mike wheeler
it felt weird not talking to you yesterday
but i guess you were really busy
are you still upset with me?
i never was??
i know you're lying
whatever you're mad about
max knows
she won't tell me
will you please tell me?
mike 🙄🙄
i'm not mad at u
yes, you are
it's bugging the fuck out of me
i'm sorry
u can't be sorry if u don't know what ur sorry for
you are mad!
i knew it
please tell me why
it's nothing
obviously it is
u suck
i'm not even mad
it isn't a big deal
what did i do?
ok fine
thank you
thursday u said u had to go shower
and then after that i was texting max
and she said u and dustin were arguing in ur gc
..meaning u weren't in the shower
and it just made me think u lied so u didn't have to talk to me anymore
plus u were being sort of weird
it just made me feel bad
like i was annoying u
el, i'm so sorry
i swear it wasn't that
you weren't annoying me
granted, you used to
but i like talking to you
i swear
i didn't want to make you feel bad
i don't ever want to make you feel bad
but like why did u lie??
i don't know
you were joking about me liking you and then i said we're just friends
and it seemed awkward
i'm bad with awkward
i shouldn't have lied
i'm sorry
no, u shouldn't have
but it's fine
it isn't
how can i fix this?
fix what??
you're being different
there's a serious lack of emojis
and overall enthusiasm
and you're not calling me weird nicknames
u don't like when i call u weird nicknames
okay, true
but they've surprisingly grown on me
i just don't want to make things uncomfy and awkward
i made things awkward
totally my fault
glad we agree
so can we go back to normal?
i suppose
thank you
again, i'm sorry
i'm a dick
v true
but ur forgiven 🙂
ok so
how'd working on ur project go on friday night
i kind of returned the favor and ditched u to go "shower"
it was well deserved
but it wasn't that bad actually
kendall yelled at me a ton but we finished it early and watched a movie so that was good
that is good 👍🏻
she's not so bad
well, not as bad as i remember from middle school
how nice of u to say
girls love to being thought of as "not as bad"
yeah, yeah
how'd your thing go yesterday with the animal shelter?
omg good
but also not good bc i wanted to get this kitten and i called my dad and he wouldn't answer
and by the time he finally called back and said yes, she had already gotten adopted
i was so sad 😭😭
but you already have a cat?
i need another 😤
milo needs a gf
or bf
i get major bisexual vibes from him
that's valid
v much so
but anyway i'm still mad i didn't get the kitten
her name was cindy and she was black and white and rly floofy
i'm sure you could find another
but no other cats deserve my son, mike
that's a little weird to say
we are talking about cats
stop invalidating them
cats > u
that was an attack
it was indeed
whut r u doing now
my grandparents are here so i'm hiding in my room
omg y
because my nana has dementia and every 30 seconds she tells me i need a haircut because she forgot she just said it
but that's so sad 😢
sad, yes
annoying, also yes
well, my grandparents are snobby
all of them??
well no
my dad's parents aren't
but i don't see them much
they live 3 hours away
actually they live right outside of hawkins
but yeah, they only come visit every few years
my mom's parents live here and they're mean and judgmental 😪
well, you should visit your dad's parents and then visit hawkins
hmm why?
because max really wants to meet you
she needs more girl friends
what abt u
u don't want to meet me??
of course i do
if we never moved when i was little, maybe i would know u
i doubt we would be friends
but i'd probably at least know who u are
wait, back up
why wouldn't we be friends?
i already told u
u look like u would bully me if we went to the same school
that's so offensive
not rly
all the ppl who r mean to me are, physically speaking, very attractive
so it's a compliment to ur appearance
you're calling me hot?
but also saying i look like i would bully you
yes and yes
wait i never said hot
you've said it before
i was joking
i'm always joking, mike
i know that
good 😊
well, as for ur hawkins idea
we never go visit
my dad said when he was in high school
like in the 80's, i'm talking prehistoric time u know
there was a ton of weird stuff going on w this creepy lab
oh yeah
my friend's mom told us all about that place when we were younger
but it's closed down now
kids break in a lot to spray paint it and get high
well i think that's partially why we moved away from there
also bc my mom's parents r so controlling and thought we all needed to live in the same town 😬😬
at least they don't tell you that you need to cut your hair 100 times a visit
no, it's the opposite actually
"oh, eleanor!!! boys like a girl with long hair, u need to stop cutting it so short, blah blah.."
i like your hair short
you look pretty with short hair
thanks bro 👌🏻
why are you calling me bro?
bc ur my bro 😁😁
weird, but sure
i gtg
my dad is home from work and we're supposed to have a dad and daughter night
that's nice
lol yeah if it lasts 🙄🙄
he normally gets called into work every time we make plans to do something so
i hope not
i'm glad we talked
again, i'm sorry
no more lying, i promise
ok ttyl
bye mike 🤠
bye, el
a/n: i keep writing this in real time but like, i know it won't last bc i'm a flop but for right now it's in real time (if this made no sense to u, ignore it lol). ok, i like the chapter. it showed development and growth for them, but mike can still kind of tell something is up w her. also, u guys have been so supportive of this book! i read the comments and i'm just like 😭😭 ok, i hope u enjoyed this update!! xx
word count: 1177
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