15: Far From Home
Pushing my white comforter off I rolled out of bed.
It wasn't a great time in the morning to have to get up.
The only light seeping through my curtains was from the street lights outside. Tough the moon supplied enough light for me to see my hand in front of my face.
I stumbled towards the light switch, and flipped it on.
Blinking a few times, waiting for my eyes to adjust. I quickly dressed in my cheer hoodie and a pair of lulu lemon leggings.
I unplugged my phone and shoved the charger in my duffel bag.
I padded down the stairs and into the kitchen.
Caiden sat at the table, hunched over a bowl of mini wheats, staring at his phone.
I opened the cupboard and reached up for a cereal bar.
I munched on that while i made some coffee in the keurig.
Turning on my phone I was disappointed to see that I didn't have my usual 'good morning' text from Kent.
Although I wasn't really expecting one. I wouldn't be saying good morning to someone if they dumped me.
God I feel like a terrible human being.
I rested my elbows on the counter, and put my head in my hands. Rubbing my eyes I stood up straight.
I realized that Caiden was looking at me.
"Y'okay?" He raised his brows in concern.
"Yeah," I breathed. "Just uh tired you know?"
I knew he saw right through my lie but, he just nodded and went along with it.
"Yeah it's like four in the morning." He said as he walked to the sink and began washing his dishes.
"It'll be worth it when we win the game today though." I said putting a small amount of creamer in my coffee.
I practically chugged the drink as I shoved my cheer stuff and homework in my bag, put my hair up in a messy bun, and put my shoes on.
I was definitely not in the mood for makeup until later.
On my way to school I made a detour to get Starbucks and to pick up Kassie, Kade, and Ayla.
The twins bickered the whole way there, about how the cheerleaders were just as important in a game as the football players.
It was way to early for this sorta thing, but if I had to pick a side in the argument it would be Kade's.
I love Kassie to pieces, but you can't have a football game without the players.
I parked the car and we all climbed out.
After we shoved all our bags in the back of the bus, Kade broke off from the group to his friends.
Kent stood by the back of the bus helping a group of cheerleaders get their stuff on the bus.
He wasn't flirting with them or anything, but that sight made me very upset.
"I hate to interrupt Ashlyn's moment of staring at Kent, but I really don't feel good." Ayla spoke quietly.
"What do you mean babe?" Kassie asked, putting her arm around the small girl.
I reached for her hand and held it, waiting for her response.
"Like my stomach feels upset. It has been for like the past few days, but like I thought I was getting better."
"Are you sure it's not just period cramps?" I asked her."
This question caused her to pause and think for a moment. Then she squeezed tightly on my hand.
"Oh gosh." He whispered.
"What?" Kassie and I said in unison.
"I think I'm late. I haven't gotten my period yet." She was staring straight ahead at nothing in particular.
"Hey, it's fine you're probably gonna get it soon." Kassie hugged her.
"Yeah," Ayla nodded. "Probably."
"Attention everyone." The football coach yelled, causing our conversations to cease. "We're gonna get everyone on the bus and then do attendance."
I followed the crowd of people onto the bus. Kassie and Ayla sat next to each other, near the front, and I sat across from them.
I assumed that I would be sitting alone, but Caiden stood over me.
"Mind if I sit?" He asked.
"Yeah sure." I slid over to the window seat, to make room for him.
He sat down and tipped his head back, closing his eyes.
The lights on the inside of the bus barley served their purpose.
This fact was proven by the way Coach squinted at the attendance sheet on the clipboard.
A little while after we had left the school, I decided to do my makeup.
I thought Caiden had fallen asleep. His eyes were shut, head tipped back, earbuds in, and was breathing slowly.
I started on my foundation, then filling in my eyebrows.
I felt someone's eyes burning in to me.
I looked to my right, realizing that Caiden had one of his eyes open.
I stopped what I was doing, and titled my head at him.
"You don't need make y'know. You're beautiful without it." He said before closing his eyes again.
The sun had risen a few hours ago, and orange and pink light had flooded through the large windows.
Most of the people who had fallen asleep at the beginning of the ride were now awake.
Chatter filled the small space, and people were goofing off in the isle.
We were about 10 minutes away from San Diego and half an hour from the hotel.
I had never been to San Diego before. Most of my family trips were to places further away. Like Hawaii, Barcelona, New York, and cruises.
The city very closely resembled Angel Woods. With it's tall sky scrapers, large freeways, and mass amounts of traffic.
The bus driver eventually stopped in front of the Marriot, and everyone flooded to get out and to their rooms.
"He actually said that to you?" Kassie whispered to me as we idled in the lobby.
I had texted her and Ayla about what Caiden told me earlier.
"Yeah, he did."
"What if he's trying to make a move on you since you and Kent are done now?" Ayla guessed.
Reminding me of Kent sorta made my mood drop, but I know it wasn't Ayla's intention, so I tried to hide it.
"I don't think so." I told them.
"All right everyone," Coach bellowed, gathering the attention of many more than just us students. "Let's figure out who's in what room."
He made his way down the list, starting with Caiden, Corbin, and Kent. Until eventually making his way to mine, Kassie, and Ayla's names.
We collected our room keys and lugged our bags to the room.
"Ayla, y'okay babe?" Kassie and and I were standing outside the bathroom door of our hotel room.
Ayla only grunted as a reply. She had been puking her guts out for the past five minutes.
"Can we come in?" I asked in a soft and quiet tone.
"Yes." She croaked out.
We slowly opened the door, to see our best friend slumped over the toilet, her knuckles white from the death grip she had on the toilet seat.
I gathered her soft hair in my hand and held it up for her. And held her hand. Her acrylic nails digging into my flesh.
"Oh sweetie." I murmured, playing with her hair.
"I feel so terrible. And disgusting." She grumbled, flushing the toilet and wiping her mouth.
"Maybe, um you should skip the game tonight, and rest." I suggested.
She seemed upset and hesitant, but after a moment she nodded.
Just another chapter. Happy Wednesday BTW.
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