This little piggy
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed home,
This little piggy had roast beef
This little piggy had none,
And this little piggy cried wee wee wee all the way home.
There were five children all living alone for the orphanage lady had died leaving this place. Woman and children were to be shot on site. Who knows which side they were born from. A war was going on and no knew why exactly. All everyone knew was that one side must win. These children hid in the house where no one would get them once they grew up they could leave but them they would be kidnapped and broken till they become a puppet for this undying war.
All the children hid in the house hiding under the house where someone came in. The children gave themselves numbers to remember themselves by. The children barely ate but when they did they prayed to god so that the war could be over and they could see the sun again for the first time in their life.
See once the war started the sky covered up and all to see were clouds but the kids heard of old stories of this thing called a sun and they were ready to see what it was so the war needed to be over maybe once the war was over all the people could be happy. The sun brought happiness or so they were told.
Years later the kids grew up into adults and well the was still raged on. For all their years has the sun never come up. One the leader of the group and the oldest who told stories to the littler ones had to leave. Food had run out a week ago so he decided that he was his responsibility to find something. One left the text as thin as a rake hoping to hide within the shadows. He crept out the door and left in the night. He came back with food and all the kids one though five were happy.
One left again the week after that hoping once again to get lucky, the boy never came back. They soon found him on top of a pile of corpses of people they broke too hard. The used the bodies as the wall of the forts to shoot from.
They four remaining kids were sad but they had to live on to see the sun. The second oldest found herself terrified from what happened and slowly the world started to make sense. Why couldn't people see the solution that was right in front of them, everyone just needed to die then there would be no misery, no pain, and no war. Later that week the girl stood in what was once the living room. She stood there and poured oil all over herself, stolen from the back of a truck. She then lit herself on fire screaming for the world to burn in her ashes. Number three stopped the fire and buried her in the sand and dirt that made up the floor. As a reminder, they called the dead room.
Three now stood still living as well as can be when food ran out again. Three left to find food. Four and Five were scared but needed food as well. Three never came back, but for their window, they couldn't see his body so there was still hope.
The next day they heard the front door slam open and number three voice saying "they are downstairs in the basement, let us get this done so we can eat". Four told Five to hide and hide well for she needed to survive.
Three came crashing in and took Four shaking him like a rag doll. Five wanted to use her voice and cry out cut she made no sound. "Come out, come out Five we have Four and food come join us," Three said with a sweet voice that use to sing her to sleep on scary nights.
Five made no sound so they left with four passed out almost ready to be made a soldier. She stayed in her hiding place for two weeks, she never moved for Four told her to stay. Five died after three weeks of no food. The slaughter of humans, treating them like pigs would be over soon. When Five died she could swear that she could see the sun, and how beautiful it was.
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