Evil 3
~At the Ball~
Everyone was dancing and having a good time. It wasn't too long ago when the king announced that Princess Astria was of age and will soon be looking for a husband. Astria walked out in a ball gown that looked like the galaxy itself with a matching bow in her hair.
There was not one pair of eyes that wasn't on her. This made the Queen really mad but she kept quiet anyway. Not long later that Astria showed herself to everyone at the party they all started to dance. And that's when Astria made a disappearing act.
The Queen however was looking for a certain prince at the time, which was also someone who done a disappearing act. Making the Queen incredibly frustrated at this point.
Astria on the other hand was in the garden reading a book that she managed to sneak out with her, a smile on her face as she was losing herself in the book. She snapped out of it when she heard a voice. "Ain't you suppose to be at the party?" The voice spoke in a sort of irrigated tone.
When she looked up her eyes connected with Satan's eyes. She looked at him as she held a surprised look on her face. ". . . Ain't you that prince with the load of evil rumours?" She asked him.
Satan looked at her and shrugged his shoulders walking over and sat down next to her. "Yeah I suppose so. Now then answer my question. Why you out here alone when you was suppose to be in the party?" He asked her once again.
She looked at him and smiled as she looked at him. "well you see. . . I'm not one to be with other people. I was kept away from them all my life and now I'm so use to it I rather not be around that many people when I could bump into them all the time. Besides I like reading books." She said to him.
Satan looked surprised at her answer and then looked down at the book she was reading. When he noticed what book it was he gave a small smile at her. "I read that book. It's good, isn't it?" He asked her.
Astria gave a huge smile and nodded her head at him as to answer his question and agree with his statement. "Yes it is. Do you like reading, Your highness?" She asked him.
He looked at her once again and nodded his head a faint smile on his face. "Yes I do. I read all the time. . . Ah if my brother's actually allow me to read instead of being a pain all the time." Satan replied back to her.
"You have brothers?" Astria asked him.
He nodded his head once again and then sighed while looking at the floor. "yes there's seven of us. Lucifer, Mammon, Leviathan, me, Asmodeus, Beelzebub and Belphegor." He replied.
Astria gave a small laugh and then looked at him with a smile on her face. "what's it like having siblings?" She asked him.
Satan started to look very annoyed at the questions as he remembered what his siblings are like. "Annoying! They irritate me to no extent and when I said to them to get lost they just get more irritating!" He raised his voice as he looked annoyed.
Astria started to laugh as her and Satan continued to talk to eachother she would ask him questions about what it's like having siblings and what it's like to having the freedom to leave the palace whenever he wanted. They also talked about books and the different stories.
They stayed there for a very long time. And while they was talking to eachother the Queen was looking everywhere for Satan. She couldn't find him anywhere. "Damnit. . . I know he's here I saw him leaning against the wall just before that brat showed up and looking like that!" She muttered to herself as she continued to look everywhere for Satan but still not finding him anywhere.
When she would ask the staff members about where he was none of them knew either, this causing her to get more and more frustrated by the second.
"I need to make sure him and Astria never meet!"
Finished this books 3rd chapter too! Yay! Anyway I once again appreciate the support of you all.
Thanks so much it really means a lot too me.
Hope your all enjoying this story (or all 3 if you are reading all 3!)
Bye for now
To be continued!
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