Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Mary Mary Quite Contrary
Mary Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And pretty maids all in a row.
I will be the best, the prettiest woman out there and the prince will fall for me. I got dressed it the tightest corset to make my waist tiny. I hope the prince will take me. I will not love him, no I just want the money to spend is all.
The prince on his horse, he looked like a pig stuffed sausage. I bowed to him showing him the front of my dress, well down it anyway. Him stupid eyes looked like he was going to eat me up. He took me to the castle, I could barely enjoy the scenery for he kept having his horse step on every rock. He introduced me to the king and queen. I can't believe that he chose me I'm so lucky.
I saw other girls there. He must have picked up every beautiful girl on the side of the road. Well, I just have to get rid of them. This should be a piece of Cake. I snuck into a few of the girl's rooms and well applied poison ivy, just a smidgen into some face creams. This was fun. I let the fat, ugly prince look at me. I could just see his wheels turning slowly from no use of what he wanted to do to me. Some girls now deemed too ugly were sent home. I asked the kind if he wanted me to get rid of anyone here. The king soon joined me or so he thought to thin the crowds. From cuts to dye, to well let us just say some harmful stuff. I soon saw there was only three of us left. I drank a concoction that the king gave me to have the courage to kill off the rest of the girls. I laughed as their blood poured out of their bodies. The king wanted to use me as a puppet so off with his head. With the girls and the king out of the painting, I could rule.
The prince became king and married me. I soon killed him, mother, for she was too pretty. I can be the only beautiful one, if the prince sees anyone else, he will leave me. I can't kill him yet maybe one day. I saw beautiful girls pass on the streets and offer them jobs. I kill them making blood go everywhere. This games so no fun, maybe I should make it fun. I make some lovely torture devices, cockle shells. It will make them scream. I put bells on them so that they can't get past me. Once I'm done with my fun I put away my toys like a good girl and bury them. They will make wonderful fertilizer for my plants.
I will always be the queen and there is no one who can stop me.
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