1: The Ride Home
Here's the trailer for the book. Tell me what y'all think.
-Grace 🍒
The bright, florescent lights burned my retinas. The sounds of the loud cheering from the stands, made my eardrums ring. And all the eyes that were trained on me as I stood in the centre of the field, gave me goosebumps.
But I loved it.
The adrenaline pumped viscously through my veins.
I took one deep, calming breath.
Then I pushed off the ground, doing a series of hand springs across the plastic grass.
I stuck the landing, throwing my hands up in the air, wiggling my maroon, black, and white, pompoms.
I rushed over to the back of the pyramid of girls, just in time for Kassie Jenkins, and one of my other teammates to launch me into the air. I spun around several times before the girls caught me. They threw me up into the night sky, and I flung myself forward, in a front flip motion. I landed on my feet, and the rest of the team and I ran off the field.
Applause thundered in the cool night air.
I inhaled a deep breath, and smiled.
I loved the feeling.
And I could never get used to it.
"That was amazing girls." I smiled. "Now take a quick breather, and let's get back out there to cheer on the team."
The rest of the team smiled and gave each other high-fives.
I reached over for my water bottle that was laying in the real grass. Taking a few small sips to quench my thirst.
"So, any plans for after the game?" My best friend Kassie asked, nudging me with her shoulder. A smirk tugged at her lips.
I knew exactly what she was thinking, and there was no way in hell I was gonna do what she wanted me to.
"Yeah actually. I'm gonna go home and take a relaxing bath." I replied, smiling innocently.
"Aww, come on Lyn." The brunette whined. "Don't be a party pooper. Come to the afterparty. Please?" She stuck her bottom lip out, and gave me puppy dog eyes.
"Not gonna work." I Informed her, crossing my arms over my chest.
After another moment of holding her pouty face, Kassie threw her arms up in the air.
"Ugh, this only ever works when Ayla is here too." She cried.
As if on cue, the petite blonde bounced over to us.
"Guess what!" She said, in her usual, bubbly tone.
"What?" Kassie and I asked in unison.
"Kyle Montgomery is throwing the party tonight!" She explained, excitedly.
Kyle Montgomery always threw the best parties. They were always over the top. And no matter what, something interesting always went down at them.
Kassie turned to face me. "Okay, now you really have to go. Kyle's parties are always the best. You can't miss this one."
I sigh, as both of my best fiends gave me puppy dog eyes
"Fine," I groaned. "I'll go to the stupid party."
The two girls grabbed on to me tightly.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" They exclaimed.
"Uh huh." I hummed, still slightly annoyed.
"Okay, girls lets get back out there." I called, motion towards the field.
We all ran on to the side lines and got in to formation. The game had just started back up again, so we were just on time.
"Ready?" I turned to my team, and they nodded. "Go!"
The base of the loud music shook the ground beneath my feet. Lights flashed from the direction of the house.
We were more than a block away from the building, but drunken teenager stumbled down the street.
We had to park so far away, because it was the closest we could get.
I glanced down at the time on my phone. 11:47 PM.
We took some time after the game to shower and do our makeup. It was actually a bit of a challenge, considering we had to do it in the school change room, and we had a limited makeup supply.
I shoved the device into the back pocket of my tight, dark-wash jeans.
The pants matched my maroon tube-top and checkered slip-on Vans.
Our feet padded rhythmically on the perfect black asphalt. With every step, the approaching house grew larger, and larger.
"Dang," Kassie murmured, her eyes growing at the sight of the out of control party. "This is gonna be quite the night."
Ayla Carters nodded, her amber eyes still locked on the entrance of the mansion.
"Am I gonna regret coming here tonight?" I raised a brow, sceptically, at them.
"Oh no. No you're not." Ayla reassured me. resting her hands on my bare shoulders. "We'll make sure you have an amazing night." She shook me lightly.
We continued up the paved driveway towards the large door.
Several of the hockey guys stood on the front porch, red solo cups in hand.
One of them said something, and the rest of them erupted with deep, bellowing laughter.
Just before Kassie could reach for the doorknob one of the guys - Heath Wyatt, a defence-man - called out to us.
"I don't know much about cheerleading, but you girls, looked great out there." He sent us a charming smile.
"Thanks," I giggled, stepping through the red door.
The music was much louder inside. The atmosphere was completely different then outside.
I stood, still, for a moment, scanning the room.
The living room was made into a makeshift dance floor. Someone was playing COD on the sixty inch flatscreen. Through the the sea of sweaty bodies was the kitchen. On the island sat two large beer kegs, and several plastic cups.
I began to push my way through the crowd, holding hands with my two friends.
A girl that was dancing with some other girls bummed in to Kassie, accidentally spilling her drink on her.
"Oh, my gosh." The thin brunette exclaimed, turning towards us. "I'm so sorry."
I studied the damage done to Kassie's halter top. It was minor, a small spill on her chest.
"It's okay," Kassie reassured her. "It was an accident."
"Lets go get you cleaned up." Ayla suggested, stepping in front of me to guide Kassie by the elbow to the washroom. "Get us some drinks please!" She called over her shoulder.
I nodded, continuing on my way to the kitchen.
Once I reached the kegs I noticed a familiar face.
Kade Johnston stood near the sink talking to a short redhead. He shot me a smile over the shoulder of the girl, before saying bye to her and stepping towards me.
"Hey," He leaned his left hand on the counter for support. "Where are the other two?" His brows knitted in confusion.
"They went to the bathroom." I replied, reaching for a plastic cup from the large stack next to me.
"Why aren't you with them? Don't girls like travel in packs or something?"
I rolled my eyes at this. Yes it was true, but since when do guys care?
"Ive been assigned drink duty." I explained, proceeding to fill up the three vessels.
"Ahh." He nodded.
His green eyes shimmered in the bright kitchen lights. It was very easy to tell that him and Kassie were twins. Everything about them was the same. From their eyes, to their noses, to the light dusting of freckles across their cheeks. The only difference was that Kade had a wider set jaw, and Kassie had a more slender face.
"See, I told you she would be here." Kassie said to Ayla as they approached us. Ayla rolled her eyes, silently mimicking her.
Kade let out a deep chuckle and I stifled a laugh.
I handed them their drinks and they both took long sips.
"What are you two fighting about now?" I questioned, leaning back on the island.
"Oh nothing mom." Kassie joked, taking another slurp of her beer.
I didn't answer her, I just gave her a look. She got the message.
"Ashlyn Scott?" I turned in the direction of the voice.
Behind me stood Kent Langsten.
"Hey Kent." I smiled, as he made his way towards me.
"I didn't expect to see you at a party like this." He commented.
I giggled. "Well, you see, I didn't really have much of a choice. Ayla and Kassie dragged me here."
He laughed lightly. His whole body shook when he did. His blonde hair stood up straight, and the hood of his grey Adidas hoodie was half on his head. His blue eyes looked straight into mine.
I noticed, stumbling towards him, was an obviously drunk, Caiden Cummings.
Caiden five-stared Kent, and laughed loudly.
"Hey man." Kent greeted, tossing him a small smile.
"I'm going home." Caiden announced, slurring his words. "Need a ride?" He proceeded to pull a pair of car keys out of his jean pocket.
I shot Kent a worried, wide eyed glance.
"Umm, I don't think you should be driving dude." Kent seemed equally as scared.
"Im fine." Caiden said, not so reassuringly.
"I'll drive you home." I quickly offered. There was no way I was going to let someone drive impaired.
His eyes narrowed and he scanned me over.
He said nothing for a few moments. Studying me with his grey eyes.
"Fine." He hesitantly handed me the keys.
Kent eyed the drink in my hand.
"It's okay, I've only had like three sips." I said.
He nodded solemnly.
I followed behind Caiden like a lost puppy as he guided me though the house and to his car.
"This is it." He slammed his hand down on the hood of a sleek, black, Hummer h3.
He flung himself into the passenger seat, and I climbed into the driver's seat
"Where do you live?" I asked, starting the engine.
"23 Queens Gate." He said after a moment.
That's not far from here. Thank God.
I pulled on to the road and started in the direction of his house. The first few minutes of the drive were silent. But when I heard the hum from the radio of a familiar song, I turned up the volume slightly.
Caiden shot me a glance, his eyes lingering on my fingers that were rested on the dial for a moment, before looking back out the window.
"It's a quarter past midnight as we cut through the city, the streets are getting restless, good times bad decisions." Bastille's voice crackled through the speakers.
I turned in to the driveway of Caiden's home, and parked the vehicle.
"You can drive home," He mumbled stepping out. "I'll just pick it up tomorrow."
I hadn't really thought that through. Getting home that was.
"Thanks." I smiled, but it was too late, he had already slammed the door shut.
I sat there, momentarily listening to the song humming through the car.
"This is my favourite part oh. Help me piece it all together darling. Before it falls apart oh. Help me piece it all together."
Never did I think I'd be asking someone to help me piece my life together, while I was piecing together theirs.
So this is my first chapter, I worked really hard on making it as perfect as I could. I'm really proud of it. But what do you guys think? Anyways, thanks for reading.
- Grace 🍒
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