hello 🤗🤗
how'd your dad and daughter night go?
as expected 😔
he had to leave?
but i'm not salty
i'm not mad
well, i'm sorry he had to leave
u apologize a lot
even when u shouldn't
but it's fine
i was expecting him to have to leave anyway so i just went to bed early last night 🙂
are you okay?
umm yeah?
why wouldn't i be??
i don't know
you've just been acting weird lately
like something is bothering you
is something wrong?
did something happen at school?
i mean, did those people that are mean to you do something again?
to be fair, they always do something
but i've just been stressed out lately
that's why i've seemed weird lol
things will go back to normal soon tho
did they do something today?
i mean something sort of happened but it wasn't bad
can i ask what?
no u can't 😤
omg i'm just joking
i'll tell u
we had to write poems in my english class
and then read them aloud
that isn't bad
well they had to be abt a person we know but u couldn't put the name
still not really seeing the issue
ha it gets worse i swear
one of the girls that like to make fun of me titled hers "ugly duckling"
it was very obviously abt me
she described me exactly, even my outfit
she called my eyes and hair "the shade of sh*t"
but u know i'm fine i'm all good 😅😅
no wha
there's no way you're okay
that's too fucked up
everything they do to you is too fucked up
and you shouldn't have to be okay
you should be so fucking mad
they're terrible to you
omg tea
el, i'm serious
you act like it doesn't bother you
but i know it has to
it rly doesn't so i don't know whatcha mean luv 🤨🤨
if someone did that to me, i probably wouldn't even go to school the next day
but you go through this everyday and still show up
i'm on that degree grind ma dude 😤
it's okay to be mad about it
or sad about it
just don't pretend it's not affecting you
it even affects me
so i can't imagine how much it affects you
i'll admit
it's not great
it's probably the source of like 92% of my insecurities
and like 100% the reason i dread school everyday
but i accept that it's just something i have to push through
that's what i'm saying
you shouldn't have to go through it
someone needs to kick their fucking asses
lol who's doing that
i don't know
your dad?
can't he arrest them or something
for what
picking on me??
lol that's not a crime
harassment is?
just drop it
i'm fine
look, we're already a few weeks into the school year, just a few months left
only a few weeks in and look what all they've done to you
imagine what they'll do in the next few months if you let them
oh so u think i'm letting them??
it's not like i have a choice in this type of thing
see that's what u don't get!!
it's easy for u to say that though bc u have obviously never been picked on like this
u don't understand what it's like
i know that
i just hate it for you
yeah, i hate it too
but don't u think i've thought of what would happen if i told my dad??
if he went to the school, that'd only make it worse
if he homeschooled me, it'd get in the way of his job
if i told the principal, then nothing would happen bc one of those guys is my principal's nephew
it's a no win situation so just stop saying i need to do something abt it
i have to study
i have a test tmrw
talk to u later
don't do that
do what?
don't get upset and ignore me
i'm not upset
you are
just say you're mad so we can fix it
i'm not mad 🙂
okay, that's the maddest smiley face you could've chosen
i know you're mad
and when you're mad at me, i kind of feel like shit
so talk to me
i need to study
okay, fine
incoming call from mike😅.
call declined.
why'd u do that
incoming call from mike😅.
call declined.
stop calling
stop declining
i'm busy!!!
doubt that
incoming call from mike😅.
call declined.
i want to talk to you
this is not a mutual feeling 😌
because you're mad?
bc i'm busy!!!!!
i'm very determined
more like very annoying 😊
the tables have turned
ur implying that i originally annoyed u
you did
a lot
but you don't anymore
so answer your fucking phone
incoming call from mike😅.
call declined.
i cant
i'm kind of salty towards u rn
i know
but i don't want the first time i talk to u to be an angry talk 😗😗
it won't be an angry talk
i think it will
u made me mad earlier
my anger is residual 😐
i think i can handle it
i'm v scary when mad
oh, i bet
i don't wanna
my voice is v hoarse
i'm sick
it would be an unfair argument
first of all, you're lying
second, i'm not going to argue
i want to talk
i'm going to call you
you're going to answer
again no
please ❤️
i hate u sm
i cant talk long
i rly need to study
and i'm still mad!!!
incoming call from mike😅.
call accepted.
a/n: omg r y'all triggered?? the first actually written out chapter is next!! eek, i'm not ready, but i know u guys r excited! well, i hope u enjoyed!! thank u sm for reading!! xx
word count: 1002
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