mike wheeler🤮
i told you i would text you
so i am
are you okay?
you're lacking emojis
i'm going to be honest
u know how i told u those mean guys r in my pe class
well they got a group of sophomore girls to take my clothes when i was showering after the mile run
and so i was stuck in the locker room in a towel for all of my fourth period
eventually the coach found me and everything was ok like i didn't get in trouble for missing my class
which is good!
but i'm still upset abt it
it just sucks
i doubt those girls will even get in any trouble
what the fuck
i'm so sorry, el
i wish i could help
i'll b gucci
just in my feelings rn
this shit is so unfair
you don't deserve it
i'm so sorry, el
u have nothing to be sorry for??
i know but still
it makes me so mad
that's natural bc ur a protective bf
omg lemme joke
i'm big sad rn
at least pretend u luv me back
did you tell your dad?
omg heck no
he would b so sad
and mad
u see, he's an aquarius
so he doesn't know how to deal w his emotions!!
he would explode if he knew abt any of my school issues
you should still tell him
and u should love me back
but until that happens..
el, stop
i'm being serious
ughh per usual
it's fine
tmrw is a new day
that doesn't mean you should just forget what happened today?
it's fucking messed up
yes but it's my last year
might as well just go through it
no, you shouldn't
you shouldn't have to
y do u care sm hmm
because you're my friend
ughhh fine
friend :)
use real emojis
because this is weird
i don't like it
kind of
it didn't seem very sincere
i think i might take a nap
i'm so tired and my eyes r sore
have you been crying?
are you sure?
i don't believe you, but okay
just let me be sad in peace
you can be sad
thank u
ok tell me abt u
let's not talk abt my depressing life
i thought you were taking a nap
i am
but i'm not sleepy enough yet
whatcha doin bb
i'm at the mall with my friends
aw fun
not really
lucas made max mad so now he's trying to buy her a gift to apologize with but he doesn't like anything
we've been here for like 2 hours and i'm starving
well what did he do
i don't even know
normally he says dumb shit on accident and then she gets mad and then he gets scared and makes it worse so she starts ignoring him
that's tough :(
i said for you to use real emojis
emojis r happy
i'm not happy rn
let me represent my sadness
you're making me sad
omg no ily
don't b sad
thank you
ofc babie
are you sleepy yet?
do u not want to talk to me
of course i want to talk to you
you've just had a rough day
so i thought maybe a nap would help
but like
i still want to talk to you
ur nervy aw
babie <3
real emojis
but u don't use emojis
y must i???
bc why
because that's just how things work
well not anymore
i shall never use emojis again
let's see how long that lasts
o bet :)
that makes me so uncomfortable
use your damn emojis
what the fuck
lucas bought her a keychain?
we walked around for 2 hours for him to buy her a keychain?
let him be
it's sweet
it's stupid
u just aren't romantic
u don't get it
what does that have to do with anything?
and i'll have you know, i can be romantic
u won't even send me a kissy face emoji
that's because we're just friends
and there's nothing romantic about it
i'm already sad
ur gonna make me cry again
you said you weren't crying
yeah well i lied
so the jokes on u
are you still crying?
fr this time i'm not
i was just sad when i got home
so i cried then
but now i'm ok-ish
yes ish
so what
i hate that you're sad
what can i do?
give me all ur money
heart emojis will suffice
omg imma cry!!
we r getting so serious
u haven't even met my dad
u gotta meet him before the wedding silly goose
you're not even funny
our third child deangelo begs to differ but ok luv
you're naming your kid deangelo?
our kid babie
i'll let you joke because you've had a shitty day
v bad day indeed
confess ur love and i think that will cancel out all of the traumatic events from school
u want me to b sad
i just don't want to lie to you
but i do want you to be happy
but also
i really hope you tell your dad what happened
maybe he could help
he can't
stop worrying abt it omg
i'm ok now
i just want to help
i know
thank u
but u can't
and that's ok!!
everything is fine
what happened today definitely isn't fine
it's fucked up
i hate that they can do that to you and get away with it
it makes me so fucking mad
don't b mad
i'm aye ok ma dude
i'm actually sleepy finally
take your nap
i shall
bye mikeyy
sweet dreams, el
there's the real emojis
now go to sleep
a/n: can u smell the development? omg thank u guys for all the love on this story. i'm fr shook. thanks for reading!! xx
word count: 1019
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