𝒲illiam walked down the street, drinking the beer he had earned from McGomery's shop. He had been helping the man with his boxes and because of that, he had been given some cheap beer and couple of dollars that were much needed.
William burped and threw the empty bottle away, the bitter taste of the drink still dancing on his tongue.
He lazily strolled onto their porch and fiddled with the key around his neck, only to discover that the door was unlocked.
William shrugged and pushed it open quietly, holding his breath as the door creaked. It always creaked.
He blinked as he saw Steve dashing around the house, collecting things. Well, that was boring, he had already hoped they were being robbed or something. No, he did not like the thought of someone stealing their belongings, but it would have been absolutely cool to talk about.
"What's up with you, you know, you can run as much as you want but you ain't Jesse Owens, Steve." William said, his voice filled with amusement as he felt buzz in his veins. He went into the kitchen --or the part they called kitchen-- and got himself a piece of bread. "I'm leaving, Will"
The boy coughed, the bread getting stuck in his throat as he turned towards Steve. The older Rogers was folding his clothes, pushing them in Joseph's old suitcase. "Come again? I think I misheard you." Steve sighed, purposefully ignoring Will's wide eyes as he pushed himself up. "I got my chance, I was given one chance and I had to take it, you know I did. There's no way I could pass up an opportunity like this. And don't worry, you'll be fine Will." The small man said, his back still towards his younger brother as he gently wrapped an old photo into his clothing. William couldn't believe his ears, he clamped his mouth shut, realising that Steve was indeed packing.
"wait, wait now!" he raised his hands, shaking his head in disbelief as he watched Steve's tense back. Well, in reality he couldn't tell if it was just Steve getting skinnier or he was just that tense. "You can't be serious, they let you through? You? You must be joking, brother."
Steve frowned, turning around to face Will who still wore the expression of disbelief. "Why do you smell of beer? Where did you get it? Who gave it to you?" the older Rogers asked skeptically, squinting his baby blues in annoyance. "You can't drink William, you're too young."
Will snorted, rolling his eyes. "Well, excuse me, why are we discussing my one beer and not you being sent off to become Nazis' next target?" he watched Steve, really looked at him.
Steve was by no means a soldier, he was a... A very sick, young man with heroic ideas. William just couldn't understand why Steve couldn't stay home, he could write about heroism, he could dream about it, but really playing a hero would only get him killed, and William was not having it. "Easy, Will. I'll be fine. I'm sorry it came so suddenly. But I'm supposed to leave today. The car will be picking me up in a few actually. I talked with Mrs. Davis. She'll be looking after you while I'm gone. She was happy to help us out." Steve said with the same, serious and baritone voice of his, tying his shoelaces firmly.
William frowned, still trying to catch up to reality. "Didn't Bucky tell you to not do anything stupid until he gets back? Well, I think that's bloody damn stupid." he said bitterly, crossing his arms as he stood in front of the door, posture tense and eyes glaring at his kneeling brother who was tying his shoes. "Fighting for what you love is not stupid, Will. Sitting back, waiting others to do it, well that is stupid." the boy scoffed, his blue eyes like pools of ice as he watched Steve standing up, stretching his back.
"Well, you are irresponsible." Steve cocked his head, looking puzzled. "Fighting for home is not irresponsible." the boy rolled his eyes, grabbing Steve's coat and hiding it behind himself. "No genius, I was talking about me, I'm still here, I'm still alive. You're just going to leave your little brother alone? I drank beer today, Steve! I'm going to end up homeless or even worse, like Mrs. Davis' late husband!" William was starting to panic, was he overreacting? Probably. Was it such a good idea to let men like Steve into military? Definitely not.
Steve sighed, looking at a William sadly. But he couldn't ignore the call of his heart, he just needed to be out there. "It's a good thing she'll be watching over you then. You won't even remember the smell of alcohol when you live with her." Steve chuckled at William's startled expression. "You're making me live with the devil? Really, Steve? It's Mrs. Davis we're talking about! She'll make a butler out of me!" William ranted, ignoring Steve's bony hand grabbing his elbow to pull his hands in front of himself and the coat Will was still gripping.
"I wouldn't mind a butler once I come back." the older Rogers said, Will's large eyes filled with horror somehow amusing him. "Oh you're evil, you're so evil."
A gentle silence fell between the fair haired brothers. William couldn't help but wonder if it would be their last moment together. If Steve wasn't killed by a bullet, he'd surely ask a dying enemy if they needed medical attention or a tissue and possibly get stabbed in his back. Or he could die of health issues, like getting asthma attack in the middle of the battle.
Steve pulled something out of his pocket, it was small, wooden animal. "Uhm, Steve. I ain't ten."
"I know, but you'll be fifteen tomorrow. Here, I made it, it's a fox. You kind of remind me a fox, clever and awfully cocky." William narrowed his eyes, but accepted the small toy. His best guess would have been that it's a cat, he just nodded along when Steve said it was a fox.
"Yeah, sure. A fox... I mean, at least I don't resemble a rat or a dog. Can you imagine that? Or a rhino... Not that there's anything wrong with rhino's, I'd rather be-" William quieted down, hearing the sound of vehicle coming to an stop in front of their house. Steve offered him a gentle smile filled with a hint of saddens and sympathy. His look was also apologetic as he pulled Will in for a hug.
No words were needed, the silence told everything. Be careful. Don't do anything stupid. Stay alive.
That night William sat alone on their rooftop, a hole in his chest as his lost, sad blue eyes stared at the twinkling sky. He couldn't believe he had lost two brothers in two days.
He gripped the small, wooden fox in his hands as he let his mind wander into the dark sky.
( creds to the sweetest oakenshield_)
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