I am Sorry
So here I need to apologise, cause I messed up, and when I do mess up , people go hurt because of me, when I say something to them in a wrong way and never realise it, I can give them a bad mood,........I don't even know what's wrong with me, I only know that you know who keep me here? All of you, cause I care for each one of you, but at the same time I can hurt them without noticing or not even wanting to, I am sorry if you are this person
RealSnowQueen I am sorry for being a bad son, or making you in a bad mood sometimes or make you be pissed at me, cause I never ment to do any of it
RealPunzel I am sorry for being an bad boyfriend, and sometimes letting you down
RealMulan I am sorry for being a bad dad, cause I mess up everything
RealJackyFrost I am sorry for what I done to make you ignore me, I really am sorry
Jelsalover1212 I am sorry for not telling you the truth, but the truth is, that our dad left us because of me
ElsaArendelle1212 Elsa, listen, I am sorry for something really, really, bad. I have done something that made you hurt, without you realising that I was the one that caused you pain, I was the one that made you cry again, cause I lied to you, and then it started, because you lied to someone not even knowing you are lying to them, just because I said it was true, and then thouse people realise it wasn't true, and they called you the lier, but I should be the one called the lier, not you, so please forgive me, and don't go range at me when you will be back home, cause cousins don't do that right? I am sorry, you can shout on my for as long as you want, cause I messed up, and I deserve it.
I don't know what to do anymore.
Do I ever made you laugh or smile when you where sad?
Cause I think I never did, cause I am a peron that won't help you with being happy, because I can only make people sad and angry...... cause I don't really think that anyone here met me and when they where talking with me, they felt better, cause with me, it's inpossible for me to make someone actually, truly smile or laugh.
Anyway, I should go now...... I won't leave like I was planing too, but I need to get my mind straight , anyway I am truly sorry, I really am.
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