ah good morning today is a wonderful day!!!!!
bc i get to see uuuu
y u no respondo
about that..
ur coming, right???😳🥺🥺
yes, baby
i just think we're going to get there a little later than i had originally planned
closer to tonight
like around 6 or 7
i thought u were leaving this morning
i thought u would be halfway here by now ☹️☹️
that was the plan
but certain people make plans difficult
and dustin
grrrr 😡😡
what'd they do
max slept in through her alarm and still had to pack
and now dustin is bitching about eating lunch before we go
but he won't decide what the fuck he wants to eat
anyway, we're still in hawkins
that makes me a lil sad ngl 🤧
i'm sad too
i mean i guess it works out
what do you mean?
i might've cancelled on sebastian to hang out w u guys today
but now i can
my conscience was v guilty so yay for clean conscience !!
yay for clean conscience.
why does he want to hang out??
bc it's winter break and all his guy friends went on a ski trip
u think?
i've never been skiing
it's fun
he should've gone
oooh i get it
jealous boy returns 😌😌
not jealous
soooo jealous
but u will live
i'll even compensate u w kisses when u get here 😉😉
lots of kisses
ok dumdum
just checking, but knows you still have a boyfriend right??
nope i told him i'm single as a pringle and ready to mingle 🥵🥵
i'm just making sure
because he could've forgot or something
u cute, stupid baby boy 😚
if it helps i said "hey buddy" when i texted him
wow, how brutal
he's going to need some ice for that hit
what are you guys even going to do?
what do british people do when they hang out?
eat fish and chips?
fist of all, i'm pretty sure that's offensive to british ppl
and no
i think we're going to a romantic lunch and then going back to his hotel
british customs r lit rally bonkers, luv x
you're hilarious
didn't realize i was dating such a comedian
yes, i'm a funny girl 😉😉
what are you two going to do?
i'm asking out of curiosity
not jealousy
if u say so 😗😗
but we're going to see the new star wars movie and then we're eating chipotle
sounds like a date
and u sound like a jelly bean
i forgot ur stupid
let me clarify
a JELLY bean
jelly = jealous
i'm not
i was just commenting on your plans
because it does sound like date
lowkey sad
i wanted to go see star wars with you
aw baby 🥺🥺
we can still go
it's not the same
we can go see another movie
what's that scary movie u want to go see??
the changing?
the turning
and it won't be out for a few more weeks
frozen 2?? 🥶🥶
i'd rather fucking die
pls don't ily 😳
we can do something else then
bowling !!
just like
don't share popcorn
he might do the thing where he reaches when you reach so he can touch your hand
sounds like ur speaking from experience 🤨🤨
how are your cats, baby?
they're fine
u ain't slick btw
ik stuff 😐😐
ik u were a hoeboy
oh, we've progressed from 'fudgeboy'
i really am corrupting you, my love
u are indeed 😉😉
have u guys decided where to eat yet
dustin and max are arguing about it
he wants popeyes and she wants subway
i'd rather starve than deal with their shit at this point
starving = bad 👎🏻👎🏻
i've never had popeyes so i can't really speak on it
i hate them so much
i wish i was there now
without their annoying asses
bring me my maxine 🥺🥺
i know you're joking but sometimes i feel like you like her more and it lowkey hurts
AW BABY 🥺🥰🥰🥰
ur cute when ur insecure
it's like i'm the dominant one in the relationship
haha that made me sound toxic and manipulative
i just meant sometimes i like being the big spoon 🥄
the spoon emoji really clarified
i love you
(more than i love max)
they're literally fighting
like she's hitting him
he's squealing
videos or it didn't happen 😗😗
she fucking thumped me in the head
hold my hoops
i got u baby😤😤😤😤
i'm so over this trip already
no, baby
like over them being with me
i want to see you
like so fucking bad
especially since you have these plans with the british crab guy
i just want to be with you now
without my friends
and without your friend that asked you on a date
ur bringing that up again, huh
psh what
just reminding you
i remember
u trust me, right
of course
then trust me when i say, i have a curly haired, jealous and vvv clingy boyfriend friend whom i love and wouldn't trade for a british boy
or any boy for that matter
or girl
well, maybe zendaya 😗😗
oh yeah, definitely zendaya
u would trade me for zendaya 🥺🥺
of course not
i meant like i understand you trading me for her
but i would never
i love you
u don't get to make jokes abt trading me for other girls
what boy would u trade me for
tell me
i know u know
studies show we're all a little gay
even if it's just a little
probably harry styles
ugh, nice choice 😫😫
u have good taste in men, babe
don't get too excited there
thank fuck
they decided
ooh where
that's their compromise
yay for compromising
i have to go anyway
i need to get ready
yup getting ready for my date with the british boy 😇😇
i love you sm i'm sorry
i have bad jokes
i don't like that joke
i'm sorry
love me??
well, i love you
and i can't wait to see ur perfectly freckled face 😌😌
make sure ur lips aren't chapped 😗
ok bye baby
love u
text me when u can 🥰🥰🥰🥰
bye, babygirl
love you ❤️
a/n: this is ur compensation for the recent lack of updates!! i liked the chapter tbh and it was easier to write. this is peak fluff... but what goes up must come down. 😗😗 anyway, hope u enjoyed!! thanks for reading!! x
word count: 1106
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