Somber rain
The flashing lights
The trucks
And the eeiry, cringing white body sheet.
The rain pouring down;
Panning on the skin of the witnesses and the workers;
Reminding them of the pain of this moment.
A man was hit by a car.
A word that will not quite register in my mind;
That someone had no choice
And died...
Innocence to this concept just...
I wonder of his family;
How they will be effected
And pray for them.
The problem is,
I don't even know of his family.
Why, I don't even know that man by name
Nor have I seen his face
So why do I care?
Why am I so greatly effected by his death.
The death of a faceless person;
Of a nameless person?
And what of the after life?
Certainly that has shaken me more than the death itself?
What happens after death?
Was that man confident of where he would end up after death?
What were his last thoughts as the car hit him?
Was he delivered in God's arms?
What happens after is what I take to ponder from this.
We take life for granted
And when life's reality hits you in the face,
You won't be prepared.
But we must take what we can from it.
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