so, this time i'm grounded
omg no 🥺🥺
i'm sorry
it's not your fault
it is
i didn't mean to fall asleep
we both fell asleep
i explained it to them but i guess they were still mad about me getting home at 2am the night before last
and now they come home and i'm sleeping beside a girl
it's just a bad combination
i feel so bad
i'm really sorry 🤧🤧
don't be
but i don't think we're going to be able to go see the second movie
this sucks 😪
i'm not going to see u before i leave am i??
i don't know
my mom is scary mad
my dad not so much
he just nods when she yells
i want to see u, mike 🥺🥺
i want to see you, too
maybe u can say u have a project w max and come to her house??
you want me to lie to my parents?
i think you're corrupting me
esp coming from a manwhore
your manwhore
i cringed
but i'm lowkey 🥺💓
omg wait
ur mom
omg she probably hates me
i'm cry 😭😭
mike fix this!!!!!!!!
she doesn't think that
she just needs to calm down
she's stress cleaning right now
but she's only mad at me, not you
omg she hates me doesn't she??
should i make her muffins or smth
this is terrible
ur the first guy i've ever dated and ur parents already hate me and i got u grounded
no they don't
are we dating?
you said i'm the first guy you've ever dated
which implies that we're dating
i said that?
lol weird i don't recall 🤠
yes! she's being so annoying
she won't stop teasing me abt sleeping over at ur house
she's acting like smth happened
no matter how much i tell her nothing did
well, something did happen
you kissed me
ok well, u kissed me too so
you kissed me first
um anyway
u should go help ur mom clean
i'm kidding 😁😁
your dad thinks you slept at max's house right??
because i have a feeling i should be a lot more scared of him than you should be of my mom
ur not wrong
he has a mustache
i'm talking about because he's a cop
with a gun
what's the relevancy of him having a mustache?
not rly relevant
just sayin
but yes lol he has a gun
like pew pew
that really clarifies
ofc babie
also my dad already knows abt u
i told him we had a date
lol he thought i was a lesbian
i could be tbh
um is that an issue for u
i mean, kind of
after all, i do really like you
u disgust me
are you done?
r u done discriminating against my pending sexuality
my best friend is gay
this argument is invalid
omg lucas??
yeah i get that vibe from him lol
uh don't tell max what i said
you're so dumb
i thought i was adorable 😗😗
so fucking adorable
but also really dumb
what time are you leaving tomorrow?
at 8
in the morning?
yes 😪
i was going to ditch school
i have to be back for work tmrw afternoon 🙄🙄
this sucks so much
this is y i cant date u
ur too stoopid
i won't lie
that hurt
maybe u will feel inclined to brush up on some basic twitter lingo 😌
why are you being so mean?
i made you a fort
ahem that fort was built by ME
don't get it twisted
i got you ice cream
and i probably gained a pound from it so THANKS A LOT
we are over
i'll just text my other boy toys
so will i
but not boys
if that's ur story..
sorry, i can't hear you over the sound of all the girls i'm texting
k i'll text sebastian
wait stop
the british crab guy
quite a description
you guys are still friends?
is someone jelly 🤧🤧
i'm not jealous
why would i be?
ok well
this isn't really the best way to lead into this but i feel like i should tell u that he asked me out
like on a date??
i said no
oh, that's good
because crabs are bad company
wow ur such a fricking dork
but then he kept asking so i told him that i'll think abt it
ha nice
don't get sad
i don't want to date him, mike
you shouldn't
he seems like a punk
i just felt like i should tell u abt it
we weren't on the best of terms when it happened so i couldn't tell u then
but now that things are good with us, i wanted u to know
thank you
it's even less comforting knowing you're going back to new castle now
but i'll manage
ur so strong 💪🏻💪🏻
can i facetime you later?
idk i'm leaving max's soon
then i'll be with my dad
we're taking my grandma to her house tn and staying there
i can't believe i won't get to see u before i leave
i'm really sad ☹️☹️☹️
so am i
i have an idea
but if i get caught i'm so fucking screwed
like they'll put bars on my window
i don't want that
send me the address of your grandparents house
i don't know it
i'll send u my location when i'm there later
omg r u gonna sneak out for me
we're like romeo and juliet 🥰🥰
hopefully we don't die
oof i forgot abt that part lol
we can be mrs claus and santa claus
ok i couldn't think of any other romance story w a happy ending
so dumb
stop insulting me
or i'll cry 😢
i'll break up w u
we're not together
that's that hurt lol
haha anyway
imma go
i need to cry or smth
i meant we aren't together yet
like officially
no it's ok
i'm gucci
we gucci
like i want to ask you
that sounds dumb
i mean like
fuck, now i'm getting all messed up
i didn't mean to sound harsh
i was joking and didn't think
are you okay?
ya i'm ok bro
what the fuck?
don't call me bro
y not
because it's weird
i want to kiss you, not fist bump you
why not both
kind of goalz ✨✨
fuck, my mom is calling me downstairs
if she sees my phone she'll realize she forgot to take it away
remember to send me your location later
don't be upset, please
it was a bad joke
i'm sorry, el
max says u need to grovel more
max needs to stop looking over your shoulder at our texts
i'll see u tonight
u can grovel then 🤗🤗
bye, el ❤️
bye nerd
a/n: i have fr been busy beyond words, but i don't owe anyone any excuses. hopefully i can adjust and fit writing into my new busier schedule, but pls be understanding. some of y'all have been (thank u, y'all rock), and some of y'all haven't (fuck y'all). this was supposed to be a written chapter but eh, it wasn't important enough lol. thanks for reading, lmk what y'all think!! xx
word count: 1250
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