SPECIAL Victim..
Ryan burst through the doors of the church and what he witnessed was far from any Godly thing he ever seen. People screaming as fire snatched onto them and of all the things he could ever wish to see, Bryce was laying on an altar. "Bryce!" He shouted through the flames before taking off in a dash towards the blonde. His heart racing with every step.
Ryan neared the steps but was stopped by a woman's heel. He fell back onto the floor with a groan, gun flying from his hand. Hazel eyes stared up at who it was only to widen at the sight of Stella.
Stella glared down on him as she twirled her knife around in her gloved hand. "Oh Ryan, always coming to the rescue..especially when it's Bryce." Her words were bitter to her and he knew it. "Such a shame he won't be leaving. Well, alive that is." Her voice was enough to drowned out the cries of wood and the screams of victims. His heart sunk.
>>F L A S H B A C K<<
"Of course I'm not leaving Ohm. Well not without you."
Ryan smiled faintly at that but he wished he could believe it. Something Ryan had took notice of was things happen that you never expect to happen. If Bryce hadn't of came into his life so many things would be different.. He would still be drinking and smoking.
The day Smitty bought him a pack of cigarettes and he threw them in the trash right in front of the Canadian male was the day he agreed to stop. Because he knew the blonde in which he fancied didn't like smoking-he barely liked drinking. Smitty of course nearly had a heart attack on his desk but ended up grinning and give him congrats. It was the biggest move in his life since Jonathan left him.
So staring into Bryce's blue eyes filled with purity made him somewhat scared. He was never one to fear man but here he was tripping all over this male. Yet he still couldn't find out what made him special.
"Things happen Bryce.." His words were as soft as his heart felt. "We can't control that.."
"Ryan I promise you I'm not going anywhere. As long as you got me I don't see what could happen." Bryce grinned sheepishly. "I mean come on. What're you afraid of?"
Ryan smiled softly again and cupped the males face before bringing the blondes head to meet his lips but just as their lips were about to touch Bryce's phone went off.
>>E N D<<
Ryan nearly screamed when the knife fell down but the sound of a gunshot echoed along with Stella's scream. His hazel eyes darted behind him to where his partner was at the door covering his face. He took this as his chance and jumped to his feet to get the blonde.
"It's okay Bryce.." He whispered as he took the blonde in his arms. "I've got you.."
Stella let out a cry as she watched this happen. The sound of wood snapping echoed like music in her ears but that didn't stop her. Her eyes looked to the gun on the floor then back to Ryan who was scrambling to the door, "I'm taking one of you with me damn it!" Her gloved hand grasped the gun and she aimed it at Ryan who just turned around.
There was no moment like the movies showed.
There were no words spoken.
Only one shot fired straight into Ryan's flesh. A cry escaped his lips as he fell to the floor, Bryce's body landing beside him. "RYAN!" Smitty's scream echoed but everything was slowly fading. His vision as well. As he stared at Bryce's face he only thought of what saving him would cost..his life.
If that was what he needed to give then it was complete. Stella could have her victory..
Ryan took a deep breath as he felt his world collapse.
•Year Later...
Bryce stared up at the sky as a breeze blew past him, dragging leaves with it. The sound of a cat purring echoed loudly and his gaze tore from the blue sky to the cat that rubbed against his legs. A faint smile painted his lips as he grasped it and began to run a hand through its fur. A leaf fell from the tree and caught his attention.
It had been a year since the Nurse, also known as Stella, burned down the church his mother once attended. Now he was alone..
"Bryce!" A voice called. "Smitty's here!"
Well not fully alone.
Bryce turned around to the sound of his husbands voice and smiled faintly when he seen his Canadian friend standing beside his lover. He rushed over to the door and tackled Ryan in a hug before turning to shake his friends hand. "Smitty it's nice to see you man!" His words were welcoming and he watched as the male scratched the back of his neck before turning to his son who was playing with Buddy. "This little man was wanting to play with Lily if that's okay." Ryan nodded as he cleaned his hands then turned to the stairs, "LILY!" He screamed out.
A little girl with brown hair and blue eyes appeared a few minutes after and she gave a small smile to Smitty. "Hey Lily high five!" She grinned before hinging him what he had asked then her attention turned to Smitty's son who was petting the dog. Ryan gave a nod and she giggled before rushing to the young boys side. "God she looks like you Ryan.. I'm actually glad you found someone to carry her for you. You got lucky too cause those blue eyes look like they belong to Bryce." His boss laughed a little as he felt Bryce wrap an arm around his waist. The feeling made his heart skip a beat. "Yeah I know.."
"Hey I'm gonna go get us some coffee okay?" Bryce whispered before kissing his husbands cheek. The blonde excused himself from the conversation and went into the kitchen. As he began to fix the coffee he heard a window shatter, his soul jumped from his body. Blue eyes jerked behind him to where a rock with a note tied to it. Slowly he bent down, picked it up, then opened it..
John 8:44 was her last words..
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