BFB Teardrop x Reader (A Common Interest)
Requested by: Electrothedoggo
(Y/n) jolted awake, feeling one of their teammates shake their shoulder. Yawning, they sleepily glanced over at Lollipop, who gave them a friendly smile.
"You fell asleep during the court case." She chuckled, as they stood up. (Y/n) stretched, as Lollipop walked out of the door. (Y/n) started to follow.
Although, they did feel like someone was walking beside them...
Glancing down, they smiled, seeing Teardrop beside them, holding her typewriter. A piece of paper was folded, tucked in between the keys.
She was smiling too, although she avoided eye contract with (Y/n), for some odd reason. They both walked for a while, before getting back to their teammates' tower.
(Y/n) opened the door, letting Teardrop through first. Then they walked in, closing the door behind them. The rest of the Have Cots were sitting on the couch, minus Leafy.
No one knew where she was. Gelatin smiled, waving at the two. "Hey Teardrop!" He snickered slightly, a goofy smile on his face. "And hey, Sleeping Beauty."
Chuckling, (Y/n) rolled their eyes. "Okay, okay, I'm sorry-" They rose their hands up slightly, a lopsided smile on their face. Walking over to a nearby wall, they leaned against it.
Oddly enough, Teardrop followed them, leaning against the same wall in the same pose. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow in amusement.
There was a free chair Teardrop could have taken. In fact, that was part of the reason why (Y/n) was leaning against the wall, so Teardrop could take it.
That was when they noticed she still had the typewriter in her hands. "Do you want set that down?" (Y/n) asked Teardrop. "It looks heavy."
She rapidly shook her head, audibly wooshing like usual. Gelatin and Lollipop glanced between each other, slight knowing smirks on their faces.
"You should see the comic Teardrop made today!" Gelatin said, grinning. Teardrop flinched, shaking her head again. (Y/n) glanced at Gelatin.
"She made a comic?" They smiled, as Teardrop glared at Gelatin. She drew a line where her neck would be. Nervously laughing, Gelatin started to question his choices.
Lollipop took over. "During the challenge today, Teardrop used the typewriter to make a very...interesting...comic." She giggled, as Teardrop nearly dropped her typewriter.
(Y/n) noticed she was starting to get flustered. Frowning slightly, they put a hand on her shoulder. "'s okay." They started, as Teardrop looked up at them.
She had a slight blush on her face, which grew bigger as (Y/n) gave her a kind smile. "You don't have to show me if you aren't comfortable."
Teardrop smiled back at them, quietly sighing in relief. Lollipop and Gelatin looked at each other again.
Looks like they had to find another way...
Gelatin snuck through the halls, carrying a booklet in his hands. He nervously glanced at Teardrop's door, unsure of if she was in her room or not.
Quietly walking over to (Y/n)'s door, he slid it underneath, between the small gap. Once it was in there, he sighed in relief. However, he screamed when he turned around.
Teardrop was glaring at him, arms folded.
He panicked, and ran down the hall, jumping out of the window. Teardrop's arms fell to her sides as her glare turned into a confused look.
Then, (Y/n)'s door opened. Teardrop froze, as she saw them holding her comic. She blushed, avoiding eye contact. "...Did you lose this?"
(Y/n) handed her the comic, much to her surprise. She looked up at them. Did they not even peek at it? Teardrop subconsciously hugged the comic.
Suddenly, (Y/n) held out their hand. Teardrop stared up at them, confused. "Do you wanna come in?" They asked, much to her surprise.
Without hesitation, Teardrop nodded, using her free hand to grab theirs. (Y/n) gently pulled her into their room. Teardrop looked around, curious.
None of the other team members had been in (Y/n)'s room before. She was the first. The room itself was the same blue color that the building was.
Books littered the floor, some even open. A simple desk and bed were across from each other, against the opposite ends of the walls.
One thing that excited Teardrop, was the (f/c) typewriter on the middle of the desk. She smiled, excitedly pointing to it, as she grabbed (Y/n)'s arm.
They giggled, walking over to it. "Yeah, this is one of my favorites." Teardrop have them a questioning look. As if (Y/n) could read her mind, they answered.
"I do have more than one." Teardrop opened her mouth in shock, before waving her arms excitedly. They giggled again. "Okay, okay! I'll show you!"
Walking over to the closet, (Y/n) opened it, revealing several typewriters. But as Teardrop looked through them...she noticed one thing about them.
They were all themed after their teammates.
Ruby had a red, bedazzled typewriter, with real rubies as the keys. Bubble had a lightweight look, with round cut opal gemstones as the keys.
Then, there was hers.
A blue typewriter sat in the middle, painted with more detail than the others. An ocean was painted on its side, with a tiny boat riding a wave.
Teardrop was on that boat, a fierce look on her face as she held up a sword.
Teardrop looked up at (Y/n), excitedly waving her arms again. "I'm glad you're impressed!" They said, patting her on the head. Teardrop paused.
Just now had she realized that they understood her actions.
She smiled, hugging them, then quickly pulled out their comic. She pointed to it excitedly, pushing it towards them. "Teardrop's Pirate Adventure?" They read.
Teardrop handed them the comic. "Are you sure you want me to read this?" She nodded rapidly. They took it, although with a bit of hesitation.
They started to flip through the comic, a small smile on their face. Teardrop tensed, realizing what she had done. She looked away slightly, a huge blush on her face.
(Y/n) was about to stumble upon the page.
The part Teardrop didn't want them to see.
She covered her eyes, hoping (Y/n) wouldn't think it was weird.
"Is that me?"
Teardrop flinched. She peeled through her fingers...only to find them smiling. They giggled. "So you killed Gelatin with your powers to save me?"
They seemed to be enjoying it. "He tied me to the hull of his space ship...and you used your canon to launch your ship into space?" They flipped the page.
"That's really clever!" Then they blushed, covering their mouth slightly. Teardrop knew by the look on their face, that they had gotten to that page.
It was a fairly detailed picture of them sleeping on the desk during the trial...halfway through the comic, Teardrop got distracted, and absentmindedly "drew" them.
Teardrop looked away, hoping they weren't mad. "I...I don't know what to say." (Y/n) said, sounding flustered. "This..." Teardrop looked up.
(Y/n)'s entire face was red. However, they were smiling. Teardrop sighed in relief, knowing they weren't angry. Then, she flinched in realization, and blushed herself.
They weren't angry.
They were BLUSHING-
Teardrop nervously waved her arms, trying to get them to stop reading. They did, looking down at Teardrop. The smile was still plastered on their face.
(Y/n) knelt down beside her, handing her the comic. "This is really good." They told her, as Teardrop practically snatched the comic away.
She hid it behind her back, still blushing. (Y/n) giggled slightly. "Glad to know my pirate theory was right!" They said, before standing up.
Walking over to the Teardrop typewriter, they picked it up, walking back over to her. They handed it to Teardrop, much to her surprise.
(Y/n) smiled sheepishly. "I didn't just make these special typewriters to store in a closet." They admit. "I made these with the intention to give them to the other members."
Teardrop nodded in understanding. She smiled at them, hugging the typewriter. Then, they did another thing that surprised her.
They kissed her cheek.
She hid her face behind the typewriter, blushing so much, her body was starting to turn into steam. (Y/n) gasped, quickly grabbing their water bottle on the desk.
Flicking the cap off the top, they splashed Teardrop with it. Peeking up from behind the typewriter, she smiled at them, sheepishly.
"Okay, so flustering you too much could make you evaporate." (Y/n) noted, nervously scratching the back of their head. "I'll try not to do it again."
Teardrop waved her hand dismissively, before grabbing their arm. She sat the typewriter down, hugging (Y/n). They hugged back, a smile on their face.
The two of them stayed like that for a while. And eventually, it was almost time for the next challenge. Groaning slightly, (Y/n) stood up.
They held Teardrop in their arms, walking into the living room. The rest of Have Cots were talking to each other, before coming to a quiet halt.
All of them stared at the sleepy duo, as (Y/n) carried Teardrop over to the couch. When they noticed all eyes on them, they smirked playfully.
"What?" They chuckled.
"You act like you've never seen a couple before."
However, as (Y/n) sat down, they didn't see Lollipop and Gelatin high-five.
(A/n): Okay, so this is my first time writing Teardrop-
I hope I did well, I know she doesn't speak, so I tried my best to still be able to create a good conversation, without her actually speaking-
Teardrop is such a cool character though!
Plus she is absolutely KILLING it in BFB right now!
It's hard not to root for her!
I just kinda hope the typewriter plot line wasn't too cheesy-
I hope you enjoyed this request!
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