10: Patience
"Do you have to work tonight?" Ayla asked as she locked her locker.
"Nope." I shook my head, my blonde curls bouncing. "And I'm glad because I don't want to deal with Brogan."
"You know, " Kassie gave me a pointed look. "You're gonna have to learn to deal with him. You can't just dread going to work every day."
"I know." I groaned. "But today I just know I wouldn't be able to stand him."
My friends nodded in understanding. They knew what kind of person he was when he was in a bad mood.
And he definitely didn't look like he was in a good mood when I saw him in math today.
He wouldn't really talk to anyone, but that happens lots.
"So are you doing anything after cheer?"
A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, and I couldn't help it.
"Kent's coming over and we're gonna do homework." My face turned a light shade of pink, and I looked down at my feet.
"Oooh," Ayla bumped my shoulder with her's. "Someone's having fun tonight."
Kassie raised her eyebrows at me, and smirked.
"What? Were just doing homework." I shrugged.
"Mmhhhm." Kassie hummed as we pushed open the doors to the outdoor locker room.
I ignored her, walking over to my locker and entering the combination. I yanked out my Under Armor bag.
I started changing in to my cheer uniform, but then I realized that the bruise on my collarbone was clearly visible.
Wow. You didn't think that one through, did you Ashlyn?
I tried adjusting the clothing, but it was no use.
"What the hell are you doing?" Ayla knit her brows, scanning me up and down.
I simply pointed at the bruise, and she caught on. A small smirk spread across her lips, and I smacked her arm.
"This isn't funny."
"Here." She said laughing, as she pulled concealer from her locker.
I applied the makeup, giving my best effort to to hide the dark spot. It sort of worked, but that was the best I could do.
Sighing, I threw my hair up in a ponytail, and headed outside with the rest of the girls.
Practice went as usual, we stood on the sidelines of the football field, and worked on routines for the up and coming game. Then we took a water break, while watching the football team practice.
After changing and biding a goodbye to my friends, I stood by the chain link fence. Patiently waiting for Kent.
Nothing on my phone seemed interesting enough, so I occupied myself by chipping away the pink nail polish on my thumb.
I'd probably want to paint them again for the next game. Manicured hands always boosted my confidence. And Kassie was really good at nail art. Ayla and I always bug her to paint them for us.
"Hey," A voice brought me back from my thoughts. "Sorry to keep you waiting."
Kent's brown curls were slightly flattened, and damp. They stuck to his forehead. His Vans shirt was tight on his chest and biceps, revealing his large muscles. His Jansport bag and football bag slung over each shoulder.
"It's okay, I wasn't here for long." I smiled, pushing myself off the fence, and leading the way through the parking lot.
"You guys ready for the game coming up?" I asked sliding in to my seat.
"Yeah," Kent heaved his heavy bags on to the back seat, "I sure as hell hope so. Coach might flip his shit if we don't play well." He clicked his seatbelt, as I jammed the keys in the ignition.
Pulling out of the student parking lot, I continued the conversation.
"Yeah it looked like you guys were working really hard."
"What, were you watching?" Kent raised a brow, obviously amused.
Pink blush crept up my cheeks. I kept my eyes trained on the freeway.
Kent thought I was watching him practice. I was, but I was mostly watching Caiden.
I couldn't really help it. No matter what I tried, my eyes wandered over to the blonde boy. The one with piercing eyes, and mysterious tattoos.
"Maybe." I replied in a sing-song voice.
"Well if I had known that you would be watching, I would've put on a show."
A sarcastic smirk formed on my face.
"Oh yeah? What kinda show?"
"You'll find out at the game" He winked.
I giggled, rolling my eyes as he chuckled lightly.
Turning in to my driveway I spotted Caiden's Hummer parked in it's, now usual spot.
Wow. He got out of practice fast, if he managed to beat me home.
Kent and I stepped out of the vehicle and got our bags from the back.
The front door was already unlocked. Stepping through the entry way I noticed someone sitting on my couch.
Someone I really wish wasn't sitting in my living room right then.
Her curly black hair was pulled in to a high ponytail, and her makeup looked amazing.
She sat on Caiden's lap, his large biceps wrapped around her.
Brigette shot me an ice cold stare, as I stood in the entryway, but her expression quickly changed when she noticed Kent.
Wanting to get away from her as fast as possible, I lead Kent upstairs and to my room.
"I have a question." Kent stated, breaking the silence.
"Shoot." I pointed my pencil at him.
"What exactly do you look for in guy?"
I wonder how long this question has been bouncing around his head. Or is he the kind of person that just ask a question the minute he thinks of it?
"I'm not exactly sure. I don't really have a type." I now tapped the pencil on my chin, poking out my bottom lip.
"Okay. What do you look for in a relationship?"
"Trust, loyalty, honesty, support , the generals." I supplied.
"Anything specific?"
I though for a moment. "I really like it when guys come up behind me and give me hugs. And when a guy can be real with me. Like if I ask him for advice I want him to be honest, not just say things he thinks will make me happy. What about you?"
"Well my type of girl would be exactly like you. Except you're more perfect than ever."
He smirk caused me to giggle and look away.
I looked down at my lap, and he pushed a strand of hair behind my ear.
Taking my chin in his fingers he lifted it and kissed me.
It was slow, and sweet.
But I wanted more.
I shoved my lips against his, and grabbed his shirt in my fist.
Letting Kent slip his tongue in my mouth I wrestled with him, where inevitably, he won.
I pushed him down and started kissing his neck and collarbone bone, before helping him pull his shirt off.
I traced my hand down his toned chest and nibbled at his neck.
The groan that came from the back of his throat made me smirk.
As I moved my mouth down his body, another groan escaped his lips.
But then a buzz came from his pants pocket.
We both tried to ignore it, as I proceeded to unzip his pants.
But it just kept ringing.
Kent sigh and answered the phone.
He talked for few moments before hanging up, and putting his shirt on, and fixing his jeans.
"It's my mom." He said. "I'm sorry but I gotta go."
I stood up and wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on my tippy toes.
"You can't stay for like five more minutes? I can make it quick." I whined, sticking out my bottom lip.
"Mmm, I wish I could baby. Because you know I want to."
"Then why don't you? It won't take that long."
"I seriously have to go. I'm really sorry."
He gave me a peck on the forehead, and gathered his things.
"Do you need a ride?" I questioned.
"No, I'm good, but I appreciate it." He smiled, then kissed me and ran down the stairs and out the door.
I sauntered down the stairs and noticed that Caiden was also alone now.
"Just saw Kent run out." Caiden spoke. "Did you scare him?"
I rolled my eyes, a smile grazing my lips.
"No, his mom called and he had to go."
At this statement, Caiden smile immediately faded and he looked away.
Hey guys. I know this isn't a great cliffhanger, but I'm trying my best. Hope you enjoyed nevertheless, and I hope you're excited for the next update.
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