things not to do
1: Hide Pompom Keychain's alcohol.
2: Play earrape justin beiber.
3: Saying that Cuboid uses pp enlargement pills.
4: Taking TNT as a joke.
4.5: Chat shit about TNT.
5: Say that Bland Bars taste like shit.
6: Not wear a mask outside.
7: Snitch.
8: Eat cake from Coronavirus.
9: Give Cubey explosives/flamethrowers/portal guns.
10: being sus in among us
11: See TNT's browsing history.
11.5: See any of the boys' browsing history.
12: Annoy Cuboid.
13: Summon dangerous or vile beings.
13.5: Summon Satan.
14: Putting a super crown on Bubblegum Lollipop.
14.5: Having a super crown at all.
15: Have Bland Bars and Legitergy for breakfast.
16: Befriend the inspection people. (THEY STEAL MEMES)
17: Get Pompom Keychain drunk.
18: Accept milk from a boy.
19: Kill TNT infront of Bubblegum Lollipop.
19.5: Kill Bubblegum Lollipop infront of TNT.
20: Flirt with Raspberry while she's in her cat form.
21: Dip a slice of pizza in a glass of milk or eat oreos with orange juice.
22: Delete TNT's pornhub account.
23: Have a fight with all the contestants in their powerforms. (note - bubblegum lollipop does not have powers)
24: Distract Musical Notey.
25: Summon any TNT fangirls.
25.5: Send TNT to a fangirl convention.
26: Moan loudly at 3am.
27: Have sex with Pompom Keychain.
27.5: Have sex with Inky.
28: Play music loudly at 3am.
29: Kill Raspberry in front of Unknown Console.
30: Allow TNT to go near the kitchen.
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