6: Talk, Again
"Uh, yeah, sure." I replied, walking out of the basement, the boy in question, following me.
"So that's the kitchen," I motioned to our right, "And the dining room." I then turned to the hallway that led to the living room.
Just as I was about to show him the second floor, he stopped and starred at a photo that was hanging on the wall.
The picture featured nine year-old Case and seven year-old me. We were both sitting on the ground, Case had his arm wrapped around my shoulders, smiling at the camera. But I was too distracted by the grey bunny that sat in my lap, to smile for the picture.
I remember getting that photo, and others, taken. That one specificity was my mother's favorite out of the Easter photo shoot, she got done.
I never really understood why she spent so much money on professional photos, when ones taken on family trips, and vacations, were better. They all had stories to them, whereas the stock photo style ones didn't.
But that didn't mean they weren't cute.
"Do your parents make you get professional photos done too?"
He could probably answer his own question by looking at all the other frames hanging on the walls.
Nevertheless I still replied.
"Yeah, all the time. My mom loves them."
"Mine too. She used to get us to take them all the time. Although I think ones taken in the moment are better."
Where is his mom? Maybe his parents are divorced. But what did he mean by us? Like him and his dad. I don't think he has any siblings. He must have meant him and his dad.
"Yeah, like Christmas morning pictures."
"Exactly." He smiled. But this smile was different than the others ones I've seen from him. His eyes lit up. And they sparkled. The blue was less dull, and it shimmered.
But the moment was short lived.
The corners of his lips dropped back down, he turned to the stairs.
I took this as my cue to continue the tour.
I showed him around the rest of the house, but we stopped in my room, taking a seat on my bed.
"If you don't mind me asking, but why are you moving in here?" I blurted out.
I couldn't help it, the curiosity was eating me alive.
Silence hung in the air for a moment too long, and I thought maybe be I over stepped a boundary.
But then he answered.
"I'm sure, even though my dad doesn't have a job, he could still afford to stay in a house without other people living in it. But I think he enjoys the company. Loosing his job was an excuse to move. Our house was really cold and empty most of the time."
"What colour?" Ayla, shoved the plastic container filled with nail polish at me.
"Uh," I leaned over towards it to get a better look. Kassie held my left hand in hers, as she filed it. "This one."
I handed the baby pink bottle to her, and she smiled in approval.
She began painting my toenails first, because Kassie wasn't done shaping my nails.
"Have you figured out how you want me to do your makeup yet?" Kassie spoke up.
"No, but surprise me."
As I said this Kassie smiled like a little kid on Christmas.
"Your gonna regret that." Ayla hummed, and Kassie shot her a death glare.
"I don't understand why I need to go all out for this date though. Were gonna be in a dark theater the whole time anyway." I wondered.
Both girls stopped what they were doing, giving me a knowing look.
"Umm because you're going out on a date with Kent Langsten. And if you're lucky your date won't end after the movie." I rolled my eyes and Ayla raised her eyebrows.
"Plus, it's not like Brogan ever took you out very often, you deserve to dress up sweetie." Kassie smiled, but it was a little bit of a sad smile.
It was kinda true, most people told me after we broke up that I deserved better. At first I thought they were just saying that to make feel better.
But the more I thought, the more I realized, that Brogan was only ever around when he needed me, not when I needed him.
"It's not like I ever went this full out with Brogan though."
"Yeah but Brogan was never worth all this. But Kent sure as hell is."
"How do you know he is though, I barely know him?" I was starting to second guess things.
"Well he's just generally a good person." Kassie reassured.
"Plus he's really fucking hot." Ayla added. Giving me a pointed look.
My cheeks reddened, and I looked away.
I mean she wasn't lying. Kent did have good looks. And a good body. But those were just pluses.
A knock sounded at the door.
My eyes widened, before I glanced at the time on my phone.
He's really early.
But just then Caiden came running up the basement stairs and opened the door.
I let out a breath as Bridgette stepped through the door.
She just ignored the three of us, following Caiden back downstairs, neither of them saying anything.
"Does he have her over often?" Kassie made a slightly disgusted face.
"No, this is the first time. But it'll probably be a regular thing." I replied.
When I had told my two friends about Caiden and his dad moving in they had about the same reaction I did. But Ayla has mentioned that maybe Caiden will have Kent over, and could see him more.
"I can't stand her. She so fucking annoying. I hope for your sake that he comes to his senses and dumbs her ass." Ayla said, her eyebrows furrowed.
"I'll just avoid her." I said.
I honestly felt no need to hate her, especially if I was most likely going to have to deal with her for a while.
Before anyone could say anything more, screaming was heard from the basement.
More specifically female screaming, and male yelling.
Then Bridgette stormed up the stairs and out the door slamming it on her way.
Caiden mumbled something inaudible, before walking out the door too.
Sorry for the really short chapter, but the next one will be longer. I promise.
Thanks for all the love, see you guys tomorrow.
- Grace 🍒
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