💞💔| Ten x fifteen
[The real rarepair 💀]
(Context: they used to be best friends,they even started to like each other in a more...romantic way. But...fifteen was getting too popular for her liking,and one day,simply ran away from it all...much to tens dismay. But,a little while later...)
Fifteen was sitting in her cabin,enjoying alone time,when they heard a knock on the door. Annoyed,she opened it,expecting it to be someone annoying her. When it wasn't,and she saw a letter at her feet,she picked it up,and read who it was from. 'From: ten. To: fifteen.'
When she read it was from him,it made her blood boil slightly. She wanted to be left alone...can't he respect that?! She was about to cast it into the fire,before she stopped herself.
"He...never sent letters before...what's so different this time..." she muttered,before opening the letter and reading it over.
*To fifteen:*
*I know you want to be left alone,but please hear me out. Something...happened to me recently,and it's left me in the hospital. I've decided to write to say I'm sorry that the others pretty much used you and your flamethrower to get rid of fourteen,but I want you to know what you did really helped everyone. I'm sorry I can't talk to you in person,though I know that would've annoyed you more.*
She dropped the letter,and stared at it on the floor for a few seconds. He was...in the hospital? She couldn't believe it,but she'd have to. She did something she never thought she'd to. She...went to the hospital to see him.
It somehow hurt more,seeing him in this state. Despite the smile he was giving her,knowing she was here,it was the bandages and the bloody spots where skin hadn't regrown.
"You came...?" He said,looking greatful she did. "Yes,I did...but that's not the point. I'm guessing fourteen did this?" She placed a hand on the edge of ten's bed. "Yes...but he's been locked up." "Good. I can't believe that bastard did this to you..." she hissed under her breath,before she noticed ten place his hand on hers.
"I'm sorry." He said quietly,before falling asleep. Those two little words...'I'm sorry'...they echoed in her head as the staff made her leave as visiting hours were over. "He's...sorry? Sorry for what..." she mumbled,sitting back in her cabin thinking about it. "God I hope he gets better..." she didn't understand why she wanted him to,wasn't she mad at him?...did she still like him after all this time...? It was driving her insane! She looked out her window with a darkened expression
"...I wish I knew why I still feel this way about you,ten..."
"I thought I got over it a long time ago..."
"...for what it's worth..."
"...I'm sorry too..."
(YEP! Angst. Of my favorite algebralien rare-pair.)
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