Tags will eat me alive
I do tags cause I have no life, and I am sick so yeah.....I was tagged by Jelsalover1212 and JustAnotherElsa
13 facts about me
1. I am a clumsy human being
2. I love Nyan cat
3. I have a girlfriend on wattpad........and ill leave for you to figure it out*smirks*
4. Even if I like jelsa, I like more mericcup
5. I love cats
6. I am good at drawing
7. It's 22:30 here and I am still awake
8. I think of my sisters, like best friends
9. Once for a dare I had to show my not real face cause someone dared my sister and me for this.....and I am so sorry for this but we didint wanted to say no, cause she was going to call us scared cats
10. I am the only boy in my class that actually likes to read books
11. I hate my mother
12. I play a lot of minecraft
13. I can't do the easy gymnastics or any of it, at all
Questions from JustAnotherElsa
1. Who is your favourite person in the world?
I don't have one
2. Am I a good waffle queen?
Sister, we are the best royals in the world......I am prince of Nyan cats.......so we both sister, are the best royals
3. What is your favourite food?
4. Favourite color?
Blue, black, purple and green
5.pop-tarts or cats?
I love cats
6.Do you have 10 toes?
Yes......yes I do
7. What's your favourite disney channel movie?
I don't know, I like lots
8. Do you think flowers can get boners?
Em.......I don't know
9. Do you eat your foot?
10. In the zombie apocalypse who would you kill first, Santa or the tooth fairy?
The tooth fairy, cause she is anoing and then Santa cause........I don't know
11. Why is the sky blue?
I don't know......why is the grass green?
12. Can you touch your tongue to your nose?
Nope, I tried million times
13. How awkward are you?
Really awkward.....really
Questions from Jelsalover1212
1.things you hate
People hurting those who i care about
2. If you had to be stuck with one person on an island, who would it be and why?
Hiccup, because he always have good ideas and he have interesting things to talk about
3. What is your favourite name?
My favourite name of all is Jack
4. Person on wattpad you know the longest ?
5. Why did you start to like your ship?
I don't really know
6. Ship you hate
7. Ship you love
8. Favourite teen titans character ?
Robin, or beast boy
9. What's better?food? Or phone?
10. Are you mad at me for tagging you?
Not at all
11. Do you like tags?
Kinda, cause I can do them when I am bored, but when I get tagged in those moments when I hate something, then no
12. Favourite character, and give title of the movie is from
Jack Frost - Rise of the guardians
13. Can you speak more than language?
Yep, I can speak Polish too
Here are the people I tag.....and I am sorry if you don't like them.......you don't have to do them
My questions for you
1. Do you like me
2. What do you like the most
3. Nickname people call you
4. Miley Ciruse or Justin Beaver
5. Waffles or chocolate
6. Favourite show
7. Favourite youtubers
8. Favourite animal
9. Do you like this tag?
10. How much do you hate me right now?
11. Any enemy's ? (Don't tell me the name, just answer, yes or no)
12. Favourite song?
13. Do you have kik?
Good luck enveryone
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