to figure out where he had been cut and where he was bleeding. He pushed Yoongi out of the room, giving him an apologetic look. "Sorry, but I need to concentrate. I can't have you in here distracting me," he stated, shutting the door in Yoongi's face. He gently lifted Jungkook's head up off the bed, tilting it from side to side as he continued to sponge him down.
Jimin gently wrapped Jungkook's body with guaze, making sure to take extreme care in not hurting him more than he already was. Jungkook stared up into Jimin's warm, chocolate eyes as Jimin gently pat his head. "Hang in there," he stated, smiling down softly at Jungkook.
Jungkook watched as Jimin gently took care of his every need and helped soothe and heal his battered body. Jimin seemed so gentle with him that he slowly closed his eyes, slipping off into a peaceful sleep for the first time in days.
Jimin sighed softly and covered Jungkook with a warm blanket before stepping outside the room to see a panicked Yoongi. "Can I see my baby brother," he asked nervously, trying to keep himself composed. Jimin nodded softly, Yoongi running into the room and clasping onto his brother's hand. Jimin smiled softly and shut the door for them to have a private moment as he made his way towards Taehyung's room.
Taehyung sat on the bed, leaning back on his hands as he stared at the ground, trying to keep his mind from focusing on the raging hard on in his pants. He sighed heavily as he heard a soft knock on his door, slowly lifting his eyes from the floor. "Come in," he answered, meeting Jimin's eyes as the door opened.
They both stared at each other for several moments as Jimin stepped into the room and shut the door. "Is that painful," he asked, his eyes shifting down for just a moment before staring back into Taehyung's eyes. He didn't want to be awkward or make Taehyung feel embarrassed as Taehyung sighed heavily. "Yes..."
Jimin glanced down once again, stepping forward and sitting on the bed next to him. "Then why not do something about it," he asked. "Or have Yoongi help you out," he added, trying to focus on Taehyung's face. Taehyung placed his head in his hands, sighing loudly at Jimin's question. "I don't want to take him away from his brother." He didn't want to mention the other stipulations of his negotiations with Hoseok. He never wanted to worry Jimin with anything involving Hoseok, knowing Jimin hated him.
He slumped over slightly before glancing over at Jimin, biting his lip. "Do you think Yoongi would actually consider helping me with his brother looking like that anyway," he asked, laying into his mattress. "I think he'd be repulsed because it'd seem like I could care less about his brother," he added, closing his eyes. "But I'll be fine like this..."
Jimin slowly stood from Taehyung's bed and shrugged, kneeling in front of Taehyung's legs. "Well, you could ask him... Or you could let me take care of it," he stated, spreading Taehyung's legs. Taehyung quickly shot off the bed, gently placing his hand on Jimin's head. "It's fine, Jimin. Don't worry about it..."
Jimin stared up at Taehyung, his eyes narrowed slightly as his hands remained on Taehyung's inner thighs. He slowly massaged gentle circles against his thighs, Taehyung biting his lip as he stared down at Jimin. "You had no problem with letting me before Yoongi came into the picture," he stated, moving his hand to massage Taehyung through his pants.
Taehyung bit his lip even harder and mentally kicked himself as he grabbed Jimin's wrist, pulling his hand away. "Minnie," he addressed, blushing slightly at the nickname he'd given him as a child. "You said it yourself. Before Yoongi came into the picture," he repeated, watching Jimin carefully.
Jimin stood and sat up on the bed next to Taehyung once again, taking his hand from Taehyung's grasp. "But you were the one that said you didn't want to bother Yoongi while he's spending time with his brother," he stated, unclasping Taehyung's pants and slipping his hand inside as he pushed him back into the bed. "I'm just trying to help you," he added, gently gripping Taehyung's length and ghosting his fingers along the underside of Taehyung's cock.
Taehyung gasped softly, his back arching as Jimin continued to glide his fingers along Taehyung's length. "Do you want me to stop now," he asked, teasingly as he leaned forward and blew gently against Taehyung's neck. The younger shuttered violently, closing his eyes and shaking his head as a small whimper left his lips. "B- but I c- can't," he whimpered out, biting his lip once more as he looked over to the side at Jimin.
Jimin's thumb gently rubbed over Taehyung's tip, causing the other to inhale sharply as he gripped Jimin's shirt in anguish. Jimin liked when Taehyung's body reacted so desperately as he smirked. "Why not," he asked, moving closer towards Taehyung. "You know I don't expect anything back from you. So why can't you? Do you really care that much for Yoongi," he asked, biting his lip at the thought of corrupting his leader's faithfulness.
He'd already been corrupted in a way, but Jimin was only corrupting him further and that excited Jimin more than it should have. Taehyung gripped Jimin's shoulder as Jimin grabbed the bottle of lubricant off the bedside table. He let go of Taehyung's cock, the younger whining at the loss of contact as Jimin poured a small amount of lube onto his hand. He pushed Taehyung's pants off of his hips, exposing his cock more as he slowly began to stroke Taehyung's length. He could see the cock ring gleaming in the light and wondered why he was even wearing it. "So, why can't you," he repeated, watching Taehyung lick and bite his lower lip.
Taehyung took a deep breath as he held onto Jimin, his body reacting on its own now as he bucked his hips up into the other's hand. "I- it's p- part of Hoseok's n- negotiations," he stuttered out, his breath slowly growing more ragged. Jimin stroked Taehyung's length at an even pace, watching as Taehyung's back arched off the mattress with a low moan leaving his lips. "What were the rest of his demands," Jimin asked, giving a harsh tug on Taehyung's length.
Taehyung jolted and gripped Jimin's shirt tighter, his nails digging into Jimin's shoulder as his mouth dropped open in a silent moan. "H- he wa- wants me t- to wear the cock ring until he p- picks me up f- four days from now," he stammered, moaning softly as Jimin continued to slide his hand along Taehyung's length. "Wh- which means I- I have to maintain an erection until h- he comes to get me."
Jimin raised an eyebrow in interest as he continued to stroke Taehyung's cock, leaning down and pressing his lips to Taehyung's softly. He pulled away again, Taehyung gasping softly for air as his hands moved to wrap in his hair. "So, you have to have an erection when he comes to pick you up? That shouldn't be too hard to acomplish," he stated, Taehyung shivering slightly as Jimin continued to stroke his length at varying paces now.
Taehyung's chest heaved heavily in anticipation, knowing he didn't have to wait to cum with Jimin. "Can the cock ring come off? Otherwise that will be a dry orgasm and it won't be fun," he asked, kissing Taehyung once again. Taehyung gripped Jimin's hair harshly, his body coiling into Jimin's as he slowly began to thrust into Jimin's hand with small gasps and pants leaving his lips. "J- Jimiiinnn," he moaned out, his hips shuttering violently as he reached his climax with nothing coming out.
"Th- the cock ring can't come off as per order... and he told me that I can't seek any help for my erection," he stated, glancing down and realizing he was still hard. "But I can bend the rules a little as I always do," he added, both of them chuckling softly. Jimin sat up and walked towards Taehyung's bathroom, cleaning his hands as Taehyung pulled his pants back up.
Hoseok stared at the monitor in his office, gritting his teeth together hard, a crack echoing throughout his offife. "That mother fucker," he whispered, grinding his teeth together. "Putting his hands on what's mine," he screamed angrily, throwing the laptop off his desk. He gnashed his teeth together once more, another loud crack resonating throughout his room, tasting blood as he spit out the piece of tooth that he'd just cracked. He inhaled deeply and sharply, glaring at the ground. He knew if he showed up there now, he'd kill Taehyung or Jimin, if not both. He inhaled deeply once more and sat back in his chair, staring at the laptop he'd just thrown. He'll just punish Taehyung when he sees him in the next four days.
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