💐|Therapist!Gaty x two
[TAKES PLACE AFTER TPOT 9. Will have spoilers.]
[this is really cringe I'm sorry @Imstalkingfour ]
As two sat on the pink couch,gaty sat next to them,comforting them as they opened up about their insecurities and problems to her.
"It's just...I know me and four are on better terms now...but sometimes I just- feel like I'm stuck in place." They said,fiddling with their hands
"Can you elaborate for me?" Gaty asked, but keeping a gentle voice so two would feel comfortable sharing with her.
They took a deep breath,and continued "so...remember when I turned into a zombie?"
Gaty nods "yes...I remember..."
"Well,it sorta feels like that,because when I was a zombie,i was able to keep a little bit of myself despite not being..." they paused "me. And with four,sometimes it feels like I'm not...me. I feel like my past self and I feel that it's pulling me down. I hate thinking about back then,because fours still upset with me about taking his contestants...but also for...what happened all those years ago." Two rubbed the sides of their arms,feeling anxious.
Gaty gave them a small hug "it's okay,two. I won't judge you if you decide to tell me this,or if you want to save this for the next session."
Two hugged gaty back,tears welling in their eyes,before they let go "thanks..." they took a moment to calm down,before explaining "back in 2008,four used to make all of us do math,and you know I hate math. I didn't wanna do it,but if I didn't,four would get angry and bully me into it! I hated it. So did...three and one...so,one day,three had enough,and got into a big argument with four,and four attacked them. After that,three told me and one they were leaving,and that we could come along. We both agreed...and we left."
"I see..." gaty wrote this down,before following up with "how did you feel? Once you left."
"I felt...a little bad,since we left four behind,but...better,now that I didn't have to do something I didn't want to." Two smiled,but then frowned again "of course,that came to an end when...one day,I couldn't find one and three,and thought they left without me,to somewhere in the galaxy. So I went up there too,trying to find them. But...I couldn't. I was alone up there for such a long time..." two leaned back into the couch,not liking thinking about the years spent up there...
"And so- when you found out about four hosting a show..."
"I got envious...and angry...why did he get what he wanted? I knew he was obsessed with that show,but I never thought they'd actually get to host a season!...so,in my jealous and angry state,I went down there,and convinced you and the other contestants to join my show instead..." two looked guilty,as they knew it was wrong. "Look- I did apologise to four about it,but it still makes me feel guilty whenever they bring it up! I-i just wanted to make four feel a little bad for what he did..."
"Two,it's okay...I said I wasn't going to judge,and I'm not." Gaty looked at two with a kind,understanding gaze. Two couldn't help but smile a little. "You're a really good friend,gaty." Two said,sitting back up. "I think you mean therapist." Gaty said,with a proud and joking look. Two chuckled a little,and rolled their eyes "yes,yes...that too. But I'm still greatful that you listened to my problems..."
The two of them got up from the couch,and two stretched "wow! Today was a long day,and I just felt like getting that out." They look over to gaty,who yawned "goodnight,gaty." Two said,before heading down to the hotel lobby. "Goodnight,two." Gaty called out to them,before she went to her room.
'What a good therapy session...' she thought,before she entered her room,and closed the door.
[Yay! My first oneshot! 🥳]
[aughhhh I feel like they were so OOC 😖]
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