Chapter 5
Harry's POV
He kissed her. I can't believe it.
Well I can. I knew he liked her, but I just had hoped that it wasn't true. I guess I was wrong.
Seeing him press his lips to hers. It hurt like hell. After everything I've been through with him today, that just pushed me over the edge.
I was only in the dungeons serving out Snape's detention when I caught the two talking in the halls. Malfoy seemed flustered over something and then it happened. He kissed her.
I couldn't look anymore. I ran from the dungeons up to moaning Myrtle's bathroom, no one comes in here so I knew I wouldn't be disturbed.
I sat on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. Tears slipped from my eyes and down my chin.
Why does it hurt so much? I knew we would never work out, yet having it confirmed just crushed me.
Can't I have one thing go right in my life? Why can't I be the normal boy that got raised by his parents and married a beautiful girl? Why couldn't I be normal? Why am I a freak?
Why did I have to fall for Malfoy of all people?
It hurts so much that I can't breathe. Everything is gone. Ron's ignoring me because I won't answer his repeated questions of the assumption that I'm gay. Half the school now hates me because I'm gay, and Malfoy just ripped my heart out and ate it.
I can't do this anymore. I can't live like this anymore. I don't want to.
I'm sick and tired of being in pain for one thing or another.
I just want to forget. Forget the feelings I have for Malfoy, forget the way he gives me butterflies when we make eye contact in the Great Hall, but neither of us sneer at each other. Forget that we met in Madam Malkin's all those years ago. Forget why I fell for him and forget all the times we've talked, even if most of the time it was to yell at one another. I just want to forget it all.
An idea passed through my head. Hermione and I were looking up a spell for charms one day a few years ago when I came across a memory erasing spell.
I could use that on myself. I could make myself forget everything about Malfoy.
The pain would stop. I wouldn't be hurting every time I saw him anymore. We could go on with our lives and no one would have to know.
I pulled out my wand and pointed it to my head.
Am I really going to do this? Am I really going to erase my memory of everything I've ever been through with Malfoy?
I like him. I really do. A part of me doesn't want to forget. It wants me to hold on to him for as long as I can, but it just hurts too much.
The image of him and Pansy kissing flashed through my mind.
A sob escaped my lips.
Yes. I want to do this. I want to forget him, forget the pain.
I breathed in slowly, closed my eyes, and thought of every memory of Malfoy, every moment we yelled at each other, or spilled potions on one another. All the times we whizzed across the sky chasing after that fluttering light of gold, all the times we stared at each other in the Great Hall or in class. The time we met in the robes shop and the time he extended his hand towards me, asking for friendship. The time he called Hermione a mudblood and that hippogriff attacked him. The moment he caught me looking at him and realized I liked him. The moment he made of fool of me in class. And lastly the moment I saw his lips pressed to another. I thought of it all, and before I gave myself a chance to back down, I uttered the words. "Obliviate."
The light around me faded, the memories I held close evaporated. The pain left my chest and the tears stopped flowing as I began to forget why I was crying in the first place. Then everything went black and I was welcomed with blissful sleep.
When I woke up, I was sore. The ground was hard beneath me.
"Finally awake?" A high pitched voice came.
I looked up. "Oh, hello Myrtle. When did I get here?" I asked taking in the fact that I'm lying on the floor of moaning Myrtle's bathroom.
"Early evening yesterday. You were quite distraught." She said floating up to her sitting window.
"Distraught you say? I don't remember. Must've had a nasty nightmare or something. Do you know what time it is?" I asked standing up.
"Nine o'clock."
I froze. I'm supposed to be in potions right now. Damnit Slughorn's gonna kill me for being late. "Uh sorry, Myrtle. I've got to go! I'll see you later!" I shouted running out of the bathroom and down the halls.
I ran down the steps and into the freezing cold dungeons. I burst through the doors to the potions classroom. Slughorn was writing something on the board.
"Ah, Mr. Potter, nice of you to finally join us. Go ahead and take a seat next to Mr. Malfoy and start writing down these notes." He pointed behind me.
I turned around to be greeted to a boy with platinum blonde hair that was almost white. It was swept out of his face in utter perfection. His silver eyes were filled with hate and a sneer was plastered on his pale face. I noticed the green and silver robes on. Great, I have to sit next to a Slytherin.
Well, I have to admit, he may be a Slytherin, but damn is he hot! Why have I never noticed him in my class before?
Why is he glaring at me like that? What have I done?
"As I was saying before, we will be brewing a draught of peace. Once completed you may sample it. It's effects will last up to one hour. Turn to page 219 for instructions. Get started."
Everyone began opening their text books and going to the storage closet to retrieve ingredients.
I did the same and read the procedure down in front of me.
"Well hurry up, Potter. We don't have all day and I will not be failing this assignment because of your stupidity." He shouted making some Slytherin's laugh.
I looked over at him confused. "I'm sorry, but I don't think we've ever met."
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