Two x Magical!Reader (Odd Distractions)
Two flinched in pain as his Co-Host wrapped a bandage around his arm. "Just one more." (Y/n) said, wincing slightly. They hated causing him more pain.
Once the bandage was snug and tight, they smiled, kissing the top of his head. Two tensed, a bright blush appearing on his face. "Thanks..." He said, glancing to the side.
(Y/n) stood up, holding out their hand for him to help him up. "I still think we should punish them." They tsked, as Two took their hand.
He frowned, shaking his head. "No! Why would I do that?!" Falling forward slightly, (Y/n) caught him. "Because they hurt you, completely unprompted!"
Two burried his face into their hoodie, groaning slightly. "No." He said, voice muffled in the fabric. "Can we please stop talking about this?"
(Y/n) hugged him slightly, gently patting his head. They smiled, picking him up. He flinched again, lifting his head to face them. An even bigger blush was on his face.
Walking over to the couch, they sat him down. "What if I make us some tea?" They said, walking over to the kitchen. Two smiled. "That...That sounds lovely."
Picking up a few tea bags, (Y/n) sat them on the counter. Taking a pot, they rushed over to the sink, quickly filling it with water. "I'm not sure why this is happening..."
(Y/n) turned to face Two, who was hugging his knees, somewhat sad. "They really hate me...don't they?" Holding up a finger, a small flame erupted from the tip.
Two glanced over at them, smiling. "Who cares what they think?" (Y/n) said, as the water started to boil. "Their hate isn't justified."
They rolled their eyes. "Seriously, they got mad at you for speaking too quietly, how can you take anything they say seriously?" Two glanced down, sighing.
"...Not them..."
(Y/n) almost dropped the pot, staring at him. They winced, knowing exactly who he was talking about...Two glanced back at them. "The viewers."
Setting the pot down on a burner, (Y/n) turned on the stove, before walking over to Two. They sat beside him, wrapping an arm around him.
"...How is anyone able to ignore them?" Two leaned his head against their shoulder. "I'm sorry." (Y/n) sighed, resting their chin on his head.
"I know they seem kinda mean. But trust me, there are some people starting to warm up to you." They smiled. Two chuckled slightly.
"That's hard to believe." He admit, as (Y/n) stood up. It seemed like it was going to take a lot more to cheer him up than just a talk.
Lucky for him, they had an idea.
"The tea is ready, let me make us some real quick." They snapped both of their hands, and the tea bags plopped into the cups, and the water poured into them.
With the flick of their wrists, the cups flew into the air, slowly inching towards the two of them. Once they were there, they both began to drink.
Two gently blew onto his tea, not wanting to burn his mouth. Meanwhile, (Y/n) quickly chugged it, like a student who forgot their finals were due that day.
Covering his mouth, Two tried not to laugh. Once they were done, they yawned slightly, tilting their cup to the side slightly. It was empty.
It was empty.
Two nervously looked at them. "Uh... where's the tea bag...?" (Y/n) smiled at him. "Well, I ate it." Two blinked, freezing in place. "...huh?"
(Y/n) shrugged. "It's like a drink and a snack, right? The tea bag was kinda gross though..." Two was silent for a moment. Then, he burst out laughing.
"Oh my stars, no-" He wheezed, tearing up. "(Y/n), you don't eat the tea bag, love-" He said, smiling in concern and confusion. (Y/n) looked down slightly, chuckling.
"Oh, dang it." They sighed. "I thought it was like the ramen sports drink." Two did a double take.
(Y/n) smiled, summoning a thermos. "Okay so, you put the raw noodles in here." They started to explain. "Then you boil either blue or pink sports drink, and-"
Two almost dropped his cup, as he fell off the couch, thankfully they used their magic to catch it. He laughed hard, clenching his torso.
"(Y-Y/n)-" He wheezed. "Please d-don't tell me- y-you drank t-this-" (Y/n) silently smiled, before turning away slightly. Two wheezed, face planting on the couch.
"(Y/n) no-"
After that little conversation, the rest of the evening seemed to be fine. Two seemed much happier, even if he did learn cursed knowledge.
To (Y/n), this was a successful talk. And they were glad they were able to help him.
"Wanna see me down this abomination?"
Two facepalmed, chuckling at his friends' confused and disgusted faces. The entire Number Playground crew had gotten together for a picnic.
And of course.
His lovely Co-Host, and by that point his significant other, was showing off their cursed food.
Nine smiled at him, giving him a thumbs up, and winking. Seven stared at (Y/n), glaring slightly. "That's disgusting!" Eight sighed slightly.
"Hey, don't judge." They said. "Don't forget, they are a human." Seven frowned, crossing his arms. "I'm sure this isn't typical human food."
(Y/n) smirked. "My boyfriend informed me that it, indeed, isn't normal human food." They teased Seven. They gasped, pointing at (Y/n) then Eight.
"See! The human admits it!" He glared at them. "Then why do you eat it?!" (Y/n) cupped their own face in their hands. "Because it annoys you.~"
Six fistbumped them, smirking at Seven. "Ha! I like this one, Two!" They said, glancing at him. Four sighed. "I still can't believe a human is your co-host..."
(Y/n) smiled at him. Four glanced back at them in confusion. Picking up their thermos...they made direct eye contact.
And began to chug their cursed drink.
Four shivered slightly, hiding behind X. "Can you not." (Y/n) sat their drink down, flashing a toothy grin at him. "Delicious!" They said, wrapping an arm around Two.
X giggled slightly, leaning against Four's chest. "I'm glad you found a cute co-host!" Two smiled, leaning his head against (Y/n)'s shoulder.
"Me too."
(A/n): So Uh-
Two :3
I like him so much, like-
I could go on about every little detail I noticed in the first episode, but we'll be here all night-
Also this is kinda a sequel to a oneshot I haven't actually finished yet, which is why the magic thing is only mentioned a few times, so-
But yeah, here's another thing!
I hope you enjoyed this oneshot!
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