It's been two weeks, or maybe shorter since I returned to school, and I had successfully managed to not see my Chris.
My Chris, was he actually mine.
I hissed at that thought. Who cares if he was mine or not. I wouldn't be seeing him anyways. I had already decided within me the night I packed up my bags to return to school.
Tho trying not to see him was harder than I thought. In a class of about three hundred students, when ever my eyes managed to located him, sitting far off from me, the room becomes smaller than it really was.
He must have noticed that I was trying to stay away from him. I would catch him stealing glances at me, with sadness in his eyes.
I picked up my phone from my bag, 15 missed calls.
I never picked one, and he has never stopped calling. It wouldn't take him anything to walk over to me, as I was addressing our new appointed Assistant class rep. Well he didn't, I felt his eyes pierce into my skin from afar off. Well I focused on the girl in front of me.
The girl was not that good with words, she flared up at any slightest provocation. Well I wouldn't blame her. Our course mates could be very annoying sometimes and it could only take a silent wounded girl like me to put up with them.
My mind repeated the words, it sank in into my head, I lowered my head almost immediately, I couldn't let the girl in front of me, see the pain that had sprang up in my eyes. The memories still hunted me, in my sleep, even when I was wild awake.
Get out of my head
It was getting worse by the day. The memories, the gaze I met as I lifted my head, the eyes that starred at me from just a feet away, seeking permission to come closer, to touch me.
No, to comfort me. They all got the better part of my sanity. I was slowly losing it.
The girl in front of me became invisible. As our gaze met, Chris's in mine and I in his. Everyone in the room became tiny ants, and it seemed the room was filled with just the both of us. The books I had collected from the SUG welfare officer, lost balance, my hands too paralyzed to hold them, they landed on the floor.
I jumped.
Perfect timing
I bent, picked them up and like a flash of light, I was out of the room. I bet the girl must have not am mad or something. At that time I didn't care, I just wanted to stay away from the only person that wanted me close.
Running all the way downstairs, I stole a glance from above my shoulders, hoping he'd run after me. But no. He didn't. He was tired of running after me then. Well if I were him, I would be.
The day was far spent, my work as a leader had picked up this semester and I had focused all my negative energy into doing good for the students of Pavard. It was a perfect distraction for me by the way, perfect run away excuse from the harsh reality which was my life.
Well work was over for the day, I felt drained as I locked up my office ready to go home. My little home.
In few minutes, I flung the door of my room open, almost forgetting to close it right back, I slumped into my soft mattress and heaved a sigh of relief. It had been a long day, from running from one office to the other, running to meet up with important lectures, running from Chris. There had been a whole lot of running that week.
It was Friday, so I felt a warm smile coming up as I remembered there won't be so much running to do the next day. I sat up and unbuckled my sandals, removed them and flung them to God knows where.
It was weekend. The warm smile vanished from my face, as the memories of my weekend with Chris rushed through my mind like an angry wind.
The raw taste of pleasure I had felt, the sweet laughter that had escaped from my heart each time I looked at his face. That had been the best weekend of my life. I smiled at the memories, I let it roll over in my head like a movie. I couldn't fight anyway or I let it.
Still smiling as I remembered how our cab driver had bumped into another car just cause we started to kiss at the back seat. The cab man actually glared at us and cursed it out on the man he had bumped into. I remembered the laughs and sighed.
Since sleep was far from me, I stood up, undressed and stepped into the bathroom for a quick shower. For some reason I really didn't like bathing. Was I scared of water, or just the huge mirror that hung outside my bathroom. I should really get rid of that plague.
After the cold water had its full from dangling on my pale skin, I reached for my phone and played Tatiana's - yesterday, everyday, always.
Some days, the song was my comfort, and some days I would feel like dragging her out of the song and asking what she would do if she were in my shoes. She'd say the same it.
Love yourself
I nodded at the lyrics of the songs and my stomach nodded too. Was I hungry? Again?
Now I thought of it, I had been so hungry today, and even yesterday. Shit! The whole week. I have been eating like a buffoon.
I chuckled as I cursed myself. I hissed at the grumble and laid on my bed, tapping the screen of my phone, checking my messages and updating my apps. My stomach knocked on its walls again, this time, I didn't think it was hunger. The knock was sharp and painful. Was I lying wrongly. I turned on my back and took back my phone in my hands.
Again! The sharp pain graced my abdomen, now it was sharper, my tummy was hot. What was happening. I arched and grabbed my tummy and turned on my sides. Again and again, I was running short of air. I had to open to the window or door, anything. I needed to breath. But I couldn't, I was losing strength and fast too.
And then,
Everything went blank.
At the school clinic, in a private room for the SUG president. Angel laid on a six inches bed, a cupboard meant to be for provision, a dripping drip stand at her side and a worried look on Chris's face. He stroke her left palm as the one on the right had company with a needle connected with the drip stand.
He hummed a song only him knows, and in a minute, he felt a pulse. No her hands moved. He jerked up from the bed and ran straight out to get help in case he was losing his best friend, no his love or maybe not. He rushed out for help.
The nurse entered and he followed suit and starred at the confused figured. Angel eyes confused, in no time they found his and locked it in. She relaxed but didn't lose the starring competition. He smiled at her, reassuring her that she was safe.
The nurse took careful steps and held her shoulders, muttered some words to her and she was fully relaxed. She checked on the drip and wrote down some things and finally left them alone.
Chris, Angel, still eye to eye to each other, Chris took his own careful steps towards her and sat just a inch away from her body.
She shouldn't freak out.
Ok now in the safe zone. He smiled.
"Am sorry"
"You shouldn't be"
"Am sorry for running away"
Chris smile widened at her words.
What was she running from.
He had learnt to be patient with her, letting her come to him when she was ready, letting her talk only when she wanted to. He was ready to be all she wanted and all she could trust. And from what the doctor had just told him that morning, he knew that his patience was going to be tasted but he was ready to do anything to be with her.
The doctor had attended to her that morning, checking her pulses and all that. She had only been there for two days but Chris had been there the whole while, waiting, watching and praying that she would open her eyes.
The doctor had called him out of the room, that morning. Asked how he was related to the patent and he replied that he was her boyfriend.
A frown appeared on the man's face but Chris still stood his ground. Chin up he wasn't going to be intimated.
"She's pregnant"
The doctor spoke without remorse and dashed off leaving the confused young man to his thought whether happy or sad.
Chris still stood at the door, looking particularly at no one at that moment. The memories of the last day they spent together flashed at his face, the echoes from their passion rang in his eardrums like an annoying alarm clock.
He heaved a sigh, not of relief or sadness, it was just a sigh. He headed back into the room, and sat starring at her, till she had moved her hands a moment ago.
"The doctor said you will be fine. Then we can talk. If you want that." he stroke her hands more gently, as her tensed muscles relaxed in his palms.
He could tell she was scared.
But scared of what, she was in just a hospital. Her eyes had ran across the room like a hundredth time in just one minute and then back at his face. Then he would smile.
"I am here, I will always be" Chris said, she smiled and her eyes closed shortly after.
A/N: it's being a while tho. Was little discouraged but am back.
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