Episode 23: The Ultimate Race [P1]
Cuboid: *listens to meme music*
Highlighty: *walking around Windows XPark listening to music*
Cuboid: oh hi bitch.
Highlighty: eat shit.
Cuboid: Just saying, you won't win jackshit.
Highlighty: Neither will you, bitch.
Cuboid: Fuck you.
Highlighty: NO YOU
Cuboid: *uno reverse card*
Highlighty: *uno reverse card*
Hosty: yall gon confuse the viewers.
Hosty: You have 5 minutes left until the final challenge.
Highlighty: *to cuboid* So what? You're an asshole anyway.
Cuboid: Words from a feminist don't hurt, hon.
Highlighty: Same goes to THE LIVING PROP.
Cuboid: Go jump off London Bridge or get fucked by the janitor.
Cuboid: The police wouldn't give two shits.
Highlighty: The police will protect me more than you!
Cuboid: *summons Fangirl Cube* That won't work anymore unless you're Bubblegum Thotpop.
Fangirl Cube: Get your shite hands off me ya bitch.
Cuboid: *drops Fangirl Cube*
Fangirl Cube: Plus ya dick's 2 inches long.
Highlighty: You've got rekt by a TNT SIMP.
Cuboid: Like I haven't heard that 50 FUCKING TIMES.
Cuboid: Plus, I knew you had a vibrator way before the toilet incident.
Cuboid: Time to post it on my twitter.
Highlighty: GET BACK HERE!
Cuboid: *runs away*
Hosty: Time is over.
Hosty: Any more and you'll make a twitter civil war.
The finalists: *death stare*
Hosty: So since this is the last episode before season two, you'll be doing a final challenge.
Highlighty: We knew that.
Hosty: *cellotaping Highlighty's mouth shut*
Hosty: The challenge will be a race. Whoever crosses the finish line wins the island.
Hosty: The loser gets ✨nothing✨
2 minutes later...
Hosty: So we've invited all your idiot friends and put them on those chair things you find in football matches.
(uk to us translation - football = soccer)
Highlighty: *peels off tape* Hello everyone!
Crowd: *cheering*
Cuboid: Hello.
Cuboid: *gets a gun*
Crowd: hello you magnificent bastard
Cuboid: 😁
Wiimote: Are you gonna start it yet?
Hosty: Wait a bit... *goes somewhere*
Ghosty: Wow. Fucking wow.
Ghosty: Laziness at it's fucking finest.
Squishy Devil Emoji: True dat...
Girly Ball: *sleeping on Squishy Devil Emoji*
Squishy Devil Emoji: get off.
Nerdy Ball: hold me.
Squishy Devil Emoji: *mind* TNT'S NOT HERE AND I'M NOT HIM.
Youtubey: Remind me when this shitfest starts.
With Hosty...
Hosty: *unlocks the door*
Eliminated Contestants:
Hosty: You're free now. But for the finale.
TNT Block: *threatens hosty with a knife*
Bubblegum Lollipop: *tames TNT* calm down my innocent child...
Inky: Funny you call him that because he's ANYTHING BUT.
Pompom Keychain: Then you haven't seen some shit yet...
Pompom Keychain: honest to god
Hosty: *teleports the 18 eliminated contestants to the competition*
Hosty: *in competition* I'm back!
Crowd: With what?
Hosty: the eliminated contestants.
Hosty: Now entertain the fucking crowd.
TNT Block: *sweating*
TNT Block: hi.
Crowd: (except Acid Cup)
TNT Block: *mind* i'm going to die now or be covered in kisses...
TNT Block: *uses levitation powers to find a seat*
Fangirl Cube: BE MINE! 🥰
Discord Logo:
TNT Block: *still trying to find a place*
Acid Cup: fuck yo self
TNT Block: *demolishes him*
Nutella: Nowhere near me, please!
TNT Block: Don't worry...
TNT Block: You're my lunch.
Nutella: *does the fetal position* nonononononononono
TNT Block: *still trying* This is getting annoying.
Wiimote: Hello! 😊
TNT Block: Hi. *sits with her*
Wiimote: You're so cute! o(^▽^)o
The boys:
TNT Block: *flustered*
Bubblegum Lollipop:
Wiimote: this is platonic.
Bubblegum Lollipop: *sends in some guards*
Guards: *points weapons at wiimote*
Wiimote: how the hecc can you afford that?
Bubblegum Lollipop: I'm a porn star.
Bubblegum Lollipop: Now kill this bitch.
TNT Block: *eats toffee popcorn* This should be on TV more often.
Hosty: *dumps all the unreleased characters here*
Cubey: *teleports to TNT*
Cubey: *whispers* I put Two in a trash bag.
TNT Block: *gets a baseball bat and hits it repeatedly*
They both begin to do that.
Hosty: Enough shit. It's now 675 words and the challenge hasn't fucking started.
Hosty: Since you need to know, these two are going to go through a race.
Hosty: There will be obstacles, wild teletubbies and SMG4 police to make it harder.
Hosty: Powerups are also there but they're well hidden.
Highlighty: I'm only asking this one question.
Hosty: What is it?
Highlighty: How many miles?
Hosty: 2763
Candy: From the references put in this show, you should've known it was the distance to Yoyleland.
Chocolate Sauce: bruh.
Cuboid: Well done, dumbass.
Purple Cherry: Like we haven't knew that.
Highlighty: why u bullyin me
Hosty: CAN WE PLEASE START. Tint_and_maze might get bored!
Everyone: ok jeez.
Cubey: *watching youtube*
Nutella: *punches cubey*
Cubey: ow bitch
Hosty: Go to the starting line.
Finalists: *yeets their ass to the start line*
Hosty: Ready...
Highlighty: Prepare to get fucked.
Hosty: Set...
Cuboid: You won't stand a chance.
The finalists start running.
Highlighty: *punches Cuboid*
Cuboid: *hits highlighty with a bat*
Highlighty: *gets hit right back to the finish line*
Hosty: Let's just give you a little boost so the feminazis don't have a go at me. *kicks Highlighty back to where she was in the race*
Crowd: *except the girls* SIMP
Hosty: I AM 25 SO SHUT UP.
Crowd: That makes you a pedo!
Hosty: I'M NOT!
Cuboid: *goes through a couple obstacles then jumps through a ring of fire*
Cuboid: I'm going to win in no time!
Cuboid: *checks the miles*
Cuboid: 2762. Shit.
Cuboid: I'll just have to use my skateboard for the rest of it. *starts skating*
Highlighty: *walking around peacefully*
Highlighty: *notices some berries*
Highlighty: Somehow, a basket of yoyleberries got here from Two's book.
Highlighty: Might aswell eat them! :D
Highlighty: *eats them all*
Highlighty: These are poisoned, aren't they. *ded*
Cubey: What an idiot.
The berries are replaced with the plastic fruit you buy at the dollar store.
Highlighty: * revived* 1000 words.
Highlighty: I'm probably gonna lose now, aren't I? *starts running*
Cuboid: *running fast*
Wild Teletubbies:
Wild Teletubbies:
Highlighty: *passes cuboid*
Cuboid: hmph.
Musical Notey:
Highlighty: Don't distract me plz. *runs*
Cuboid: *gives teletubbies tubbycustard*
Wild Teletubbies: *leaves cuboid alone*
Cuboid: Thankfully, I have a hoverboard that I forgot about. *uses it*
Highlighty: yeet and delete *swings a bat*
Highlighty: *notices a powerup in the distance and picks it up*
Highlighty: They're paintballs! Yee!
Highlighty: *somehow gets a romantic attraction to them*
Highlighty: these just look SO CUTE! :D *hugs the basket of paintballs*
Highlighty: teeheehee! X3
Cuboid: *walks by* This girl is fucking weird.
Cuboid: *runs*
Highlighty: Oh, they're radioactive?
Highlighty: But they're so cute! *FANGIRL NOISES INTENSIFY*
Highlighty: *remembers that the viewers know what they're doing* Do not speak of this predicament.
Highlighty: *hugs the basket tightly* my little babies... *falls asleep*
Cuboid: Sleeping Serum! Inject it into some retard and they will fall asleep.
Cuboid: One hour! Two hours! Even FOREVER! :D
Cuboid: Now to do what I should.
With the crowd...
Purple Cherry: This shit's lame.
Pink Marshmallow: init.
Unknown Console: *using a rubiks cube and hears some weird shit from it*
Unknown Console: AND THAT'S A MINI rubric_flashy.
Unknown Console: I'll put it down. :D
Wiimote: *reading "The Kid Who Stole Gay Ships" by WiiFanNumber12005*
Nutella: Why is everyone tagging?
Wiimote and Unknown Console: It's fun.
Nutella: oki doki
Wiimote and Unknown Console: 😁
Wiimote: Wait, where's TNT?
In the contest...
Cuboid: *teabags Highlighty* trololololololololol
Cuboid: *hoverboards off*
Cuboid: 2753 miles left. Nice.
Cuboid: *finishing the contest with silence*
Alien Girl: *gets out of her hiding place*
Cuboid: This is an obstacle?
Cuboid: Hey cutie...
Alien Girl: *slaps cuboid* Good try. You're not touching them.
Cuboid: *depression*
Alien Girl: *gets a giant hammer* NOW DIE!
Cuboid: *touches her nail*
Alien Girl: MY MANICURE! >:O
Cuboid: Don't try to kill me then!
Cuboid: hehehehe
Highlighty: *wakes up* OH SHIT!
Highlighty: *runs quickly*
Alien Girl: Fuck off back to where you came from.
Highlighty: I have to win a-
Alien Girl: Listen, I'm trying to do my fucking job, ok?
Alien Girl: So if you don't mind, let me fucking kill you so I can-
Highlighty: *slaps her and runs*
Alien Girl:
Cuboid: *finds an invincibility lollipop*
Cuboid: Hmmm...
Cuboid: *while being high*
Cuboid: *the invincibility wears off*
Cuboid: *checks how many miles left*
Cuboid: 1,381?
Cuboid: I've probably done some crazy shit.
Cuboid: *sees a wooden sex doll, a chainsaw and speed shoes on the ground*
Cuboid: OH.
The race takes place at the same forest that the paintball contest happened in so the situation makes sense.
Cuboid: I seem to have made a sex doll from a tree.
Cuboid: Well...
Cuboid: This situation is awkwa- FOURTH WALL YOU BETTER STOP!
Fourth Wall: yeety yolo
Cuboid: Do not make me remember THAT.
Fourth Wall: I'm just pissing with you. I know you've been miscalled Cubey's genderbend.
Fourth Wall: It's quite sad. Especially from a primary school classmate.
Fourth Wall: But at the same time, any of the creators classmates will probably get trauma from the sex references in this book.
Fourth Wall: And I'm killing myself. *is broken*
Cuboid: okay *walking away*
Highlighty: *mind* What an idiotic obstacle.
Highlighty: *checks the scores* HOLY FU-
Highlighty: *finds a blue shell*
Highlighty: I have an idea...
At the crowd...
Inky: So.....
Chocolate Sauce: Go away.
Inky: I like you.
Chocolate Sauce: And I don't.
Inky: And I want to fix that.
Chocolate Sauce: And can you please fuck off you unpopular git.
In the challenge...
Cuboid: *walking around* She can't possibly win now!
Highlighty: *riding a blue shell* SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER
Cuboid: *uno reverse card*
Highlighty: *uno reverse card*
Highlighty: yeet and delete
Blue Shell: FUCK THIS *just explodes*
Cuboid and Highlighty: wot te fock
A slime monster appears.
Highlighty: I think it's passive agressive... *tries to pet it*
Slime Monster:
Cuboid: *runs the fuck out of here*
Highlighty: I'll take you home with me! 🥰
Cuboid: She's falling in love with everything!
Cuboid: Now... *runs fucking fast*
Cuboid: FUCK YEAH!
Highlighty: *reads a guide of taking care of slimes*
Cuboid: YEET! *bumps into something*
Bootleg Playtime: Let's play!
Cuboid: I'm sorry, little hellspawn. *cuts the jumprope*
Bootleg Playtime: 😭😭😭
Slime Monster: Could you shut up.
Cuboid: *running while playing earrape New Friendly*
In the crowd...
Appy: *taking a nap*
The New Friendly earrape can be heard from here.
Nutella: It's New Friendly AGAIN.
Pink Marshmallow: It's from "The Bastard Two" so I'm calling (any bfdi character).
30 minutes later...
Pink Marshmallow: And it's not them.
Pink Marshmallow: Or Two. Or Four.
Discord Logo: *singing*
Hacked Device: Shush. It's not the school play yet.
Hacked Device: *goes back to watching porn*
Bubblegum Lollipop: Look who we have here. 🥰
Hacked Device: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...
Bubblegum Lollipop: You do look cute...
Hacked Device: *blushes* heh heh...
Acid Cup: *death stares Hacked Device*
Sparkly: *death stares Bubblegum Lollipop*
Acid Cup: I'm dangerous but hot...
Bubblegum Lollipop: Yeah, you definetly stole TNT's lines.
Acid Cup: DID NOT!
Bubblegum Lollipop: But for you~
Hacked Device: 100 dollars an hour.
Bubblegum Lollipop: *leaps onto him sexually*
Acid Cup: Lucky bastard.
At the competition...
Highlighty: NOOOO!
Bootleg Playtime: *burning the slime* IT'S FUCKING ANNOYING AND WILL KILL US ALL!
Highlighty: 😭
Cuboid: *runs*
Cuboid: fuck. *runs faster*
Tentacle Monster:
Cuboid: Wait, I'm not a girl.
Tentacle Monster: I'm gay.
Tentacle Monster: The other ones, they're homophobes.
Tentacle Monster: NOW COME ERE!
Highlighty: *walks around*
Tentacle Monster: *stops for a bit* I'm so sorry you have to see this indecency.
Highlighty: It's ok! *hugs it and carrys on running*
Tentacle Monster: *mind* Awwww...
Cuboid: Fucking simp.
Tentacle Monster: *sticks a tentacle in Cuboid's mouth* ARE YOU FUCKING SURE ABOUT THAT NOW?
Cuboid: *choking*
Tentacle Monster: EXACTLY SO SHUT UP!
Highlighty: *walks around peacefully*
Highlighty: Since that moron's getting his punishment, I'm going to win!
Highlighty: YAY!
In the crowd...
Purple Cherry: *using headphones*
Ghosty: She's happier than usual.
Squishy Devil Emoji: That means you're fucked.
Purple Cherry: *listening to*
Nutella: I can see them from there!
Cuboid and Highlighty:
Cuboid: *slaps highlighty*
Highlighty: *slaps Cuboid*
The finalists get into a slap fight.
Also, they're nearly at the finish line.
Highlighty: *pushes cuboid*
Cuboid: *runs faster*
They continue pushing and shoving until they bump in to one particular explosive bastard.
TNT Block: Oh.
TNT Block: Hello there.
Highlighty: GET OUT OF THE WAY!
TNT Block: *uses telekinesis to rip highlighty into tiny parts*
Cuboid: HA!
TNT Block: I'm not helping you either, you blue gumball son of a bitch.
TNT Block: Unless you give me the fucking prize.
TNT Block: *gets mini asteroids*
Cuboid: *dodges them all* That's pathetic.
TNT Block: Trust me. That's fucking childs play.
TNT Block: I can do worse.
TNT Block: MUCH worse.
To be continued in PART 2...
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