a long long tag
I will be spammed after this ...Oh well
I was tagged by SnowXPrincess to do this long tag
1. Jack of course
2. 6"5 or something ....I dunno anymore
3. Dunno
4. Almost 18 in December
5. Eh...I have many
6. Eugene irl
7. From ElsieArendelle_
8. Not telling
9. Yes ...next question
10. Waffles
11. Blue and white and silver
12. I texted my sister a minute ago saying "jelsa freak"
13. With.....Sara , we were together for an half an year
14. In collage
15. I want to be a teacher so sure
16. 9% !!!!
17. Blue
18. Nyan cats and mericcup
19. Cats
20. Dunno
21. Never
22. Every time
23. I already answered that
24. Make my life better
25. When I jumped off a hill into a deep snow when I was 9....good times
26. United Kingdom
27. 7 cats in total
28. Maybe
29. Maths class
30. Eh....didn't have one yet
31. Dunno
32. ...........no?
33. My sister , cause she's my sister
34. Lost of people
35. I dyed it back to brown
36. I ain't telling ya
37. Prism by Lindsey Stirling....don't judge
38. No
39. Many times
40. To be left alone
41. Yep I had them in my old house up in the arctic, I heard people walking there
42. Never
43. Always still am
44. Always
45. Nope
46. Hater 😎
47. Yep many times
48. Everything
49. Ewwww no I ain't telling you that
50. No just no
There I'm done , who ever sees this is tagged
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