Chapter 13
Draco's POV
Harry is proving to be less and less of the golden boy I once thought he was. After the night we spent together in the astronomy tower, I've realized that there is more to Harry Potter than what meets the eye.
Well, actually, I have always thought there was more to him than what he puts up front. For instance, I know he has weird eating habits, sometimes eating a lot and other times not eating at all. He tends to look off, almost in a trance or somewhere in another world then where his body is present.
I also know that he is much more observant than he lets on, even in his classes he is much more attentive than his friends give him credit for. It seems even Granger sometimes misses how he writes his notes so precisely in a way that he can understand clearly, but may seem messy and unclear to others.
Why Harry chooses to hide such traits is still a mystery to me. Some would assume it's because of what he has been through since arriving at Hogwarts, but I disagree. I noticed it the moment he walked through the Great Hall for the first time. The way he held himself at a low posture, almost like he wanted to disappear or become invisible. How attentive he was, even in his first potions lesson.
For someone everyone presumed to live a great childhood, he is constantly aware and on guard of everything around him and tends to hate any attention given to him.
I guess I have spent too much time of the last six years observing, watching his every move. Not because I thought badly of him, but because sometimes I felt that if I looked away for too long, he would vanish. Never to be seen again.
"Draco? Are you alright?" Pansy called my voice. Pansy, Blaise, and I sat on a couch in the Slytherin common room.
"Yes, sorry. I was just thinking." I responded.
"Where were you last night? You never came back to the dorms." Blaise asked.
"Astronomy tower, where I always am." I responded simply, not giving them much more information than that.
"With Harry, I presume. Usually you come back before the sun is up." Blaise smirked.
I glanced at the time and stood up abruptly. "I'm not answering that. I've got to go. I'll see you both at dinner." I told them and left the room quickly.
As much as I rather sit with my friends and ponder over my own thoughts. I have work that needs to be done.
After leaving the dungeons and turning down a few halls, I made it to the room of requirement. I paced a few times and thought of what I wanted and sure enough the door appeared where a wall once stood.
Inside, there was a room full of random items as high as you can see and as far down as you can possibly go.
I made my way around all of the items, weaving left and right to avoid colliding with anything. If it was your first time here, you would instantly get lost, but seeing as this is not my first, it did not take me long to figure out where I needed to go.
Far back into the room stood an old wardrobe, or better known as the vanishing cabinet. This will be my first test, to see if I am loyal to the dark lord. I have to repair this before the end of the year in hopes of allowing death eaters to enter the school.
It's one of the last things I want to do, but I don't have a choice. The dark lord will hurt both my family and myself. Though I do believe that my father has whatever is coming towards him, I could never forgive myself if something happened to my mother. No matter what happens to me, I won't let him hurt my mother, she doesn't deserve any of this and a part of me wishes that she had left my father a long time ago. However, pride runs deeply in the veins of pure blooded families and it is not something you can easily betray.
I continued my work on the vanishing cabinet, following the instructions that was given to me. The vanishing cabinet is in absolute ruins and it's going to take me forever to fix it into the proper conditions for the dark lord's wishes.
Several hours had passed that I have been trapped in this stuffy and dust filled room and dinner was about to begin.
I had told Blaise and Pansy that I would see them for dinner and so, even though I have barely completed any work, I stood and left the room of requirement.
Dust covered my clothes and I swiped my hands across my clothes to get rid of it all once I was in the middle of the hallway.
"Draco? What are you doing in front of the room of requirement?" The voice of the last person I wanted to see at this moment of time appeared in my peripheral vision.
"Harry! Uh, n-nothing." I stuttered.
His eyes narrowed at me, clearly knowing I was lying. "Right. I don't believe you."
"I just n-needed some time to myself is all. This is probably the best place to get some quiet."
"There's the library." He pointed.
"Right, well. I wanted to be alone." I lied.
"Okay." He still seemed to not believe me, but thankfully, dropped it. "Uhm, well, do you want to go to the kitchens with me for dinner?" He asked.
"Sorry. I actually promised Pansy and Blaise that I would have dinner with them today." I watched his eyes flare in irritation for only a second. I couldn't make out why, but I did notice it.
"Right, sorry. Yeah, you should probably eat with Pansy and everything. I should meet up with Ron and Hermione, anyways."
Pansy? Why did he only mention Pansy? Yes, she is my friend and I will be eating with her, but I'll also be with Blaise. He didn't even acknowledge Blaise at all.
Harry ran off in the direction of the Great Halls.
That was....weird.
It was almost as if Harry didn't want me to hang out with Pansy. Does this mean he's gaining his memories back all of a sudden and remembers what happened in the hallway of the dungeon?
No, that's not possible. The only way to fix a person's memories after using obliviate is the memory potion. Harry shouldn't have any recollection of what happened.
So then, what was that all about?
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