Chapter 8
Draco's POV
It doesn't make sense. What happened to him? Why does his lack of memories bug me so much? Is it because he now no longer has feelings for me? But isn't that what I wanted from the start? For him to forget?
I groaned and yanked my hair.
"Stop that, you'll go bald doing that." Pansy's voice sounded in the boys dorm room.
"I can't help it. What happened to him? I just want to understand why this happened. Why was it only the memories of me that were erased?" I replied, curling farther into myself.
"We won't know until we get his memories back and for that to happen, we need to know what spell was casted." She explained.
I sighed. She's right. We're not going to know until he remembers. "Yeah, but do we have any clues?"
"Not really, but I did see Granger in the library with a stack of different books on spells, charms, and hexes. Not to mention we've been looking up a lot of different curses and hexes seeing if we can find anything as well. We're bound to find something." Blaise said taking a seat next to me on my plush green bed.
"True. We've got some of the best students in the school looking for answers. We'll have them in no time flat." Pansy agreed.
I only nodded my head.
Though, it seemed we would have answers sooner than we thought.
The next day I took my usual seat next to Potter in potions.
"Harry!" A screeching voice called. The conversation I was having with Pansy and Blaise stopped as our focus went to Granger, Potter, and Weasley.
"What is it, 'Mione?" Harry questions.
Granger stopped in front of his desk, Weasley right beside her. "I know what spell was used on you. It's the spell to make you forget a certain thing completely or partially depending on the caster. It's called obliviate."
Harry went quiet. He put his hand on his chin in order to think, his face scrunched up slightly. "Obliviate. It does sound familiar, but why would someone want me to forget him?"
"I don't know." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders.
"Wait. Isn't that the spell Lockhart tried to use on us in second year, but backfired because he was using my broken wand?" Weasley questioned. What happened second year with our defense teacher? Is that why he's no longer here? Not that I care. That guy was an absolute nightmare and completely fake.
"Yeah and he earned himself a permanent spot in St. Mungo's." Harry retorted, crossing his arms.
"Is there a cure?" I asked, if Lockhart is in St. Mungo's permanently then is it possible there is no cure?
All eyes turned to me. Granger looked shocked at my question. The weasel looked annoyed. Harry looked curious, yet confused.
"Only one and that's if the spell was casted correctly. If it was not casted right then there's nothing we can do or anyone can do. His memories of you will be gone forever. We need a memory potion."
"A memory potion? Maybe that could work, but it'd be an extreme risk. It only lets a person to dig deep in their memories in order to remember something they have forgotten. Although it lets a person dig in their own past memories it's nearly impossible to find the right memories that you want to remember. Not to mention it takes two weeks to make." I stated. This just got a lot harder.
"Look. Do I really need these memories back? If someone erased them, then there must be a good reason. Especially since it was used to erase a person. Someone easily could have made me forget about more important things that they feared would have gotten out, but it was only the memories of Draco that are gone."
My face dropped. I'm not important to him anymore. Was I ever important to him? No. I've always just fooled myself with fantasies that we could be together. It will never happen. I just had to make sure of it by breaking his heart and there is nothing I regret more.
Harry looked at me, his eyes widened at my reaction. The second I noticed him looking, however, I converted back to my cold indifferent one.
"Let's get my memories back. Besides, they can't all be bad of you, right?" He asked me.
"Don't hold yourself to that. You'll be thoroughly disappointed." I replied coldly. I got up from my seat in an attempt to leave the room.
"Wait!" Harry's voice called out to me. His hand grabbed ahold of my shoulder. My heart skipped a beat as the spot on my shoulder began to grow warm. I only turned slightly to him to let him know that I'm listening. "Can we talk? In private?"
"Harry. Is that a good idea?" Weasley asked.
"Course it is. So what do you say, go on a walk with me?"
I turned to him, fully prepared to turn him down, but the glint in his eyes stopped me. "Sure." He smiled brightly at me before walking out the door. I couldn't help being in a daze with that bright smile shining at me for the first time in my life.
I turned to look at Pansy, only to see her giving me a thumbs up. I rolled my eyes before following after Harry.
We walked in silence for a little while before Harry spoke. "Do we really hate each other?"
How do I answer that? I don't hate him, I never have.
"I guess. Why does this matter if you're going to get your memories back anyways?"
Harry sighed. "I just want to know because as far as I'm aware, you're not a bad guy. Then again that's just from what I've seen so far and I could be fooling myself knowing you're a Slytherin."
"Hey. Don't talk bad about my house. We're not all evil." I turned away from him annoyed.
"You're right. Sorry." I whipped around to look at him. My eyes enlarged and my mouth hanging open slightly.
"You were right. I'm sorry I said that."
I froze. He just apologized for something so small. It wasn't really offensive because everyone thinks that and yet he feels guilty for saying that. "You don't dislike Slytherin's?"
He shrugged. "Not really. I mean Voldemort was a Slytherin and stuff, but to be honest that's just a stereotype right? After all, I was supposed to be in Slytherin."
"You? The Harry Potter was supposed to be in Slytherin?"
"Yep. Actually. I don't really remember why I turned the sorting hat down. Maybe because I don't want to end up like Voldemort, but still."
I only nodded my head in understanding. "So, why did you want to speak with me?"
Harry's eyes widened in realization. "Oh! Right. I wanted to ask if maybe you'd like to end this feud between us. Even though I don't remember it, people keep reminding me of it and, I don't know, maybe it's childish of us. So, do you think maybe we can just be friends?"
I froze.
Harry Potter wants to be friends with me? No. He's only saying that because he has no memory. He has no idea what I'm truly like. He'll be furious once he remembers.
Besides. I told myself that I can't be friends or even something more with him, as much as I want to. My father and Voldemort will hurt us both. Not to mention I'm a disgusting death eater.
Harry frowned. "Why not? Won't it be better if we just start fresh? A war is coming after all and who knows how much time we have left in this world."
He's right, but that won't change my mind. Us getting closer would result in us getting seriously hurt. It won't work. "My answers still no."
Harry only looked in my eyes searching for a reason as to why I refused. I kept my calm stoic face on so he couldn't pick up on anything.
"Have I done something to you?" He asked finally, guilt lacing his voice.
My eyes widened. "No! I mean, nothing serious really. Listen Potter, thanks for the offer, but if there's one thing I'm certain of, it's that we can't be friends. Or more." I whispered the last part to myself.
"And why not? Is it because you're a Slytherin and I'm a Gryffindor?" Harry protested.
"No, nothing like that. It's a long story. Let's just say we're not on the same side."
Harry seemed to freeze. Taking in my words. "Do you mean to're...working for Voldemort?"
I didn't answer his question. The other Harry with his memory already knows I'm a death eater, that much I'm sure on. Harry's always been observant when it came to me and I only know that because I'm the same way with him. With that in mind, this new Harry that has no memories, I can't possibly tell what he'll do.
Harry stood silent for a moment, hoping I'd respond. When I didn't he asked."Are you a death eater?" He whispered. I couldn't read his emotions, they seemed blocked or unfocused.
I sighed. "It's none of your business. Just drop it, ok? I don't want to be your friend and nothing's going to change that."
"Is that a challenge? If I want to be your friend then I'm gonna do so."
"Harry, you can't change who I am. We're destined to hate each other. You would know that if you had your memory."
"We'll see about that."
"I'm not playing your stupid little game! Just drop it and leave me alone!"
Harry stilled slightly at my outburst. I turned on my heels and attempted to leave, only to be held back my an arm encasing my wrist. "I'm gonna get my memories back. For some reason I feel like I don't hate you, like I never did and so I'm gonna do the one thing that the Harry with memories never did."
"You're asking for trouble."
"Don't I always?" He smiled at me.
He's a stubborn git. I'll give him that. I guess a very secretive friendship won't be so bad. At least not until he gets his memories back. "Fine, but we're friends in secret. I can't risk the whole school finding out."
Harry smiled even brighter. "Deal."
This new Harry is bringing out a side of me that I don't particularly like, but at the same time, this is Harry. He's always been like this. The lack of memories has not changed his personality, I'm just seeing more of it and maybe that's not a good thing. I might get more than I'm asking for.
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