Chapter Four: Darkside
<TW> dark themes, possession, mention of possession, hallucination, fear, paranoia, panic attack, mention of blood, OOC action/reaction, the Entity, pain
<CW> angst
Zedaph told the others what happened when he regained conciousness, his fellow hermits checked the entirety of X's base— and the perimeter— and they found nothing and no one. Impulse, Mumbo, Grian, and Etho were no where in the base, and no one knew where they—or the green entity— was.
Doc and Cub checked Zedaph after the big search for any injuries, he was pretty much all right, just some exhaustion and migraines. Only one thing really stood out and concerned the two hermits about Zedaph— his right eye was slightly puffy and red-ish purple, a green liquid that was thicker than normal tears oozed out. No matter how matter how roughly Zedaph rubbed at his eyes, however, the Green wouldn't stop flowing.
Eventually Zedaph couldn't take the obsessive attention some of the hermits gave him, so he wandered and found a library. He ran his finger over the spines of the books, some had quills attached, others didn't. Some were faintly glowing, most just a plain brown, black, or white leather cover. Some made his finger pick up dust, others were worn and sometimes put away lazily. Zedaph grabbed a random book and started to read its contents, wanting to be distracted.
Zedaph perked up, he heard a cheery Impulse call his name, he turned his head slightly to get a view of behind him and he closed his book. No one. He thought he saw Impulse, but it was just a trick that his brain and eyes was playing on him. No one called his name. Impulse wasn't standing there waving.
Just a trick.
It wasn't real..
Zedaph felt tears well up behind his eyes so he closed them and he bit his lip as he held them back. The tears flowed slowly anyway, the right's mixing with the green ooze, silent cries. Zedaph opened his eyes and his vision blurred. He felt so alone. And yet he felt as though he was being watched. He couldn't stand it. All of it, the loneliness, the pain, and that strange feeling of being watched.
Zedaph sat on the floor of the library— wrapping his arms around himself like a defensive hug— and he let his thoughts wander. It was all he could do to not break down in Green mixed tears and let sobs shake his body
His thoughts brought images. Pictures, memories.
Those fun times in the forest, in beautifully made gardens and natural fields.
Running around with his friends. The happy moments he had with Grian. The fun times with Mumbo, and Etho. The great times with Impulse. He thought of the search for his friends, earlier. Doc and Iskall had searched the outer area of Xisuma's base, and Zedaph had followed on the brink of a breakdown at seeing his friends so troubled yet so calm, and some being missing— somewhat.
His mind supplied the image of seeing Mumbo and Impulse. That last time. He saw them with those horrible green eyes, he saw his friends not themselves. He saw the moment Etho stopped him from running farther, and had hesitated. He wondered where his winged friend was, why he hadn't seen him.
Zedaph opened his eyes and he managed to clear his vision by rubbing his eyes and blinking a few times. He realised that the library suddenly looked very dark, and empty. He stood and tried to feel behind him where he was leaning against a sturdy bookshelf, but the bookshelf was gone. He only felt thick air, he only saw a strange darkness.
His breathing got a bit laboured and he looked forward, in front of him, a few feet/metres away was a figure dressed in all green. Bright greens that stood out against the dark background. Lime, green, black, and a bit of yellow.
Its hands were crossed behind its back and Zedaph couldn't help but freeze up and stare. The Green Creature looked back at Zedaph and its expression darkened ever so slightly. The Green Creature disappeared for a second before Zedaph felt its presence behind him and his eyes widened.
Violent whispers flooded into Zedaph's head. He felt as though his neck was being constricted and his eyes watered— not because of tears, because of a strange sensation in them. Zedaph could've sworn that in those moments he saw his friends, dangling from bright green strings. They were crying, they were bleeding, they were in pain.
Zedaph held his head, he tried covering his ears but that only seemed to make the whispering louder. His blurry vision landed on the Green Monster and more pain shot through his body. He squeezed his eyes shut and he screamed. He could barely hear his own thoughts, and he was unsure if any noise even came out of his mouth.
The Green Monster simply stared, a partial sadistic look in its eyes.
✦ ✦ ╎ℸ ̣ 'ᓭ ✦ ✦
In the opposite side of the corner of the library where Zedaph was breaking down, Doc and Xisuma were searching. They carelessly but resolutely skimmed through the books, trying to find a solution or a cure for their fellow hermits.. situation.
The duo heard a loud noise, it sounded like a mix between a loud shriek, and a goats scream. Doc immediately closed his book and his eyes bore into Xisuma's. They both had the same thought.
✦ ✦ ⎓⚍ℸ ̣ ╎ꖎᒷ. ✦ ✦
A scream pierced through the air again and Zedaph glared weakly at the Green Monster as he grabbed tightly onto his horns. Tears still flowed down his face, his eyes were fading green and he felt so, so weak. Like he just wanted to fall asleep forever. Zedaph just wanted to listen to those whispers, to "obey," all he wanted was to rest.
But a little voice in the back of his head that was barely audible kept on shouting at him, telling him not to give up. That little voice was so brave, to shout over the whispers of the Green Monster. Zedaph was proud of that small voice.
Zedaph could see black spots dancing across his vision and his eyes stung a bit more, he felt as though he was rocking back and forth but he wasn't too sure. The Entity gained a pleased look in their eyes, but that was quickly replaced with disbelief, disappointment, and shock. Zedaph thought he heard someone call his name, but he was so tired..
A sharp noise cut through the whispering, a loud "smack" sound.
Zedaph's eyes snapped open and he was no longer on the verge of collapsing before the Green Monster. Instead he was hyperventilating, instead of breathing shallowly, and his eyes were unfocused then refocused then unfocused, and so on. He brought a shaky hand to his damp cheek and felt a soft burning sensation. His vision cleared and he stared at the two figures in front of him.
Xisuma winced and Doc had a slightly guilty look on his face, but he still grinned a slightly wavering grin at Zedaph. Most likely to comfort the still shaking ram hybrid.
"Welcome back to the land of the living," Doc said. He stared at Zedaph with his mistaken for intimidating gaze and let out a shaky breath.
Wow. Did I write the angst right? Sure hope so. Could probably do better honestly.
ANYWAYS, thanks for reading, but I just wanted to say sorry if the TWs are long-
I want to make sure I get them all, I don't want to accidentally hurt anyone or bring up trauma or anything really. So please tell me if there is anything! Thankss.
Enjoy future reading!
1298 words
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