What happens when Pompom Keychain is drunk.
Pompom Keychain: Let's do the fork in the garbage disposal! *starts dancing*
Sadly, I'm going to have to make actual fucking content because this is my new frickin job. Thanks Coronavirus.
Pompom Keychain: *asleep*
KawaiiDoodleQueen: *plays justin beiber earrape* This shit must wake him up.
Pompom Keychain: AAAAAAAAAAAAA-
KawaiiDoodleQueen: Exactly. Now go get your fucking breakfast.
Pompom Keychain: *walks to the hotel breakfast room*
KawaiiDoodleQueen: Now if you don't mind... *watches youtube*
At the breakfast room....
Pompom Keychain: Is there any baco-
TNT Block: *eats all of the bacon*
Unknown Console: No.
Pompom Keychain: *to tnt* If you teleport some bacon, I'll give you a prize.
TNT Block: Do I look gay to you?
Raspberry: *to pompom keychain* Step aside noob as I shall chant the spell of unlimited bacon.
Raspberry: If you give me bacon, I'll let you pet me for 24 hours.
TNT Block: *fills the entire room with bacon*
Everyone: BACON PARTY! *swims in the bacon while eating it*
TNT Block: DON'T FORGET ME! *cannonballs into the bacon*
Squishy Devil Emoji: *teleports inside* You forgot me. :(
Bubblegum Lollipop: Don't worry, fluffyface. TNT will make some more...
Squishy Devil Emoji: *blushing* Don't call me that~
Bubblegum Lollipop:*cutely laughing*
TNT Block: *jealous*
Pompom Keychain: *mind* Thankfully it doesn't mean me at the moment.
Pompom Keychain: *mind* Plus damn, Bubblegum Lollipop can tame demons well.
Hours later...
TNT Block: Spray Paint, you go buy some shit.
Spray Paint: *sad face intensifies*
TNT Block: Chocolate Sauce, you're in charge of decorating.
Chocolate Sauce: YAY!
TNT Block: Just don't fuck things up.
Bubblegum Lollipop: *to chocolate sauce* And don't flirt with my senpai.
Chocolate Sauce: Ok.... *starts decorating*
Chocolate Sauce: *mind* I'm not taking the risk of getting 360 noscoped again. Plus, has someone eaten my chocolatey insides because I swear-
TNT Block: *reads chocolate sauce's mind* Shit, I'm dead.
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