{1K Special!!} BFB/TPOT Contestants/Hosts x Reader (Speed Dating)
"So...what do you look for in a partner?"
(Y/n) tapped their glass slightly, nervously smiling at the guy in front of them.
"Well...preferably: flame resistant."
Firey said, picking up his glass. He absentmindedly sipped the liquid, before screaming in pain as he vanished. (Y/n) stared at the empty spot in fear.
But how did they get here?
Let's recap.
(Y/n) sighed, as their friend fixed their hair into a cool style. "Ow." They mumbled, as (F/n)'s nail got stuck in a strand. "Do I have to do this?"
(F/n) smiled, nodding as they pulled the strand from their nail. "Uh, I think so!" They said enthusiastically. "You've been single for way too long! Almost like, half a year?"
Rolling their eyes, (Y/n) crossed their arms. "Some people like to take things slow." (F/n) pulled them off the ground. "And some people need a date!"
They dragged (Y/n) out of the bathroom, and down the hallway. They were already at the venue, where a few speed dating events were going on.
Each event was sectioned into different rooms, and labeled accordingly. A large crowd of people made it hard to read the signs, however.
Suddenly, (F/n) squealed and took off, leaving (Y/n) behind. They gasped, quickly rushing to get out of the crowd. They'd worry about finding (F/n) later.
They kept bumping into people, apologizing profusely, until they were knocked off their feet. Screaming slightly, they fell backwards through a door.
(Y/n) braces for impact, but never hit the ground. Hesitantly, they opened their eyes. They gasped, covering their mouth slightly.
A nine was staring at them.
She blushed slightly, before smiling. A pair of sunglasses were on her head, as she pushed them down over her eyes.
"Glad I caught you, broski!" She laughed, helping (Y/n) up. "Ready to get your date on?!" They stared at her in confusion. "Uhh..."
The nine pulled them over to a table. "What's your name?" She asked, pulling out a pen. "(Y/n)...?" They said, as she scribbled it on a box. "Cool, cool."
Smiling, she tossed the pen in the air, and it landed in the cup in front of her. "Alright, (Y/n)! I'm Nine, and you are all set to go!"
(Y/n) started to protest. "Well, y-you see...I think I might b-be in the wrong r-room..." They chuckled nervously. Nine frowned slightly.
"Dude, don't be worried!" She reassured them, giving them a pat on the shoulder. "Everyone gets cold feet at this thing, you just gotta push past it."
She grinned, pushing them towards the tables. "You get half an hour with each person, make the most of it!" (Y/n) felt their soul leave their body.
The other "dates" were objects too.
They looked down at their card, reading the number. '204' Guess that was their table number. Sighing, they went to sit down.
What was going to happen next was a complete mystery.
"So...do you have any hobbies...?"
(Y/n) asked their first date, who was a literal tree. He smiled at them, clasping his hands together. "Well, I am a part of a team that likes to prevent death."
They stared at him in confusion. "So... you guys are like doctors, or something?" He chuckled. "Oh, definitely not." Tree smiled in amusement.
"We attempt to prevent daily deaths, you know, like stopping Blocky from killing contestants as a 'prank'..."
(Y/n) stared at him, disturbed. Tree noticed this, and quickly shook his hands. "Oh no no- It's not as bad as you think." He quickly said.
"We are able to be recovered-"
(Y/n) felt relief as the bell rang.
"And then she says we don't even hang out much!"
Cake sighed, leaning his head on the table. "Can you believe that?!" (Y/n) offered him a comforting smile, as well as a head pat. "I'm sorry."
He sniffed, before smiling. "But I'm on a pretty cool team now..." They nodded in understanding. "At least you have them!" Cake blushed slightly.
"You know...I think you're really-"
The bell rang, signaling the rotation.
Cake sighed. "Shoot..."
"So...let me get this straight..."
(Y/n) clasped their hands together, looking at their date.
"You breathed in the fumes of an eight ball, and now you can't stop yelling eight?"
Saw nodded, adjusting the bow tie on her handle. "Yep! But it's not so bad anymore!" She smiled at them, inching her hand closer to theirs.
"You know..."
She started, blushing slightly.
"You're really gr8T!!"
She covered her mouth, blushing brighter.
"Oh my gosh- I-I-" (Y/n) chuckled. "No, it's fine, I understand." They smiled back at her. Saw uncovered her mouth slightly, sighing in relief.
"You're pretty...gr8t...yourself."
(Y/n) giggled, as Saw smiled. The bell rang.
Woody sipped his drink, as (Y/n) nodded. "Okay, okay...I think I understand..." They said, as he nearly spat his drink out. "Wuh?"
They smiled. "Yeah! But just to be sure..." They nervously glanced to the side.
"Is there a translation guide I can reference?"
Woody sighed, face palming.
The seat was empty...?
"You're the first human I've seen that I wasn't disgusted by!"
(Y/n) winced slightly, unsure of how to feel after Cloudy's remark. "Thanks I guess...?" He smiled, pulling out a notepad. "I just have to make a little note here, don't mind me."
He quickly scribbled something down, before something made a loud shattering noise. Cloudy frowned, setting his notepad on the table. "My window! Coiny!"
He angrily flew away from the table, towards the source of the noise. (Y/n) glanced down at the notepad. "Now, I know I shouldn't be nosy...but..."
They took a quick peek at what he wrote, and their face visibly paled.
"Things to collect: (Y/n)"
The rest was scratched out.
"I'm back!" He said, startling them. He stared at them with a concerned expression. "Something wrong?" (Y/n) nervously shook their head.
"N-Nope! Just...jumpy...?" They chuckled. Cloudy smiled, and the bell rang. "See you later!" (Y/n) sighed in relief, their head falling on the table.
"So everyone likes you?"
Loser smiled, arm resting over the back of the chair. "Yep." (Y/n) stared at him, unimpressed. "Uh-huh...and so you expect me to be charmed too?"
"Yep." Loser said, pointing a finger gun at them, winking. (Y/n) rose an eyebrow. "Hm." They said, clasping their hands together, resting their chin on them.
Loser got visibly nervous. "Uhh..." He tried to think of something suave to say. "You're my...loser?" He smiled, shrugging slightly.
(Y/n) chuckled. "I mean...damn. Straight to the pick up lines already?" Loser sighed, leaning on his hand. "You could at least tell me something about you..."
Loser perked up slightly. "But I already did..." (Y/n) shook their head, smiling. "You only said stuff about what other people think of you...not what you think of yourself."
He stared at them in shock. The bell rung, and they stood up. "Try to think about what I said, and use it for your next date." They walked away, leaving him blushing.
"Do you like apple juice?"
(Y/n) nodded, trying not to cry in front of their adorable date. X was so sweet, kicking his feet slightly as he sat beside them. He didn't quite understand how this worked.
But they didn't mind. He smiled up at them, cutely. "I think Four will like you!" He said, setting his juice box down. "You seem really calm, aren't you scared?"
(Y/n) shrugged. "Well...other than one...questionable...date, I'm not too scared!" X giggled. "I'm surprised! It's pretty clear you came here by accident."
They stared at him with a confused look. "Huh...it's that obvious?" He nodded. "Yeah! But it's so nice to have another human besides David and Dora!"
(Y/n) blinked, before flinching in shock.
"There are other humans here?!"
X nodded, pushing another box of apple juice towards them. "Uh-huh! Here!" He said, poking the straw through the hole. (Y/n) hesitantly took a sip, and he practically exploded with joy.
"Aw seriously?"
(Y/n)'s eye twitched slightly.
When X had mentioned other humans...
They didn't know he was talking about stick figures.
They sighed slightly, burying their face in their hands. This was going to be a long date.
(Y/n) ducked slightly, as a glass flew over their head. "Oops! Sorry!" Lightning said, wincing as he floated down. "My electric shock can basically turn anything into a bullet..."
They chuckled. "Well, the good thing about lightning is that it never strikes the same place twice..." Lightning nervously glanced to the side.
"...it's not?"
(Y/n) giggled, as Basketball blushed even brighter. "Well...I mean..." She smiled. "I can usually put it back together, if I know what I'm doing."
She placed a gadget on the table. "I actually managed to do that with this satisfaction meter!" (Y/n) stared at it, smiling. "Woah! That's so cool!"
Basketball blushed even brighter, rubbing the back of her head. "Can I test it out?" (Y/n) eagerly nodded. Basketball picked it up, pointing it at their head.
"Wait. Will this hurt?"
They nervously asked as it fired. They tensed, but didn't feel anything hit them. Basketball glanced at the device. "Huh?" She quietly mumbled, touching a dial.
Basketball gasped, blushing again. "What?!" (Y/n)'s face burned red. Nine suddenly walked over to the two. "Ohhh. There it is!" She said, swiping the ray from her.
"Six suggested we measure how the dates felt about each other, to find the perfect matches. But I said that was stupid." She chuckled.
"Someone must have labeled this thing wrong. Sorry for the mix up!" She walked away, as the bell rang. Basketball stood up, glaring in a random direction.
She suddenly yelled, running away from the table.
"Do you have a favorite number?"
Four asked (Y/n), holding a piece of paper in his hands. They shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know..." They told him, as he slid the paper towards them.
Picking it up, they stared in at it in confusion. It was a worksheet. They looked at him in confusion. "Uh...should I have a favorite number?"
Causally leaning his head in his hand, Four winked. "I'm sure this worksheet can help you find one." (Y/n) glanced at the paper, as well as the equations.
"...They all equal 4..."
Four chuckled. "Oh really? I guess that settles it then." Then he whispered "I rigged it." under his breath.
(Y/n) stirred their glass slightly, casting a side glance at their date. "So you're the infamous Blocky I've heard so much about." He smirked slightly, nodding.
"You're pretty...infamous...is that what you said...yourself!" He said, leaning against the back of the chair. "It's crazy how many people are talking about you!"
They smiled slightly, choking back a laugh. Blocky gave them a look of confusion. "Er...What's so funny?" (Y/n) let a quiet laugh out.
"I mean, I heard you were funny...but I didn't know you were this funny." They said, shrugging. Blocky looked even more confused. "What? Do you think I'm joking?"
They nodded. "Honestly, why would anyone be talking about me?" Blocky flinched in shock. "Have you even seen the inside of your box?!"
It was (Y/n)'s turn to be confused. "Huh?" Blocky blinked blankly, then smirked. "Actually...I don't wanna ruin the surprise." The bell rang, and he stood up.
He switched dates, leaving (Y/n) confused.
"But ever since then, I've had trust issues..."
(Y/n) gave her a look of sympathy, putting a hand over their heart. "I'm sorry you had to have your heart broken like that..." Bell smiled, blushing slightly.
"You're really the only other person I've told this..." She said, sipping her water slightly. It was kinda awkward to watch. Glancing down at her clock, she sighed in frustration.
"Time to rotate..."
(Y/n) looked around. "That's odd...the bell hasn't-" Bell suddenly shook her body, creating the familiar ring (Y/n) had grown used to.
Bell watched in amusement, as (Y/n) slowly realized what was going on. "Ohhh..."
"And then I said: "Well why didn't you say so?" Haha!" Two laughed, as (Y/n) smiled politely. They had no idea what he was talking about.
He smiled, leaning against his hand. "You know...if you ever get tired of this dumb world...you could always be my co-host." (Y/n) glanced to the side, tapping their glass.
"That's a sweet thought..." They said, unsure of how to react. Two eagerly smiled. "So you'll think about it?!" He excitedly asked. (Y/n) nervously smiled.
"I-I guess?"
"Ah, you probably shouldn't sit too close to me."
(Y/n) nervously scooted back, as they dodged a fork flying at them. It flew into their date, as he sighed slightly. "This happens a lot, sorry."
They blinked. "Not to...worry?" Black Hole sat there, as the two of them didn't speak.
"Yeah I probably shouldn't even be at this thing."
"I've been trying my hardest, and I understand if they don't wanna hang out anymore..." Book sighed, as (Y/n) frowned slightly. "but...it still hurt...you know?"
(Y/n) pat her head. "I'm sure you'll get along just fine with your new team!" She smiled, holding their hand. "Thanks...that means a lot to me..."
"I wasn't expecting a human to show up."
Tennis Ball said, smiling slightly. "But this is actually pretty exciting!" (Y/n) felt a tiny bit nervous, as he scratched something down in his notepad.
"Uh...you aren't planning to "collect" me...are you...?" They asked as Tennis Ball paused. He nervously laughed glancing from side to side.
"Haha...w-what? Psh- No!" He chuckled, quickly tossing the notepad behind him. "Ow!" A thick accented voice cried out, as they both glanced back.
Cloudy had unfortunately been hit by the notepad, wincing as he picked it up. He glanced down at it, as Tennis Ball nervously froze.
Loud thunder made (Y/n) jolt, as Cloudy glared at Tennis Ball. He ripped it in half as Tennis Ball gasped. "That was my research notes!"
He glared back at Cloudy, as Bell rang again.
(Y/n) let out a sigh of relief, plopping down on the table. The event was finally coming to a close. Just as they were about to stand up, someone spoke.
"Alright everyone! Did you have good dates?!" Nine asked, wooing slightly. A good majority of everyone cheered, well, except for (Y/n).
"I'm so fucking tired-"
They spoke, voice muffled slightly. Nine cheered again, not hearing them. "Good to hear! Don't forget to pick up your box on the way out!"
(Y/n) raised their head up, remembering the box Nine had written their name on. While they were confused, they remember what Blocky said.
So the box was something special... apparently. Finally, they stood up, yawning slightly. Looking around, they saw the table with the boxes on it.
Before they could walk over, Nine approached them. "Yo, before you go, I need you to fill out this form!" She said, handing them a piece of paper.
Handing them a pen too, (Y/n) scribbled their details down. Nine smiled, taking both of the items back. "Thanks a lot, broski!"
Grinning, she pointed finger guns at them. "I hope you had the best time!" With that, she walked away, leaving (Y/n) free to grab their box.
They walked over to the table, noticing that their box was the only one left now. Looking around, only a few objects remained in the room.
Shrugging internally, they picked up their box.
Or at least...attempted to.
The box was insanely heavy! Lifting with their back, (Y/n) managed to get it in their arms. They stared at the box in confusion. "What the..." They mumbled.
That was when they noticed a tiny slot in the top. It was carved into the lid of the box. Curiosity got the better of them, and they popped it open, quickly peeking inside.
(Y/n) froze, nearly dropping the box.
There were, what seemed like, millions of paper scraps inside.
But they weren't normal paper, oh no.
They were all phone numbers.
Blushing, (Y/n) quickly slammed the lid back down. They walked to the front door, exiting the event room.
How were they going to explain this to (F/n)?
(A/n): Oh my gosh this is almost over 3000 words long-
So uh-
I wanted to try a different type of scenario, and I hope I did kinda well-
So thank you to everyone who's read this, commented on this, and voted on this!
Some One shots might be based on this scenario, might even turn into a mini series if you like it-
Maybe I'll even do an II version??
If you want-
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