you up, birthday girl??
delivered at 7:40 am
incoming call from miKe💖😭
call missed.
i take that as a no
i'm about to go into my detention class and i wanted to hear your voice before
but text me when you wake up
happy birthday, my love ❤️
delivered at 7:54 am
i slept in sorry 😌😌
texting in detention??
so daunting
for you?
of course
I'M 18
yet you act 12
u ditch
read it in bella thorne
sdisksksk DUMB
as i was saying
i'm 18
u know what that means 😗😗
that you can legally drink in italy?
um yeah
but not that
our love is no longer illegal
i'm no longer a minor
our birthdays are only a few months apart
can you stop making me sound like a pedophile?
ok but still
we're lowkey criminals bc it was illegal
no, i don't think so
my dad is a cop, mike
i know the law
but frick the law
tell that to him
when are you leaving?
when do u get out of detention
2 :(
wow ur so alt
my god nvm 🙄🙄
i'm sad
i want u to come w me 🥺🥺
i want to come with you too
you're way more fun than detention
i would hope u would feel that way
both troy and gracie are in my detention class
along with some kid that smells like he's been rolling around in liquor
sucks to be u
that it does
i gotta go
they're making us scrape gum off desks
i'd pay to see that
but ok i'll text u later!!
before i go
i just want to say how happy i am that you were born and that you're in my life. you're literally my world, el so thank you for being my world. i love you more than i thought i could love anyone, and i really hope i've shown it
baby boy, i will cry rn 🥺🥺
don't cry, beautiful
at least not now
wait until later when i can call you and be really gross and sappy
i will try to wait
but just know i will cry eventually
i love you💖💖💖✨
i love you, too
read at 8:21 am
happy birthday bitch!!! 💜💜💜 i'm so thankful that u have supplied the party w more and very well needed estrogen. i swear if u hadnt shown up when u did i would've quit. also if things don't work out w mike, me and u are running away together 🥰🥰 love u, babe
aw i love u tooooo
and yes we can run away together 🥰
just don't tell mike
he's already worried enough abt that
lmao as he should be 👀
no but seriously lucas asked me if u and i ever kiss when we hang out
he thought girls did that for some reason ??
maybe that's what the guys do when they're alone 😳😳
dustin isn't mike's type
i just know it
so are u happy to join the 18 year old club??
ur an adult
u could go to prison now
i am happy
i just wish mike was coming to newcastle w me ☹️☹️
i can't believe he got detention on ur bday
just our luck
but hey now ur birthday gets dragged out so that's fun
and didn't u guys celebrate it together yesterday??
we did
so what did u guys do
i want a picnic
lucas won't take me on one bc he doesn't like eating outside
he's weird 😪
but where'd y'all go
the park?
no it was some place i'd never been
really pretty tho
lots of hills and valleys
but lots of walking 😓😓
but it was really pretty
very romantic too
i was impressed lol
ooh yes i know where
we shot fireworks there last summer
u gotta give me details
lucas' idea of romantic is taking me to happy hour at benny's on wednesday night's
lemme live thru u and ur simp 😙😙
but nothing happened
no details
we just ate and chatted
that's an odd word to use
it isn't
i think chatted is a good word
ur being weird
lmao did y'all fuck or something 🤣🤣
or something
anyway did u see the tiktok i sent u
of the dissolving fish??
i cried
no bitch
what is "or something"
i'm so-
have y'all done it?????
we have not
but u did something??
i'm shocked
and proud
can't believe u finally got nasty
wow 🥵🥵
yeah well it wasn't for the first time
ihy shut up
lmao i kind of want to ask but i also don't bc i don't want think abt mike's pp
i encourage u not to think abt that
ugh u legend 🤧
we're so talking abt this when u get back tmrw
but i gtg rn
i'm meeting lucas for bfast
ttyl, nasty eleanor 🥵🥵 (changed ur contact to that btw)
ily drive safe
yes ma'am ily 😙
read at 8:45 am
max said it's your birthday
she's correct
i thought it was tomorrow
what is today
is it sunday
i thought today was saturday
i am confused
and hungover
i'm not surprised but that's ok
my bday is today
we are all celebrating at mike's tmrw night
take some advil, drink some water, and eat some waffles, kid ❤️
happy birthday
i'm happy you're here
tho you have made mike really annoying and mushy and gross
but you've also made him a lot less whiny and he complains way less
so that's good
he was so irritating
especially those weeks right before you two got together
but don't insult him 😤😤😤
thank u for the bday wish
good luck w ur hangover and ur witchy gf
who is also my gf 😗😗
i fucking knew it
read at 8:56 am
i'm so glad u started dating mike so that u could become friends w max and i
i know that was ur intention from the start
i thought i was slick abt it
no but i really am happy we're friends
ur the only one who understands my spencer reid obsession 🤪
i'd be lost w out u, sugar
aw, as i would be w out u 🥺🥺
max and i might run away together
u down??
so fucking down
get me away from the straight men 🤮
speaking of
i heard u got nasty 😏😏
wow she can't not speak can she
she can't indeed
don't worry, i don't want details
mike is my best friend
i'd rather die than hear abt his u know what
i'm very glad
so are u in newcastle yet?
just got here
i'm pretty sure my grandparents are abt to walk through the door any second 😬😬
oof good luck
i'll let u have fun w them
love ya, see u tmrw !!
love u 💖💖
read at 11:29 am
eleanor jane hopper
oh this should be good
i have finally risen from my restful slumber
now, now, do i have lots of really nice things to type about you
and i would type them all, i really would
but i'm very hungover
you see, i drank too much
bad choices were made
so i'll say this
attachment: 1 audio message
oh god
i could play that for my dad and he'd get a restraining order against u
acab baby i don't fear the law
now you
you are a woman, el
18 years worth
stop being weird
hate u
i love you
this is my confession
i will eviscerate mike for you
for your love
literally shut up
you can't silence love
yes i can
it's called blocking
you wouldn't
thank u for the creepy birthday wish
let's not make a habit of it
maybe next year, try not mentioning how much u admire my hairless toes pls
there's nothing wrong with hairy toes, i just noticed that yours aren't
i thought you should know that they're appreciated despite their lack of hair
and u wonder why ur single 😀😀
what's that supposed to me
i cherish women
ok i'm going to stop replying now
wait no
april fools is coming up
i was thinking you could be in on my prank this year
so i was thinking we should pretend you're my girlfriend and that we've been dating for 3 years
and then, when mike starts crying, we will reveal that you're actually his girlfriend
are you in??
you know what
we'll get together and plan it out
read at 12:17 pm
dustin is so weird
read at 12:18 pm
a/n: yay this chapter was cute bc u got to see el's relationships w everyone instead of just mike and max. also, some explicit events that took place in my short-stories book were mentioned 👀 i hope u guys enjoyed this chapter!! thanks for reading, xx
word count: 1503
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