8: Overprotective
I awoke the next morning, in an unfamiliar bed, wearing only a gold necklace, laying next to guy, somehow wearing less.
I could hear loud banging from downstairs. Something shattered followed by angry yelling. But there was only one voice. Someone was yelling to themselves.
I felt Kent's body shift next to me.
His thick eyelashes fluttered and he opened his beautiful eyes.
A groan escaped his lips, and he rubbed sleep out of his eyes.
He used the arm that was wrapped around my torso, to pull me closer to him.
Shoving his head in the crook of my neck he mumbled. "Good morning."
"Morning." I replied, playing with his curly hair. "Whats that noise?"
He groaned again, and it tickled the skin on my neck, causing me to shiver.
"Just my mom. She'll probably be passed out on the couch soon." He replied, shifting his position so out faces were inches apart.
"Don't worry about her." He smiled, pecking a kiss on my nose.
I smiled at him.
Kent might not act like it at school, but he's a sweetheart.
My phone vibrated in my jean pocket, that sat in the floor across the room.
"You gonna get that." Me mumbled against neck.
"No," I replied, playing with the hair on the nape of his neck. "I'm not gonna move. I like it here."
He groaned as I kept playing with his hair.
We laid in comfortable silence for a few more moments.
But then footsteps could be heard stumbling up the stairs.
Loud knocks were on the door. Followed by yelling.
"What?!" He yelled back obviously annoyed.
"I need your help!" Her speech was slightly slurred.
"With what?!" He was getting a little pissed off now.
"I broke a glass, can you help me clean it up?" She whined.
"Why can't you do it yourself?" He sighed, propping himself up on his elbow.
"Just help me would you?" His mother pleaded.
He rolled his eyes and got out of bed, quickly dressing himself.
I proceeded to get dressed too, following Kent out his door.
I came face to face with his mother, who he looked almost exactly like. Except her hair was jet black and straight.
She was dressed in a tight, black, club dress, that barley reached her mid thigh. Her eyeliner was a little smeared, but other than that her makeup looked amazing.
"Mom this is Ashlyn, Ashlyn this is my mom." Kent said, smiling a little bit.
"Hey, nice to meet." I smiled shaking her hand.
She returned the smile, genuinely. It felt nice that she was being a little welcoming.
She then led the way down the stairs and to the kitchen where the glass was scattered across the tile floor.
Kent heaved a heavy sigh, examining the mess.
He reached over for the broom hanging on the wall, sweeping everything up.
He dumped the contents of the dustpan in the trash can.
My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I checked the caller ID.
Case ❤️.
I pressed the green button and held the device to the side of my face.
"Where the actual hell are you?!" My bother's voice echoed in my ear.
"Good morning to you too." The sarcasm was dripping in my voice.
"Answer the question Lyn."
"I'm at Kent's"
I had to hold the phone away from me, as he was too loud.
"You heard me." I answered.
"Get your fucking ass home. Now." He demanded.
"Fine." I sigh, I was planning on leaving soon anyway.
I hung up and turned back to Kent.
"Can I get a ride home?"
"Yeah," He smiled, leading the way to the door.
I hand barley gotten though the door when I noticed Case standing with his arms crossed.
"What?" I pushed my way past him, to take my shoes off, and put them in the closet.
"You stayed the night at his house?" He turned around to look at me, arms still crossed.
"Yeah, and?" I raised my brow, annoyed with him.
"I was fucking worried about you. You could have at least texted me."
I rolled my eyes and tried to walk to the stairs, but his large frame blocked my path.
"It's not any of your god damn business. And you don't need to blow up my phone." I was on the verge of yelling.
"Well you could've fucking answered." He was starting to get pissed off, and I didn't want to talk to him anymore.
"I was sleeping!"
I turned around when I heard footsteps.
Caiden was walking out of the kitchen, and to the living room. He hand a look of discomfort on his face, and he sat on the couch.
Ignoring his presence, Case and I continued to argue.
"Just tell me next time." He sigh.
"No. It's none of your fucking business. You need to stop being so overprotective." I poked him in the chest as I talked.
"I just care about you." He pleaded.
"I know but I just want some fucking space."
With that I pushed him out of my way and stormed up the stairs.
I contemplated slamming the door. But I didn't.
It wouldn't validate my point anymore.
I crashed down on my bed, and gave a defeated sigh.
I love that Case looks after me, but sometimes he needs to mind his own business.
My phone buzzed.
Caiden Cummings is typing.
It buzzed again.
Snapchat from Caiden Cummings.
I quickly opened it.
Hey, u ok?
I typed my reply.
Yea, just a disagreement
He answered with a simple 'ok'.
Just as I was about to put my phone away, it rang.
"Hello?" I spoke in to the device.
"Hi, this is Stephanie from Super Cinema, calling in regards to a job acceptance for Ashlyn Scott."
"We are wondering if you're available to start working this Sunday from eight am until three pm."
"Yes, I can."
"Great, just show up a half-hour early at the office."
Then she hung up.
I guess I'm working at the theater now.
So this is again a short chapter, but the way the book is pre planed, causes some chapters to unfortunately be shorter. But I hope this was still enjoyable.
-Grace 🍒
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