You say there's nothing left to fight for cause this feels too much.
There was confusion in the hospital but somehow I sat quietly on a bench in the waiting room as everything around me seemed to be in a blur. Jane, Veronica and Darcy had been the first to arrive and even though they found us in the waiting room, my head against her chest, they ignored that as they came to me.
"Mom? Mom, oh my gosh, I thought something had happened to you. Darcy got a call saying something had happened and we needed to get here right away."
She scanned me from head to toe then proceeded to check me for marks of violence. "Did that man-"
"I'm fine sweetie-"
"Oh my gosh! Where's uncle Austin?"
I looked at Ms. T but her unwavering eyes were focused on everyone else.
"He's on his way." She responds.
"Everyone suddenly went very quiet before veronica held her tummy. Staring directly at me, I saw her eyes immediately start to swell with tears.
"Ms. Paige... where's Carr?"
Tears automatically sprang to mine and I got up as I pulled her into my arms.
"I'm so sorry sweetie." I sobbed, feeling her body shake with tears. "She was in an accident."
I heard the gasps around me but refused to focus on anything other than comforting her but that didn't stop me from noticing how Darcy was watching Ms. T and I.
"She was in an accident?" Veronica sobbed brokenly, her voice a mumbled mess against my shoulders. "How? I-I don't understand. We spoke on the phone a little while ago and she was held up at work because of the storm. What happened?"
"She lost control of her car and it flipped, pinning her inside and she was there for a while before someone found her and called the cops."
"But she's supposed to be at work."
"She wasn't. She was headed home."
"I told her-" Veronica stopped and pulled away from me as she started to pace. "I told her it was okay. That she should stay and be safe. She promised she'd listen... she promised she'd stay."
"It's our anniversary. Today's the day we became girlfriends and she wanted to make it home to celebrate." Veronica sobbed.
"I know-" Jane cut in, going over to her and trying to somehow offer comfort.
"No! You don't. Today was also the day Anthony attacked both of us. Today was also the day she was hospitalized and I thought I lost her. That was why I told her to stay! That was why I begged her because as much as it was the best day of my life it also ended in tragedy and she knew this! She-"
Veronica broke down and I pulled her against me, allowing her to cry as she had no words left. My heart went out to her as we all knew that day. It was engraved into our minds and I willed myself to stay strong for them. For her.
"Where is she now?" Jane asked, trying to cut through the silence even though Veronica's sobs were loud and heart wrenching.
"She's in surgery." I murmur.
Veronica couldn't hold herself up any longer and I struggled to hold her as she almost fell to the floor. Ms. T immediately came to my rescue as she held both of us before taking Veronica from me and leading her to one of the vacant chairs. Jane hurriedly went to get some water for her and I stood with my arms wrapped around myself as my thoughts were filled with my brother and what he would be going through yet again.
Ms. T comes towards me and touches my shoulder to bring me back to the now and I faked a smile as she genuinely looked at me with concern.
"Are you okay love?" She asks, accent thick and captivating, momentarily distracting me from my problems.
"Am... I don't know. Ask me when the night is over."
She nods her head and we both stare at the clock hanging on the wall as it showed a few minutes to midnight. Just at that moment Austin comes through the door and my heart kicks up it's beating as he spots me immediately. Ms. T releases her hold on me as he advances and I stop breathing at the thought of having to tell him that his only child was once again in surgery.
My name was called by both Trent and Austin and I tried not to hyperventilate as they observed each other.
"Are you her father?" Trent asks and Austin took a moment to understand what was going on before his face became a hard mask and he just nodded.
"This is also her wife Veronica, my daughter Jane and her girlfriend Darcy."
Trent raises an eyebrow at the introduction and quickly scanned the crowd before getting professional once again.
"Am... well, I'm not her doctor but since Justine is a friend of mine and a nurse here, I feel obligated to at least tell her what I know."
"Which is?" Austin asks not truly understanding what was happening but still aware enough to know something had happened to his daughter.
"She's out of surgery for now but it was necessary to place her in a medically induced coma to reduce the swelling in her brain. As it is, she's fine... when I say fine, I mean she isn't critical but the swelling is being monitored and when that's over, she'll be observed for a few more days before they make a decision about whether to let her go home."
Austin stares at Trent for the longest time before speaking and no one missed how his voice cracked as his emotions poured through.
"You're telling me that my little girl is in a coma because of the swelling in her brain... that's it?"
"Ah... well... am... as I said earlier-"
"I wasn't here earlier!" Austin snapped and we all jumped at his sharp tone.
"I know that." Trent responds professionally. "And I apologize for my inconsideration. Her right leg is also broken and she had internal bleeding caused by a rib that punctured some tissues surrounding her heart."
"Oh my gosh." Veronica sobs as she now hears the full extent of her wife's injuries and I watch as Jane and Darcy tried to comfort her.
Austin however, never broke his blank composure and Trent comes over to me, touching my shoulder as a show of support before saying that he had to get back to work but ensured that her doctor, Dr. Vic who was on call would see us when he's finished.
I watch him leave and turn to talk to Austin but discover he's already started to head down the corridor. Hurriedly I try to follow him but when he ignores me I pull him to a stop.
"How could you!" He accused and I'm left confused.
"How could you put that woman to call me and tell me my daughter was in the hospital?!"
"You're my sister! I'm supposed to hear this from you!"
"I was on my way home in this fucking storm to deal with that woman I called my wife for so long-"
"Austin please." I begged as his voice continued to raise in the hospital, drawing everyone's attention.
"As if I didn't have enough fucking problems already and then half way there I get a call from my sister's bootie call telling me my daughter was involved in an accident and she was in the hospital."
"I didn't... I couldn't-"
"I'm freaking out because God knows I'm only imagining the worst things possible and when I pull over and call Rosa to let her know what's happening she gives me some bull shit excuse about how she's deserves it and she hopes she dies."
At this point Austin is pacing and his eyes look crazy like he was seconds away from going mad.
"How could a woman, a mother, fucking say that about her own child?! How can... like I don't even give a shit anymore because I'm done with her but then I get here and see you all cozy with your lover when my daughter is literally fighting for her life."
"Austin it's not-"
"I get you don't fucking care about anyone or anything other than yourself and that fucking piece of shit ex husband of yours is to blame but she's my daughter and if you know you can't give a damn enough to call me, then keep your fucking gay love making shit to yourself and allow those who give a damn to actually focus on helping her."
I froze as his words struck me and made no move to say or do anything as he started to storm off.
"You know, just like back then when Craig was fighting for his life and you did nothing to help our family... not even cried when it was his funeral. Your own younger brother's funeral, I was upset but I let it slide because I thought you had your own problems... but now I'm just disappointed. No sister of mine is heartless."
"Austin please stop." I pleaded. The tears that had ceased, coming back full force and falling from my face like a waterfall.
"I guess that means you're not my sister."
I felt my heart break at his words and I just let go. I refused to hold myself up any longer.
My twin. My other half. The better part of me was walking away and there was nothing I could do to make him understand what I was feeling. What I was going through.
When the floor didn't receive me, I opened my eyes to see I was snuggled close in Ms. T's arms as she held me and I couldn't stop myself from having this breakdown.
I was in my nurse's uniform, sitting on the hospital floor in the arms of a woman I was slowing falling in love with, balling my eyes out for the brother that abandoned as he went back to the niece I had no idea was gonna make it or not.
For the second time in my life... I was broken.
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