22: Can I Show You Something?
I groaned, getting up off of Caiden I reached for my phone that sat on the bed.
Ayla💕😘 flashed on the screen.
"I love you Ayla, but you couldn't have found a better time to call?" I grumbled.
Caiden chuckled from the other side of the room.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Lyn, I-I," She choked out. "He said he didn't want it." She was a sobbing mess.
"Ayla, sweetie, calm down. What are you trying to say."
I heard her take a deep breath before she said. "I'm coming over." Then she hung up.
I sigh and pressed my finger to my temple.
"What's wrong?" Caiden asked, for what felt like the millionth time today.
"I don't know. Ayla's upset about something and she's on her way over.
"Is that all she said?"
"Pretty much. She mentioned something like 'he said he didn't want it' so I'm pretty sure it's got something to to the the baby."
"The what?"
My eyes widened, realizing what I just said.
"Ayla's pregnant, but you can't tell anyone I told you. Okay?"
My nails were digging into his biceps, and I shook him slightly.
"Calm down baby, I won't tell anyone." He took my hands off of him and held them.
My mouth opened a little at what he had said.
Did he just call me baby?
Did Caiden Cummings just call me baby?
There go the butterflies.
I wrapped my arms around him tightly. I buried my face in his shirt. He smelled like laundry detergent and Axe.
"Caiden," I mumbled against his chest. "I'm scared. I'm so scared for her."
"She'll be okay," he reassured, rubbing small circles on my back. "We'll help her. She'll figure it out."
"Thanks." I muttered, moving my head off him.
I looked up into his grey eyes. They held flecks of blue and green.
I heard the doorbell ring.
Caiden pressed a kiss to my forehead before leading me up the stairs and to the front door.
I opened the door to reveal a disaster of my friend.
Mascara dripped down her face, half of her hair had fallen out of her bun.
She fell right in to my arms, and sobbed.
I pulled her inside and Caiden shut the door.
I handed her to him, and he slung her over his shoulder.
We went upstairs and he sent her down on my bed.
She couldn't have been too hard to carry as she was only five foot and about a hundred and five pounds.
"What's the matter sweetie?" I asked holding her hand.
She slowed her cries and attempted to calm down.
"I told Kade I was pregnant and he told me he didn't want it." She hiccuped.
"Oh honey." I pet her head as she cried in to my pillow.
"I don't know what to do."
"We'll help you figure it out." Caiden spoke up from his spot in my desk chair.
I guess he really like sitting at desks.
"Thank you Caiden. But what do you know about telling your parents and baby daddy that you're pregnant?"
"Nothin," he shrugged. "But I'll try my beat to help you."
She gave him a faint smile before shoving her head back in the pillow and crying.
No one spoke as she continued to sob. I just rubbers her shoulder and held her hand.
Eventually her cries quieted and turned in to soft snores.
'Is she asleep?' Caiden mouthed.
I nodded, standing up.
We left the room, allowing Ayla a quiet place to sleep. She was probably so exhausted.
"Can I show you something?" Caiden questioned.
"Yeah, sure."
"Come with me." He opted the door, but I just stared at him.
"We can't just leave her here alone."
"We're not going far, and we'll be back soon."
I guess she'll be fine.
"Okay, but we can't be gone long. Promise?"
We got into his car, and he started driving.
I didn't think much as we approached a cemetery, until he pulled in to the parking lot.
He opened the door for me and helped me out.
"Ashlyn," His voice was barley above a whisper. "I want you to meet my mom and brother."
We stopped walking. In front of me were two headstones.
The one on the left read 'Sherry M. Cummings. April 23rd 1978 - March 7th 2014.' The one on the right had 'Kholton R. Cummings. November 12th 2000 - March 7th 20014.' Written on it.
"Mom, Kholton, meet Ashlyn." His voice was a little shaky as he spoke. "She's special to me. She'll listen to whatever I have to say, and seeing her every day makes things easier."
A single tear steamed down his face but he quickly wiped it away.
Our fingers brushed against each other. I intertwined them and squeezed his hand.
"She- she makes life more bearable, just seeing her everyday." He choked out.
The tears were now freely fall.
He couldn't keep talking, he was crying to hard.
I wrapped him in a hug. He leaned down, burying his head in the crook of my neck. He squeezed my waist as he choked out a sob. I ran my fingers through his soft hair.
I never thought I'd ever see someone break down like this, especially not Caiden.
This day has been moving a little too fast fir my liking.
But I guess you don't always get what you want.
I felt a few of y tears slip out.
Great, I'm crying.
We stood there for what felt like forever.
I never wanted to let go of him, even though he had regained his composure.
"Sorry." He mumbled, looking away.
"Don't be." I squeezed his arm.
He just kept looking at the ground, but he grabbed my hand with both of his and held it tight.
"Guys," I heard a voice behind us say. "What are you doing?"
It was Ayla.
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