3: A Date?
"You got laid off?" I repeated.
My dad nodded solemnly.
I couldn't believe this. My dad was the primary income in our family, without him we'd be living on the streets. He was the only one in our household with a job. Well had a job.
I inhaled a sharp breath, and slowly let it out, trying to stay calm.
There has to be something I can do to help in this situation.
"I can get a job." I thought out loud.
My family turned to face me, slight confusion was written on Case's face.
"No," my mother shook her head. Her grip tightening on the white coffee mug in her thin, pale, hands. "Lyn, honey, this is an us problem, not a you or your brother problem."
"It's a family problem." I disagreed. "I wanna help."
"Sweetheart, we appreciate it, we really do, but we'll be fine." My dad rested a hand on my shoulder.
"But I really do wanna help."
My dad sighed, and nodded.
"Fine, if you really want to, I guess we can't stop you."
"Yes! Thank you so much, I'm so happy." I kissed him on the cheek and bounced up the stairs to get started on my resume.
I slammed my red locker shut, and locked my combination lock.
I spun around to face the two girls behind me.
"Oh my god," Kassie groaned. "I'm absolutely starrrrrrving."
She tossed her head back.
"You're always hungry." Ayla scoffed, crossing her arms.
"And you always over exaggerate too." I added, as we started towards the cafeteria entrance.
"Okay, okay," She put her hands up defensively. " I'm actually really hungry today."
"When aren't you?" I mumbled.
Kassie tried to ignore me as we found ourselves at the back of the lunch line.
"Do you know what the special is today?" A voice asked from behind me.
I turned to face a broad chest, clad in a tight American Eagle t-shirt. Turning my chin upward I locked eyes with Kade.
"Umm, I think it's tacos." I replied.
The tall brunette licked his lips, starring off into space.
"I love tacos."
"You love all food." I pointed an accusing finger at him.
"Yeah, I do. But like who doesn't?"he raised a brow at me.
"Crazy people?" I offered shrugging.
He nodded, and we all moved forwards, with the line.
We stood in comfortable silence for a moment.
But I felt the burn of someone's stare on me. I glanced around the large room, filled with tables and hungry teenagers.
Me eyes locked with Caiden's, sitting next to Kent and Bridgette.
He didn't break the state, and his grey eyes burned holes in to mine.
He didn't look away, but neither did I.
His lips were in a grim line, that sent chills down my spine.
He still didn't look away, even when Bridgette whispered something in his ear.
When he didn't answer her she noticed he wasn't listening. She rolled her eyes, and snapped her fingers in front of his face.
He ended our starring competition and halfheartedly talked to her.
I turned my gaze towards the food on display on the counter in front of me.
I reached into the fridge and grabbed a chicken-caesar wrap. I also got water bottle.
I approached the cash registers, and showed the lady what had.
"Four seventy-five. Cash or credit?" She smiled at me.
"Credit." I pulled my credit card out of my wallet.
She gave me a short nod and I tapped the card on the machine.
"Thanks." I smiled, putting my card away, and walking out the door with my food to the cafeteria.
I walked across the cafeteria to our regular table. It sat in the back corner near the large windows.
I sat with my side to the windows, facing the lunch line doors.
Twisting open the cap of my water bottle I watched Ayla and Kade walk through the doors, followed shortly after by Kassie.
They approached me, laughing at something Kade had said.
Kade sat across from me, Ayla next to him, and Kassie beside me.
"So," Ayla drew out, taking a bite of her pasta. "Anyone got any good gossip?"
This girl practically thrives on listening to gossip. She never really gossips outside of our friend group though.
"Well," Kade said, setting down his soft taco and swallowing. "Some of the guys on the team are apparently juicing."
"Juicing?But can't that get you kicked off the team?" Kassie purses her bold brows together.
"Yeah," he nodded. "And they're doing drug tests in a few weeks too."
"Who's been doing it?" I asked.
"McCreddie, McLeod, and Jones."
That didn't surprise me too much. Corbin McCreddie and Jayce McLeod, have always been rumoured druggies. And a video of Dawson Jones passing out after snorting some sleeping pills, got passed around at the beginning of last year.
"Huh," Kass huffed. "Who would've guessed?"
"Yeah, didn't surprise me either." Kade commented, as he devoured his lunch.
I sat alone at a small table near the back at the library.
It was study hall and was trying to catch up on homework so it wouldn't be so piled up by the end of the day.
I looked up from my biology work when someone sat down across from me.
"Hey," Kent said, sitting backwards on the chair, crossing his arms on the table. "Whatcha doin'?"
"Just catching up on some homework." I smiled, setting my pencil down.
"Why don't you just take a break, and do it when you get home?" He suggested.
"I would, but my English teacher gives so much homework I'd be up for hours." I shrugged.
"Who's your teacher?"
"Ms. Devon."
"Oh I had her freshman year, she sucked."
"Yeah, she kinda does."
"Anyways," he said, taking a deep breath. "I was wondering, if you aren't doing anything Friday, if you maybe wanna go out for diner or something." He exhaled a sharp breath.
Did Kent Langsten just ask me out on a date?
Wow, I never saw that coming, I mean he's really good looking, but I never thought he'd like someone like me.
"Umm, yeah, I'd love to." I smiled. "Just text me when and where."
"So where are you guys going?" Ayla asked, as she bounced on her toes.
"I'm not sure yet. He hasn't decided." I replied swing my pack back strap over my shoulder.
"Either way, one of the hottest guys in our school, asked you on a date." Kass shrugged as we pushed our way though the main entrance doors.
I pulled my car keys out of my pocket and unlocked my car.
I waved bye to Kassie, Kade, and Ayla, as they headed towards Kade's truck.
I pulled open my driver side door, but turned to face my right when I heard someone yell.
Caiden stood across the parking lot, looking at me.
"For what?"
He slowly approached me.
"For the ride home on Friday."
He towered over me.
"Oh, no problem. Happy to help, just try and be more careful next time." I proceeded to try and get in my car, but what he said next, stopped me.
"You don't need to judge people because of mistakes they make." His voice thundered, sending shivers down my spine.
Before I could even say anything, he spun on his heel and stormed away.
A/N: Third chapter is up, YAY! What're your guys thoughts on it? Do y'all ship Kent and Ashlyn? I hope you enjoyed, see ya tomorrow.
-Grace 🍒
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