Part 12 The Snow Goth takes Charge
"Willow, it's been weeks now. You really need to get out of bed." says Hollow as he knocks on his wife's door while Willow groans in her bed. "Sis, still isn't getting up?" asks Yomodo as she leans on the wall slightly, trying to look like she is not in pain. "Yup, she won't listen to me. Is this how marriage is?" asks Hollow as he groans and lightly bangs his head on the door. "I'm gonna go and take a shower..." says Hollow as he walks off to one of the several bathrooms. Yomodo leans against Willow's door and sighs. "Hey Sis, you want to sing or something? That might cheer you up." says Yomodo as she checks her scroll for any messages. With Vale being destroyed they had to live on one of the back up safe manors, the one on Patch. Close to a cliff, out of sight and no where near anyone perfectly secluded.
"GO AWAY YOMODO!" yells Willow as she hides her head under a pillow. "JUST LEAVE ME HERE TILL I DIE!!!" she yells again. Yomodo only chuckles, "Sis you know that's never going to happen. Besides you will be fi-" she stops mid sentence as her scroll get a message from the Grimm Troop. "Lady Grimmson, we have found tracks, scents and various other things that bare the exact same smell as your father. It seems like he is alive." Yomodo got up quickly in excitement. "I'M SORRY!!!!" yells Yomodo, which leaves Willow completely baffled. "why are you sorr-" before she could finish that sentence she is shocked as Yomodo broke the door down with her clawed gauntlets, Persuasion and Reason. Yomodo's eyes shined with what seemed like a light of hope as she then tosses the scroll to Willow. In the complete Darkness you could only see Willow's light blue eye glow red from under the pillow as she reads the message. "Father is alive?" she says to herself. Yomodo nods rapidly as she turns the lights on, revealing the girl who once was the exact mirror image of a faunus version of Weiss now completely changed. The right side of her face across her right eye is a scar to match the one on the left, her hair black like midnight. "Ooo, choosing to be like your inner self?" says Yomodo as she sticks her tongue out. "Shut up, I just prefer this one because it's me. Besides that message is obviously a lie...they just want to be free..." she says as a response, before Willow could comprehend it Yomodo slapped Willow's face hard leaving a read hand print. "WILLOW SNOW GRIMMSON!!! YOU DOUBT OUR FATHER'S CREATIONS? MANY NIGHTS HE TOOK IN BROKEN PEOPLE WHO WANTED TO BECOME STRONGER, WHO WANTED A CHANGE TO THEMSELVES!!! HE MADE SURE THAT THEIR SCENT IS STRONGER THAN BEFORE!!! HE MAY NOT OF BEEN A PERFECT FATHER, HELL I KNOW HE HAD HIS MOMENTS OF DARKNESS BUT ALL HE EVER DID WAS TRY AND TRY FOR US AND FOR EVERYONE ELSE!!! HE TOLD US MONTHS AGO THAT IF ANYTHING HAPPENS TO HIM WE NEED TO TAKE OVER!!! I CAN'T SISS, I'M NOT A LEADER LEADER I'M A DAMN GENERAL! YOU ARE FULLY TRAINED TO LEAD. All that I ask you is Please take the role, until we get him back...Please, do it for me do it for Hollow, your niece Taki." says Yomodo with tears starting to fall from her eyes. Willow gets up and moves to her dresser where Anubis lays broken alongside her broken rapier. "Sis?" says Yomodo in confusion as her tears cloud her vision slightly. Willow picks up Anubis and holds it tightly. "Get Bao and Karen in here NOW!!! Start up the Forge Immediately!!!" says Willow as she growls. "Yes." was all her sister could say as she leaves to make the calls to the Long household.
Willow puts on her black jeans with holes on the side, puts on a red shirt and then her black jacket finally she ties her hair back into a pony tail. Looking at her reflection she nods as her white fox ears twitch. "For you Father." she says to her self as she clips the broken cane to her side and leaves her room, she unhooks Anubis and points the purple crystal surrounded by Grimm at the broken door. Focusing her Aura to the cane she lefts the door pieces up as they start to fit together as a jigsaw puzzle and get put back in place. She turns around and walks with her head held high past Hollow with his mouth open. Willow stops and walks backwards to Hollow and closes his mouth. "Close your mouth Honey, you'll flood the entire house with your drool." she says to him as she then pecks his cheek softly. "It's good to see you also." He says as he starts to chuckle. He leaves to get dressed and comes back wearing a white jacket and white pants. "Someone in this house has to show balance." says Hollow as he holds Willow's hand as they walk out of the house while Yomodo waits for them outside. "Well said." Says Willow as she shivers slightly. "Hollow, we are going to have a pack soon..." says Willow as she looks to her husband with a smile. He smiles back but you can tell that internally he is panicking.
Outer Hollow: That is amazing Sweetheart.
Haji Kaneki Michaelis: XD JK JK....well about the Art thing.
"So where to?" asks Willow to her sister. "From the looks of it, Mistral. Mainly the woods. Which means Bao and Karen and just greet us there." says Yomodo as she opens her car door and gets in followed by Willow and Hollow. "What about your daughter?" asks Hollow. "Don't worry Penny has it under control, We need Nickel does anyone know where he goes?" she asks them. "Old lab, at the Forever Fall Forest. Trust me." says Willow as Yomodo puts her car into high gear and drives way too fast for it to be legal. Once they get to a airship, Yomodo kisses her car goodbye as she faces one thing she isn't used to. Which is being in an airship. Their flight taking roughly about an hour, an hour of looking out the window gazing across the sea. "It's even more beautiful than I remembered.." says Willow as she smiles and rubs her stomach. "You three are going to love it, I just know it." she says to herself. "TH-THREE? How do you know we are going to have triplets?" Asks Hollow in a panic. "Mother's intuition, and a little bit of having daily checks." says Willow as she sits down slowly.
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