- Silentcry - - closed -
Name - Silentpaw
Personality - quiet, loyal, brave, courageous, defensive
Appearance - A black she cat with glowing amber eyes
aww so coot! She doesn't deserve to be laughed at by that goblin Eaglepaw- Eaglefrost! (Eagle told her she was useless and weak and didn't deserve to become a warrior, the writing in the top right is what she defended herself with)
Gender - she cat
Likes - green leaf, bathing in the sun, flat surface, attacking enemies and shocking them
Dislikes - climbing trees, jumping, being too cold, leafbare
Extra - Silentpaw was previously Willowkit, turning into Willowpaw, but one day she leaped to try to attack her mentor for training, but didn't manage to land properly, and she ended up breaking her jaw. She wasn't able to speak clearly, and she often loses her voice. But she was confident that she could still become a warrior, instead of retiring early to the elders den. Her Clan appreciate her courage to this day.
Challenge - No challenge for Silent :>>
Winner will be chosen when 10 names or more are suggested
Names -
1. Silentheart - _SoluFromKanto_
2. Silentsoul - _icydawn_
3. Silentfang - Gh0st_Fr1end
4. Silentcry - ThePlaceOfNoStars
5. Silentcall - JadeAxel1982
6. Silentblaze - daiseyyyyyyyy
7. Silentspark - Blxuestxrm
8. Silentstep - Savannah_Suncat
9. Silentglow - Autumnleap
10. Silentnight - Maple175
11. Silentflame - Mr_Fluffbutt
12. Silentsun - SadnessRepellent
Wish someone said Silentthroat XDD
Winners -
1st - Silentcry - ThePlaceOfNoStars (I love this name! It makes me think like she can't rlly speak, so she is crying inside for her clanmates to accept her, but they can't hear her. I love the sound of it too!)
2nd - Silentflame - Mr_Fluffbutt (I rlly rlly like this name! I love the way it rolls off ur tongue, and she is angry inside but can't rlly show it!)
3rd - Silentnight - Maple175 (I love this! I love ur reasons even if they are cheeesy, and the name! It is just rlly cool, and I love the way it sounds!)
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