Chapter Twenty - Three: Cold F###en sucks
The underground world fell away as Eris emerged on the surface through a grate that covered her in sewage. Retching, she looked around. Where the fuck was this? Heavy fog blanketed a forested planet. Brush tugged at her dirty, torn clothes, pulling off a piece of fabric as she stepped forward.
Eris leaned down and grabbed it, stuffing it in her pocket. She wasn't going to be stupid enough to leave behind traces of herself for Bolivar to follow.
"Starshit." She wrapped her arms around herself in an attempted to combat the intense cold. This entire situation was fucked. When her ex boyfriend had talked about going on a trip, being kidnapped was not what she'd imagined. They were supposed to get away from the responsibilities her royal status placed upon her. Peace. That was all she'd asked for. Now, she was stranded in an unfamiliar place that was cold as fuck.
Frosty breath puffed from her nostrils. If she didn't get someplace warm soon, her body would shut down, until she froze to death. The tiredness from being so long away from the suns had already set it, causing her to stumble as she stepped over fallen logs. A shiver of light glowed on her arm, like a drip of water to a barren landscape. It did little more than make her crave for more, failing to satisfy the warmth she needed.
A laser sailed past her head, hitting the branch of the tree above her. Eris dove forward, biting her tongue when the edge of the twigs scratched at her tail on the way down. How had they found her? She'd done everything she could to shake her followers. The smell of multiple species' shit's all over her body was proof of her stealth. It hadn't been enough. It was like they had gotten a link to her dna and followed it. Was that even possible?
Rummaging in her pocket as she ran through the tree's, Eris grabbed bits of things she'd managed to remove from Bolivar's place and tossed them back.
An explosion of heat brought towering giants tumbling to the ground, spreading flame to the brush all around her pursuers.
Without any access to her powers from the lack of sunlight, Eris ran. It was all she could do. She'd find a weapon eventually, and a ship. Then after she'd had time to recover and eat some starshitted food, she'd come back and kick Bolivar's ass into the next galaxy.
Something splattered in her path. Eris came to a halt, looking down at a decapitated being with four wings. A low growl sounded to her right alongside crunching sounds. But what held her attention greater than anything else, was the swords in the dead fellows hands.
The creature in the shadows didn't come near her, even to retrieve the rest of the body. It was clearly bothered by the scent that recked from her. At least the trip through the disgusting sewage hadn't been for nothing after all.
Eris grabbed the swords, clasping her hands tighter to stop them from shaking in the cold. A trickle of rain slid down the side of her face and next before a down pour drenched her in misery.
"Are you fucken kidding me!" Eris shouted up at the sky. "Fuck this stars forsaken planet!"
"Shouting gives away your location," a young female's voice stated. "If you'd been smart, you wouldn't have stopped running." A human sporting a tattered, tan jacket stepped out from behind a fallen tree. Blood dripped down her arm from the knife in her hand, merging with the rain water and falling to the earth. Her ash-brown braid was partially undone, contributing to the tired appearance she hosted with the dark circles under her eyes. "I've enjoyed tracking you." She pulled a long sword from her hip. "But I'm done running."
Next to her stood a small . . . Water person?
"What the fuck are you supposed to be? A walking fountain?" Eris asked, pointing her sword about the weird looking thing that was even odder in the beating rain.
An indent of what she supposed was a smile crossed the human shaped water thing. "I'm an entity, water is the element I'm formed from. Name's Arden!"
The girl whacked the water boy on the back of the head.
"Stars dammit, Daira!" The boy cried.
"How many times do I have to tell you not to use our names? That's dangerous you idiot," Daira said with a growl.
"So is talking," Eris stated and slashed the belt at the center of the boy's form.
He became a puddle and splashed across the ground.
Daira ran forward, skillfully duel-wielding her knife and sword. She sliced Eris' arm in three places on her advance before Eris was able to regain her footing on the muddy ground.
"Enjoy the little blood you've drawn," Eris said, blocking the furry of swings that came her way. "Because that's all you're going to get."
Whirling around she kicked Daira in the stomach, then sliced into her sword arm.
Daira's knife embedded in Eris' leg, ripping her calf open, as it was pulled out. "You were saying?" Daira laughed, a dangerous madness dancing in her eyes. "I don't go down easy, drakon."
The sound of a waterfall roared in the distance. If Eris couldn't out maneuver her, she could use the landscape to her advantage. One misstep. That was all it would take when dancing on the edge.
Daira leapt forward, landing a fist that was much harder than it should have been on the side of Eris' body. Something snapped and stabbed through her skin.
"Fucken stars!" Eris growled, stumbling to the side from the extent of the hit.
An onslaught of impacted attacks hit her face, her chest, her stomach, before she had a chance to raise her arms to defend herself. Half the world disappeared as blood and goo dripped down the side of her face.
Eris fell to a knee, shuddering, her already weakened body growing closer to the darkness that would be her demise. This wasn't an ordinary fighter. No. This was a fucken weapon. If she didn't get a hit in soon, she was going to die.
Daira raised her knife to stab into the side of her throat.
Eris caught her hand.
The edge of the weapon pierced her skin. The strength of her attacker clearly superior to her own.
Eris stabbed her sword into Daira's thigh and ripped upward until it hit something that stopped it from continuing.
Crying out, Daira dropped the knife.
Catching it, Eris stabbed it into the weapon's gut and scampered to her feet. She couldn't win this fight. Not weak like she was.
The sounds of the waterfall grew closer as she ran with the swords clutched tightly in her numb hands. She didn't know where she was going, how she was going to get away. All she knew was that she needed to survive this starshit.
Searing pain collided with her spine as something in it snapped, and she was sent sprawling toward the edge of the cliff face.
Dragged footsteps walked toward her.
Eris tried to push herself up.
'I can't feel my legs. . . Starshit I can't feel my legs!'
It didn't matter how many times she tried, she couldn't get up. Dragging her body across the ground, she went toward her blade.
A black boot stepped on her hand, digging into it mercilessly. The cold tip of a pistol pressed into the back of her head. "I always get my target. You are no exception."
The waterfall roared just a foot away, flowing into a river far below them. Eris grabbed the weapon's hand. "If I'm going to die, I'm taking you with me, bitch."
With all the strength she could muster to pulled the weapon to the ground and rolled off the side of the cliff. The last thing she heard were Daira's screams before the darkness that had stalked her claimed it's prey.
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