I understand that feeling Mammon × Reader
Depression warning ahead
Mc's pov
Its been a long and rough day. Lately it feels like things aren't going my way. I feel like everyone is too busy for me. Like no one is listening. I just wish things would be over already.
*earlier in the day*
I overslept and was late for school. I didn't feel like getting up and dealing with anyone today. I rush to the school and everyone's eyes landed on me.
"I'm sorry I'm late. I overslept." I said.
"Just take your seat." The teacher said.
I nodded and took my seat next to Levi.
*after class*
It was lunch time finally. I look at Levi.
"Hey Levi? Do you want to hang out after school?" I ask.
His head turn to me.
"I would like to but I have a gaming match today. But I'm sure one of my brothers are free. " Levi said.
"Its fine. Maybe some other time." I said.
He's right. I'll ask some of the other brothers. I walk around and look for them. When I found them, they all say that had planned. Lucifer had papers to do. Satan was reading to some kids at the library. Beel was going to work out. Belphie was well being Belphie he was going to take a long nap. Asmo was going to get his nails done. I told them it was ok and I understood. I felt so alone.
I took my lunch and headed down the hallway. I was going to have lunch alone on the roof. I looked down as I walked. I ran into someone. My lunch got all over them. I heard them growl.
"I'm sorry." I said.
They grabbed me up and slam me into the wall. I look at them. I see its the demon that's been bullying me since I been here. Why did it have to be him of all the people it could have been? Why him?
"Watch where you're going you like brat!" He growled.
"I said I'm sorry. Can you please just let me go? I'm not in the mood to deal with you today." I said in a quiet voice.
His grip on me tighten and his body pushed hard.
"Why would I do that?" He ask.
I felt his get closer and bite down on my neck. I felt so disgusted. I kicked him. He stopped and was angry.
"What was that for you worthless human!" He yelled.
He hit me in the eye and started beating me up. I tried to fight back it was no use. I knew I couldn't tell the brothers about this.
Once he was done beating me up, he threw me down and left. I got up slowly and headed to the roof. I took my shoes off and was sitting on the edge. Would it matter if I just jump? It would stop the pain. Would anyone care? It seems they are all too busy? Plus I wouldn't have to deal with that bully anymore.
Mammon pov
*After lunch*
I went into my next class. Which I was happy but not because Mc was in it. Its not like I like them or anything. I walk in and they wasn't there. I see Amso sitting in the corner of the room. I walk over to him.
"Yo Asmo? Ya seen Mc?" I ask.
Asmo looks up at me.
"Yes. I seen them at lunch." Asmo said.
"Where are they?" I ask.
"Why do you care?" Asmo ask.
"I don't care. They aren't in class. Ya know." I said.
Asmo rolled his eyes at me.
"They said they needed air. So they went to the roof." Asmo said.
People only go to the roof for one reason. You don't think they would-. I stopped that thought. I took off out of the classroom and headed to the roof. I seen them sitting on the edge. Good I'm not too late. I seen them stand up and lean forward. My eyes widen and I rushed over to them. Right before they could jump I grabbed their hand and pulled them close to me.
"Why are ya stupid human?" I said with anger.
I felt them grip my shirt and hide there face in my chest. They cried into my chest. Was I too rude with them? I didn't mean to be. I don't want to see them go. I put my hand under there chin and raise it up so they would like at me. I seen they had a black eye. I felt my anger grow. I try to stay calm.
"Mc,What happened?" I ask.
"N-nothing." Mc said.
I know they were lying. Someone hurt them. They were about to jump because someone hurt them. I understand their pain. Someone treating you badly and like you're useless. I was once in their shoes. I wanted to end the pain too. I felt alone and worthless until I met them. Mc was so kind to me and didn't treat me like a scumbag. Seeing Mc in pain really hurt. I want to help them.
I place my forehead against theirs and I wiped their tears away.
"Mc? I care about ya. Ya know. I was ya first. Ya can tell me anything. No one hurts my human." I said.
They still cried but it grew softer.
"No one has time for me anymore. They're all to busy. And on top of that the big dark spiky haired jerk beat me up."Mc cried out.
I knew who their were talking about. I will make they pay for hurting my human. I back away for them and was about to go beat some ass. My demon form showed. Mc grabbed my hand.
"Don't go Mammon. Please? Don't going do something stupid." Mc said as the tears came back.
"But he needs to pay for he did to ya." I growled.
"I don't want you to get into trouble." Mc cried.
I was still to angry for this. I pulled away from them. I'm going to beat his ass.
"You leave me no choice." Mc said.
Mc grabbed my face and kissed me.
"Now calm down." Mc said as they pulled away.
I picked them up and looked into their eyes. I felt calmer.
"Ok. I'll stop. But I'm not leaving your side ever again. Ya need to tell me when something is wrong. I'm ya first. I don't like when ya keeps secrets from me." I said.
I place my forehead back against theirs.
"Thank you Mammon. Just having you here makes me feel alot better. I promise I'll come to you next time." Mc said.
I started carrying them in my arm. I'm going to take them to them nurses office. I'm not leaving until they are better. I'm their first so I'm going to care for my human no matter what.
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