BFB Taco x Stressed!Reader (Escape From Hell)
It was the middle of the night, almost 2 in the morning. While (Y/n) should have been sleeping, they couldn't. They were feeling stressed about homework.
They had managed to get an old laptop of theirs working, after their main computer had been taken by their parents. Sighing slightly, they closed the tab, feeling defeated.
There was no way they were going to turn it in on time. They wanted to cry, covering their face in their hands. They wanted to escape from the hell that was their life.
As they closed all the tabs, they looked around a little more on the laptop, feeling nostalgic. There was a weird charm to seeing all the goofy things your younger self made.
Case in point, (Y/n) had just found their old downloads. Most of it was pictures of their favorite characters, but others were old videos that were popular at the time.
One file in particular was really odd, however. Written in lowercase letters, the file was named: "portal to whatever." (Y/n) rolled their eyes.
They were naive when they were younger, so it was probably a virus. The worst it could do was break their laptop, but it was slow and barren anyway, so what was the risk?
They tried to think for a moment, trying to figure out when they even downloaded it. They knew it had to be when they were into (old thing you used to be into).
They would have done anything to get into that world when they were younger, even downloading a sketchy virus like this. But really, what harm could it do?
For shits and giggles, (Y/n) decided to open the file. With a new selection of interests under their belt, they double tapped the the mousepad.
The screen went blank, leaving them in total darkness. Suddenly, words scrolled onto the screen. "Type in your destination below." (Y/n) thought for a moment.
What would be a fun world to visit, assuming this thing would even work. It took them a minute, but they decided on their latest interest.
They typed three letters into the box. BFB. A loading screen took over, then more words displayed on screen. "Thank you for your cooperation, now escaping to BFB."
The screen went black again, but this time, a horrible noise rang through the speakers. (Y/n) covered their ears, almost screaming at the sudden jarring noise.
An invisible force started to suck them into the laptop, and they scrambled to get away. However, they couldn't. Next thing they knew, they had landed on top of someone.
"Ow..." They muttered, rubbing their head. "Whoa, are you okay?" Someone with a thick accent asked, as (Y/n) nodded. "Yeah. Just got sucked into my old computer, that's all..."
They paused for a second. "Wait. Why do you sound like Cloudy?" They asked, looking up. They flinched, seeing said cloud in front of them.
That wasn't all, most of the contestants had turned their attention to them as well. Cloudy stared at (Y/n) in confusion. "You know my name?"
(Y/n) sheepishly laughed. "Long story..." They suddenly heard a grunt from under them. "Uh, sorry to interrupt, but could you get off me?"
They flushed red, backing away from whoever they were on. "Oh gosh! Sorry-" (Y/N) noticed the person was Taco, and they felt even more embarrassed.
Taco sat up, staring at them as she adjusted her leaves. "It's fine, it takes a lot more then that to crack my shell." She joked, smiling at them.
(Y/n) blushed again, looking away slightly. Taco walked over to them. "So you said you got sucked into your computer?" She asked. They nodded, and Taco grabbed their hand.
She pulled them up. "And you also know our names, right?" She asked. (Y/n) once again nodded, feeling awkward. "Yeah, it's a long story."
Taco chuckled, but stopped when she noticed something odd. It seemed that (Y/n)'s face was tear-stained. "Whoa, have you been crying?" She asked them in a hushed whisper.
They tensed. "Uhhh-" Taco started to lead them away from the rest of the contestants. "What's your name?" Taco asked, trying not to upset them.
"(Y/n)..." They answered, starting to feel more ashamed. Had they really been crying? Taco smiled softly, like she was trying to comfort them.
"Nice to meet you, (Y/n)." She said, and quickly looked behind her. No one was around. Taco turned her entire body towards (Y/n), grabbing their other hand.
She looked at them, her expression serious. "Okay, what happened back in your world?" (Y/n) flinched at the sudden tone shift. "W-What?" They nervously replied.
"Something obviously happened, and don't try to say you're okay, because clearly you aren't." Taco said, squeezing their hands slightly.
"I know we just met, but you can trust me." She said. (Y/n) sighed, knowing they wouldn't be able to get out this predicament. "Where do I even begin..."
Taco sat beside (Y/n), listening to every word. She was kinda pissed off that (Y/n) has this much pressure on them. The world they lived in sounded like hell.
As (Y/n) finished their explanation, Taco stood up. "What the stand?! That's horrible!" She raised her voice slightly. "It's like they aren't even trying to help!"
(Y/n) chuckled dryly. "Well, parents think they know what's best." They shrugged. "Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. Whatever it is, you just can't seem to escape their judgement."
Taco sighed. "I know that feeling a little too team, well, some of them, act like that." She admit. (Y/n) leaned in slightly, curious.
"Eh, I don't really care about them right now, but they have been shunning me." She shrugged. "But I have been kinda isolated lately..."
She looked at them. (Y/n) flushed again, flinching. "This is really the first time I've talked to anyone in a while." She smiled, causing their face to get even redder.
Taco walked closer to them, sitting beside them. "Well, how would you feel about staying here?" She asked, looking up at them. "Instead of going back to that stressful place?"
(Y/n) already knew their answer. "Of c-course!" They stuttered, smiling. Taco chuckled. "I thought you might say that. I'm glad."
From that day on, (Y/n) stayed with Taco, in their favorite world.
Who knew all it would take to get there was a sketchy file on their old computer?
A/n: sorry for the rushed ending, it's almost 3 am and I'm so tired-
This is low-key a stress reliever piece-
Schools been a bitch, you know the gist.
But I hope you enjoy! I'm sorry it's kinda rushed, but I'm just so sleepy, I can barely hold my eyes open-
Thank you for reading!!
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