18: Irrationaly Upset
Why did he kiss me?
He was drunk. He didn't know what he was doing.
Yeah that's it. He was probably horny and drunk and that's why he kissed me. He didn't know any better.
He probably won't even remember it happened.
Besides I have more important things to worry about.
Like Ayla. And I have work this afternoon too.
I walked down to the kitchen, and was greeted by Case.
"Did you just wake up?" He raised his brows.
"Yeah." I muttered throwing my hair up in a messy bun.
"It's twelve-thirty."
"I know." I stated dryly as I grabbed some strawberries and raspberries from the fridge.
"How late were you up last night?" I knew he was concerned for me, but I wasn't in the mood for his interrogations.
I put some yogurt, and fruits in the blender. I pressed blend, so he couldn't ask me anymore questions.
I poured the drink in a cup, and headed back up the stairs.
I really didn't want to see Caiden today.
Well I did want to see him.
But I didn't.
He made things really awkward.
I sipped the delicious drink, and stared at my wall.
Pinching the bridge of my nose I sigh heavily.
He lives in the same house as me. I'm going to have to face him eventually.
But I just don't wanna today.
I quickly finished my breakfast before running down the stairs and washing my dishes and running back up the stairs.
I decided that I needed a long shower.
You know, those kinds of showers where you just stand there a do absolutely nothing for two hours?
Yeah I need one of those.
Turning on the water, I stripped out of my clothes and jumped in the shower.
The water was burning hot. Just how I liked it.
I closed my eyes to think. But all I saw Caiden's face.
The look of disappointment and the hurt that flashed in his eyes when I ran away from him.
God there's no way he was upset when I ran away after we kissed.
My heart hurt at the thought of making him upset.
Shaking my head I shifted my thoughts to Ayla.
If she tell her parents and they kick her out, where is she going to stay? I mean I'd let her stay at my house, but she'd need to find a permanent place.
And there's a very good chance that Kade isn't going to be the happiest when he finds out either.
I'm just surprised that Kassie hasn't beaten the shit out of him for messing around with her best friend.
I can't imagine what it'd be like to have a kid now. Poor Ayla.
As I washed my hair, my thoughts shifted again.
This time to Kent.
Why hadn't I felt bad when I made out with that Liam guy?
Why wasn't I mourning the loss of our relationship?
And why didn't it feel bad when I dumped him?
When Brogan cheated one me I cried for weeks.
I couldn't even look at another attractive guy without feeling guilty.
It took months to get over him.
But I loved Brogan.
And I didn't love Kent.
"Okay," Kassie slammed her hands down on the counter. "I'm here. Spill."
I sigh, adjusting the name tag on my hat.
"So after you and Ayla left last night," I ducked down under the counter and grabbed some candy.
"I stayed up and made myself some tea so could fall asleep." I put the bags of treats in the glass display.
"Caiden came home completely wasted. Since he helped take care of me when I was hammered I decided to help him. I tried to get him downstairs to his room." I walked over to the food counter, and sprayed it with some cleaner.
Kassie followed me.
"Then he just kissed me."
"He kissed you?" She said a little to loud.
My eyes widened and I shushed her.
But it was too late. Brogan turned his head and looked at me. Then went back to filling the popcorn machine.
"Sorry." She cringed.
"It's okay," I sigh. "I just don't want everyone to hear. Especially not Brogan."
I glanced over at my coworker who was now sipping on a bottle of water and on his phone.
"But yeah, he just leaned down and kissed me."
"Did you kiss him back?"
"No," I leaned my elbows on the counter and put my head in my hands. "It happed way too fast and I wasn't expecting it."
"So would you have kissed him if it didn't happen too fast?"
"Well I'm not sure, probably, maybe, no, I- I'm not sure. I might've. But maybe not."
A smirk was spreading over her rosy lips.
"If he just walked up and kissed you would you kiss him back?"
"I wanna say no, but I most likely would." I admitted.
"But the thing is I don't want him to kiss me again." That was a lie.
I did want him to kiss me.
"But if he did I'd kiss him back."
"Interesting." She said slowly. "So, tell me about the kiss."
"What do you mean?"
"Like was it slow? Did he bite your lip? Was he a good kisser?"
Did she really need to ask that last question? It's Caiden Cummings for fucks sake. Of course he was a good kisser. And he's probably good at more than just kissing.
"He had his hands on my hips, but he didn't really garb to hard. He leaned down and kissed me. It was like soft and gentle. Sorta like he was hesitant. Our lips barley touched. Then he pulled away and leaned his chin on my shoulder. Then I pushed him off of me and ran up the stairs."
"Hmm." Kass analyzed what I had told her for a moment.
"I'm obviously not a guy, but I'm pretty sure I know how they think."
I gave her a skeptical look.
"Okay sorta. I sorta might know how they think."
"Whatever you say." I muttered, standing up straight.
"He probably really wanted to kiss you but he wasn't sure if he should. That's why he barely kissed you. Then when you didn't kiss back he pulled away."
"Maybe. But I'm pretty sure he was drunk and wasn't thinking straight."
Deep down I wanted to believe Kassie. But I thought my explanation was more likely.
"A drunk man's actions are a sober man's thoughts. Just think about." She waved me off.
She didn't need to tell me to think of it, I had been all day.
"I gotta go, but I'll see ya on Monday?"
"Yep." I nodded waving bye to her.
"What was that about?" Brogan questioned, as he walked past me.
"God Brogan, can't you keep out of other people's business?" I was too exhausted to deal with him.
"It's kinda hard not to hear you when you and Kassie are parading around the fact that you hooked up with some dude last night."
"First of all, were you seriously listening to my conversation? Second I didn't hook up with some dude. And if I did it wouldn't be any of your business."
"Whatever." He grumbled.
Why couldn't he just leave me alone?
A/N: We're already more than halfway through this book. 18 out of 24 chapters done! Hope this chapter wasn't too boring for you guys. Next one will have more action, promise.
~Grace 🍒
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